/* * Copyright (c) 1997-2007 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * @page krb5_principal_intro The principal handing functions. * * A Kerberos principal is a email address looking string that * contains to parts separeted by a @. The later part is the kerbero * realm the principal belongs to and the former is a list of 0 or * more components. For example * @verbatim lha@SU.SE host/hummel.it.su.se@SU.SE host/admin@H5L.ORG @endverbatim * * See the library functions here: @ref krb5_principal */ #include "krb5_locl.h" #ifdef HAVE_RES_SEARCH #define USE_RESOLVER #endif #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_NAMESER_H #include <arpa/nameser.h> #endif #include <fnmatch.h> #include "resolve.h" #define princ_num_comp(P) ((P)->name.name_string.len) #define princ_type(P) ((P)->name.name_type) #define princ_comp(P) ((P)->name.name_string.val) #define princ_ncomp(P, N) ((P)->name.name_string.val[(N)]) #define princ_realm(P) ((P)->realm) /** * Frees a Kerberos principal allocated by the library with * krb5_parse_name(), krb5_make_principal() or any other related * principal functions. * * @param context A Kerberos context. * @param p a principal to free. * * @return An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message(). * * @ingroup krb5_principal */ void KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_free_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_principal p) { if(p){ free_Principal(p); free(p); } } /** * Set the type of the principal * * @param context A Kerberos context. * @param principal principal to set the type for * @param type the new type * * @return An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message(). * * @ingroup krb5_principal */ void KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_set_type(krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, int type) { princ_type(principal) = type; } int KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_get_type(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal) { return princ_type(principal); } const char* KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_get_realm(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal) { return princ_realm(principal); } const char* KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_get_comp_string(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, unsigned int component) { if(component >= princ_num_comp(principal)) return NULL; return princ_ncomp(principal, component); } /** * Get number of component is principal. * * @param context Kerberos 5 context * @param principal principal to query * * @return number of components in string * * @ingroup krb5_principal */ unsigned int KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_get_num_comp(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal) { return princ_num_comp(principal); } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_parse_name_flags(krb5_context context, const char *name, int flags, krb5_principal *principal) { krb5_error_code ret; heim_general_string *comp; heim_general_string realm = NULL; int ncomp; const char *p; char *q; char *s; char *start; int n; char c; int got_realm = 0; int first_at = 1; int enterprise = (flags & KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_ENTERPRISE); *principal = NULL; #define RFLAGS (KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_NO_REALM|KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_REQUIRE_REALM) if ((flags & RFLAGS) == RFLAGS) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_ERR_NO_SERVICE, N_("Can't require both realm and " "no realm at the same time", "")); return KRB5_ERR_NO_SERVICE; } #undef RFLAGS /* count number of component, * enterprise names only have one component */ ncomp = 1; if (!enterprise) { for(p = name; *p; p++){ if(*p=='\\'){ if(!p[1]) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED, N_("trailing \\ in principal name", "")); return KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; } p++; } else if(*p == '/') ncomp++; else if(*p == '@') break; } } comp = calloc(ncomp, sizeof(*comp)); if (comp == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } n = 0; p = start = q = s = strdup(name); if (start == NULL) { free (comp); krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } while(*p){ c = *p++; if(c == '\\'){ c = *p++; if(c == 'n') c = '\n'; else if(c == 't') c = '\t'; else if(c == 'b') c = '\b'; else if(c == '0') c = '\0'; else if(c == '\0') { ret = KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("trailing \\ in principal name", "")); goto exit; } }else if(enterprise && first_at) { if (c == '@') first_at = 0; }else if((c == '/' && !enterprise) || c == '@'){ if(got_realm){ ret = KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("part after realm in principal name", "")); goto exit; }else{ comp[n] = malloc(q - start + 1); if (comp[n] == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); goto exit; } memcpy(comp[n], start, q - start); comp[n][q - start] = 0; n++; } if(c == '@') got_realm = 1; start = q; continue; } if(got_realm && (c == '/' || c == '\0')) { ret = KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("part after realm in principal name", "")); goto exit; } *q++ = c; } if(got_realm){ if (flags & KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_NO_REALM) { ret = KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("realm found in 'short' principal " "expected to be without one", "")); goto exit; } realm = malloc(q - start + 1); if (realm == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); goto exit; } memcpy(realm, start, q - start); realm[q - start] = 0; }else{ if (flags & KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_REQUIRE_REALM) { ret = KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("realm NOT found in principal " "expected to be with one", "")); goto exit; } else if (flags & KRB5_PRINCIPAL_PARSE_NO_REALM) { realm = NULL; } else { ret = krb5_get_default_realm (context, &realm); if (ret) goto exit; } comp[n] = malloc(q - start + 1); if (comp[n] == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); goto exit; } memcpy(comp[n], start, q - start); comp[n][q - start] = 0; n++; } *principal = malloc(sizeof(**principal)); if (*principal == NULL) { ret = ENOMEM; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); goto exit; } if (enterprise) (*principal)->name.name_type = KRB5_NT_ENTERPRISE_PRINCIPAL; else (*principal)->name.name_type = KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL; (*principal)->name.name_string.val = comp; princ_num_comp(*principal) = n; (*principal)->realm = realm; free(s); return 0; exit: while(n>0){ free(comp[--n]); } free(comp); free(realm); free(s); return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_parse_name(krb5_context context, const char *name, krb5_principal *principal) { return krb5_parse_name_flags(context, name, 0, principal); } static const char quotable_chars[] = " \n\t\b\\/@"; static const char replace_chars[] = " ntb\\/@"; static const char nq_chars[] = " \\/@"; #define add_char(BASE, INDEX, LEN, C) do { if((INDEX) < (LEN)) (BASE)[(INDEX)++] = (C); }while(0); static size_t quote_string(const char *s, char *out, size_t idx, size_t len, int display) { const char *p, *q; for(p = s; *p && idx < len; p++){ q = strchr(quotable_chars, *p); if (q && display) { add_char(out, idx, len, replace_chars[q - quotable_chars]); } else if (q) { add_char(out, idx, len, '\\'); add_char(out, idx, len, replace_chars[q - quotable_chars]); }else add_char(out, idx, len, *p); } if(idx < len) out[idx] = '\0'; return idx; } static krb5_error_code unparse_name_fixed(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char *name, size_t len, int flags) { size_t idx = 0; int i; int short_form = (flags & KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_SHORT) != 0; int no_realm = (flags & KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_NO_REALM) != 0; int display = (flags & KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_DISPLAY) != 0; if (!no_realm && princ_realm(principal) == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ERANGE, N_("Realm missing from principal, " "can't unparse", "")); return ERANGE; } for(i = 0; i < princ_num_comp(principal); i++){ if(i) add_char(name, idx, len, '/'); idx = quote_string(princ_ncomp(principal, i), name, idx, len, display); if(idx == len) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ERANGE, N_("Out of space printing principal", "")); return ERANGE; } } /* add realm if different from default realm */ if(short_form && !no_realm) { krb5_realm r; krb5_error_code ret; ret = krb5_get_default_realm(context, &r); if(ret) return ret; if(strcmp(princ_realm(principal), r) != 0) short_form = 0; free(r); } if(!short_form && !no_realm) { add_char(name, idx, len, '@'); idx = quote_string(princ_realm(principal), name, idx, len, display); if(idx == len) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ERANGE, N_("Out of space printing " "realm of principal", "")); return ERANGE; } } return 0; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_unparse_name_fixed(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char *name, size_t len) { return unparse_name_fixed(context, principal, name, len, 0); } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_unparse_name_fixed_short(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char *name, size_t len) { return unparse_name_fixed(context, principal, name, len, KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_SHORT); } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_unparse_name_fixed_flags(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, int flags, char *name, size_t len) { return unparse_name_fixed(context, principal, name, len, flags); } static krb5_error_code unparse_name(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char **name, int flags) { size_t len = 0, plen; int i; krb5_error_code ret; /* count length */ if (princ_realm(principal)) { plen = strlen(princ_realm(principal)); if(strcspn(princ_realm(principal), quotable_chars) == plen) len += plen; else len += 2*plen; len++; /* '@' */ } for(i = 0; i < princ_num_comp(principal); i++){ plen = strlen(princ_ncomp(principal, i)); if(strcspn(princ_ncomp(principal, i), quotable_chars) == plen) len += plen; else len += 2*plen; len++; } len++; /* '\0' */ *name = malloc(len); if(*name == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } ret = unparse_name_fixed(context, principal, *name, len, flags); if(ret) { free(*name); *name = NULL; } return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_unparse_name(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char **name) { return unparse_name(context, principal, name, 0); } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_unparse_name_flags(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, int flags, char **name) { return unparse_name(context, principal, name, flags); } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_unparse_name_short(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char **name) { return unparse_name(context, principal, name, KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_SHORT); } #if 0 /* not implemented */ krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_unparse_name_ext(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char **name, size_t *size) { krb5_abortx(context, "unimplemented krb5_unparse_name_ext called"); } #endif krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_set_realm(krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, krb5_const_realm realm) { if (princ_realm(principal)) free(princ_realm(principal)); princ_realm(principal) = strdup(realm); if (princ_realm(principal) == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } return 0; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_build_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, int rlen, krb5_const_realm realm, ...) { krb5_error_code ret; va_list ap; va_start(ap, realm); ret = krb5_build_principal_va(context, principal, rlen, realm, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } static krb5_error_code append_component(krb5_context context, krb5_principal p, const char *comp, size_t comp_len) { heim_general_string *tmp; size_t len = princ_num_comp(p); tmp = realloc(princ_comp(p), (len + 1) * sizeof(*tmp)); if(tmp == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } princ_comp(p) = tmp; princ_ncomp(p, len) = malloc(comp_len + 1); if (princ_ncomp(p, len) == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } memcpy (princ_ncomp(p, len), comp, comp_len); princ_ncomp(p, len)[comp_len] = '\0'; princ_num_comp(p)++; return 0; } static void va_ext_princ(krb5_context context, krb5_principal p, va_list ap) { while(1){ const char *s; int len; len = va_arg(ap, int); if(len == 0) break; s = va_arg(ap, const char*); append_component(context, p, s, len); } } static void va_princ(krb5_context context, krb5_principal p, va_list ap) { while(1){ const char *s; s = va_arg(ap, const char*); if(s == NULL) break; append_component(context, p, s, strlen(s)); } } static krb5_error_code build_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, int rlen, krb5_const_realm realm, void (*func)(krb5_context, krb5_principal, va_list), va_list ap) { krb5_principal p; p = calloc(1, sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } princ_type(p) = KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL; princ_realm(p) = strdup(realm); if(p->realm == NULL){ free(p); krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } (*func)(context, p, ap); *principal = p; return 0; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_make_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, krb5_const_realm realm, ...) { krb5_error_code ret; krb5_realm r = NULL; va_list ap; if(realm == NULL) { ret = krb5_get_default_realm(context, &r); if(ret) return ret; realm = r; } va_start(ap, realm); ret = krb5_build_principal_va(context, principal, strlen(realm), realm, ap); va_end(ap); if(r) free(r); return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_build_principal_va(krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, int rlen, krb5_const_realm realm, va_list ap) { return build_principal(context, principal, rlen, realm, va_princ, ap); } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_build_principal_va_ext(krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, int rlen, krb5_const_realm realm, va_list ap) { return build_principal(context, principal, rlen, realm, va_ext_princ, ap); } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_build_principal_ext(krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, int rlen, krb5_const_realm realm, ...) { krb5_error_code ret; va_list ap; va_start(ap, realm); ret = krb5_build_principal_va_ext(context, principal, rlen, realm, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_copy_principal(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal inprinc, krb5_principal *outprinc) { krb5_principal p = malloc(sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } if(copy_Principal(inprinc, p)) { free(p); krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } *outprinc = p; return 0; } /* * return TRUE iff princ1 == princ2 (without considering the realm) */ krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_compare_any_realm(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2) { int i; if(princ_num_comp(princ1) != princ_num_comp(princ2)) return FALSE; for(i = 0; i < princ_num_comp(princ1); i++){ if(strcmp(princ_ncomp(princ1, i), princ_ncomp(princ2, i)) != 0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION _krb5_principal_compare_PrincipalName(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, PrincipalName *princ2) { int i; if (princ_num_comp(princ1) != princ2->name_string.len) return FALSE; for(i = 0; i < princ_num_comp(princ1); i++){ if(strcmp(princ_ncomp(princ1, i), princ2->name_string.val[i]) != 0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* * return TRUE iff princ1 == princ2 */ krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_compare(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2) { if(!krb5_realm_compare(context, princ1, princ2)) return FALSE; return krb5_principal_compare_any_realm(context, princ1, princ2); } /* * return TRUE iff realm(princ1) == realm(princ2) */ krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_realm_compare(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2) { return strcmp(princ_realm(princ1), princ_realm(princ2)) == 0; } /* * return TRUE iff princ matches pattern */ krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_match(krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ, krb5_const_principal pattern) { int i; if(princ_num_comp(princ) != princ_num_comp(pattern)) return FALSE; if(fnmatch(princ_realm(pattern), princ_realm(princ), 0) != 0) return FALSE; for(i = 0; i < princ_num_comp(princ); i++){ if(fnmatch(princ_ncomp(pattern, i), princ_ncomp(princ, i), 0) != 0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #if defined(KRB4) || !defined(HEIMDAL_SMALLER) static struct v4_name_convert { const char *from; const char *to; } default_v4_name_convert[] = { { "ftp", "ftp" }, { "hprop", "hprop" }, { "pop", "pop" }, { "imap", "imap" }, { "rcmd", "host" }, { "smtp", "smtp" }, { NULL, NULL } }; #endif #ifdef KRB4 /* * return the converted instance name of `name' in `realm'. * look in the configuration file and then in the default set above. * return NULL if no conversion is appropriate. */ static const char* get_name_conversion(krb5_context context, const char *realm, const char *name) { struct v4_name_convert *q; const char *p; p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "realms", realm, "v4_name_convert", "host", name, NULL); if(p == NULL) p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "libdefaults", "v4_name_convert", "host", name, NULL); if(p) return p; /* XXX should be possible to override default list */ p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "realms", realm, "v4_name_convert", "plain", name, NULL); if(p) return NULL; p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "libdefaults", "v4_name_convert", "plain", name, NULL); if(p) return NULL; for(q = default_v4_name_convert; q->from; q++) if(strcmp(q->from, name) == 0) return q->to; return NULL; } /* * convert the v4 principal `name.instance@realm' to a v5 principal in `princ'. * if `resolve', use DNS. * if `func', use that function for validating the conversion */ krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_425_conv_principal_ext2(krb5_context context, const char *name, const char *instance, const char *realm, krb5_boolean (*func)(krb5_context, void *, krb5_principal), void *funcctx, krb5_boolean resolve, krb5_principal *princ) { const char *p; krb5_error_code ret; krb5_principal pr; char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; char local_hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; /* do the following: if the name is found in the `v4_name_convert:host' part, is assumed to be a `host' type principal, and the instance is looked up in the `v4_instance_convert' part. if not found there the name is (optionally) looked up as a hostname, and if that doesn't yield anything, the `default_domain' is appended to the instance */ if(instance == NULL) goto no_host; if(instance[0] == 0){ instance = NULL; goto no_host; } p = get_name_conversion(context, realm, name); if(p == NULL) goto no_host; name = p; p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "realms", realm, "v4_instance_convert", instance, NULL); if(p){ instance = p; ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &pr, realm, name, instance, NULL); if (ret) return ret; if(func == NULL || (*func)(context, funcctx, pr)){ *princ = pr; return 0; } krb5_free_principal(context, pr); *princ = NULL; krb5_clear_error_message (context); return HEIM_ERR_V4_PRINC_NO_CONV; } if(resolve){ krb5_boolean passed = FALSE; char *inst = NULL; #ifdef USE_RESOLVER struct rk_dns_reply *r; r = rk_dns_lookup(instance, "aaaa"); if (r) { if (r->head && r->head->type == rk_ns_t_aaaa) { inst = strdup(r->head->domain); passed = TRUE; } rk_dns_free_data(r); } else { r = rk_dns_lookup(instance, "a"); if (r) { if(r->head && r->head->type == rk_ns_t_a) { inst = strdup(r->head->domain); passed = TRUE; } rk_dns_free_data(r); } } #else struct addrinfo hints, *ai; memset (&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; ret = getaddrinfo(instance, NULL, &hints, &ai); if (ret == 0) { const struct addrinfo *a; for (a = ai; a != NULL; a = a->ai_next) { if (a->ai_canonname != NULL) { inst = strdup (a->ai_canonname); passed = TRUE; break; } } freeaddrinfo (ai); } #endif if (passed) { if (inst == NULL) { krb5_set_error_message(context, ENOMEM, N_("malloc: out of memory", "")); return ENOMEM; } strlwr(inst); ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &pr, realm, name, inst, NULL); free (inst); if(ret == 0) { if(func == NULL || (*func)(context, funcctx, pr)){ *princ = pr; return 0; } krb5_free_principal(context, pr); } } } if(func != NULL) { snprintf(host, sizeof(host), "%s.%s", instance, realm); strlwr(host); ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &pr, realm, name, host, NULL); if (ret) return ret; if((*func)(context, funcctx, pr)){ *princ = pr; return 0; } krb5_free_principal(context, pr); } /* * if the instance is the first component of the local hostname, * the converted host should be the long hostname. */ if (func == NULL && gethostname (local_hostname, sizeof(local_hostname)) == 0 && strncmp(instance, local_hostname, strlen(instance)) == 0 && local_hostname[strlen(instance)] == '.') { strlcpy(host, local_hostname, sizeof(host)); goto local_host; } { char **domains, **d; domains = krb5_config_get_strings(context, NULL, "realms", realm, "v4_domains", NULL); for(d = domains; d && *d; d++){ snprintf(host, sizeof(host), "%s.%s", instance, *d); ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &pr, realm, name, host, NULL); if (ret) { krb5_config_free_strings(domains); return ret; } if(func == NULL || (*func)(context, funcctx, pr)){ *princ = pr; krb5_config_free_strings(domains); return 0; } krb5_free_principal(context, pr); } krb5_config_free_strings(domains); } p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "realms", realm, "default_domain", NULL); if(p == NULL){ /* this should be an error, just faking a name is not good */ krb5_clear_error_message (context); return HEIM_ERR_V4_PRINC_NO_CONV; } if (*p == '.') ++p; snprintf(host, sizeof(host), "%s.%s", instance, p); local_host: ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &pr, realm, name, host, NULL); if (ret) return ret; if(func == NULL || (*func)(context, funcctx, pr)){ *princ = pr; return 0; } krb5_free_principal(context, pr); krb5_clear_error_message (context); return HEIM_ERR_V4_PRINC_NO_CONV; no_host: p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "realms", realm, "v4_name_convert", "plain", name, NULL); if(p == NULL) p = krb5_config_get_string(context, NULL, "libdefaults", "v4_name_convert", "plain", name, NULL); if(p) name = p; ret = krb5_make_principal(context, &pr, realm, name, instance, NULL); if (ret) return ret; if(func == NULL || (*func)(context, funcctx, pr)){ *princ = pr; return 0; } krb5_free_principal(context, pr); krb5_clear_error_message (context); return HEIM_ERR_V4_PRINC_NO_CONV; } #endif /* KRB4 */ #ifndef HEIMDAL_SMALLER static int check_list(const krb5_config_binding *l, const char *name, const char **out) { while(l){ if (l->type != krb5_config_string) continue; if(strcmp(name, l->u.string) == 0) { *out = l->name; return 1; } l = l->next; } return 0; } static int name_convert(krb5_context context, const char *name, const char *realm, const char **out) { const krb5_config_binding *l; l = krb5_config_get_list (context, NULL, "realms", realm, "v4_name_convert", "host", NULL); if(l && check_list(l, name, out)) return KRB5_NT_SRV_HST; l = krb5_config_get_list (context, NULL, "libdefaults", "v4_name_convert", "host", NULL); if(l && check_list(l, name, out)) return KRB5_NT_SRV_HST; l = krb5_config_get_list (context, NULL, "realms", realm, "v4_name_convert", "plain", NULL); if(l && check_list(l, name, out)) return KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN; l = krb5_config_get_list (context, NULL, "libdefaults", "v4_name_convert", "host", NULL); if(l && check_list(l, name, out)) return KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN; /* didn't find it in config file, try built-in list */ #ifdef KRB4 { struct v4_name_convert *q; for(q = default_v4_name_convert; q->from; q++) { if(strcmp(name, q->to) == 0) { *out = q->from; return KRB5_NT_SRV_HST; } } } #endif return -1; } /* * convert the v5 principal in `principal' into a v4 corresponding one * in `name, instance, realm' * this is limited interface since there's no length given for these * three parameters. They have to be 40 bytes each (ANAME_SZ). */ krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_524_conv_principal(krb5_context context, const krb5_principal principal, char *name, char *instance, char *realm) { const char *n, *i, *r; char tmpinst[40]; int type = princ_type(principal); const int aname_sz = 40; r = principal->realm; switch(principal->name.name_string.len){ case 1: n = principal->name.name_string.val[0]; i = ""; break; case 2: n = principal->name.name_string.val[0]; i = principal->name.name_string.val[1]; break; default: krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED, N_("cannot convert a %d " "component principal", ""), principal->name.name_string.len); return KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; } { const char *tmp; int t = name_convert(context, n, r, &tmp); if(t >= 0) { type = t; n = tmp; } } if(type == KRB5_NT_SRV_HST){ char *p; strlcpy (tmpinst, i, sizeof(tmpinst)); p = strchr(tmpinst, '.'); if(p) *p = 0; i = tmpinst; } if (strlcpy (name, n, aname_sz) >= aname_sz) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED, N_("too long name component to convert", "")); return KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; } if (strlcpy (instance, i, aname_sz) >= aname_sz) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED, N_("too long instance component to convert", "")); return KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; } if (strlcpy (realm, r, aname_sz) >= aname_sz) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED, N_("too long realm component to convert", "")); return KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; } return 0; } #endif /* !HEIMDAL_SMALLER */ /** * Create a principal for the service running on hostname. If * KRB5_NT_SRV_HST is used, the hostname is canonization using DNS (or * some other service), this is potentially insecure. * * @param context A Kerberos context. * @param hostname hostname to use * @param sname Service name to use * @param type name type of pricipal, use KRB5_NT_SRV_HST or KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN. * @param ret_princ return principal, free with krb5_free_principal(). * * @return An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message(). * * @ingroup krb5_principal */ krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_sname_to_principal (krb5_context context, const char *hostname, const char *sname, int32_t type, krb5_principal *ret_princ) { krb5_error_code ret; char localhost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; char **realms, *host = NULL; if(type != KRB5_NT_SRV_HST && type != KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN) { krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_SNAME_UNSUPP_NAMETYPE, N_("unsupported name type %d", ""), (int)type); return KRB5_SNAME_UNSUPP_NAMETYPE; } if(hostname == NULL) { ret = gethostname(localhost, sizeof(localhost) - 1); if (ret != 0) { ret = errno; krb5_set_error_message(context, ret, N_("Failed to get local hostname", "")); return ret; } localhost[sizeof(localhost) - 1] = '\0'; hostname = localhost; } if(sname == NULL) sname = "host"; if(type == KRB5_NT_SRV_HST) { ret = krb5_expand_hostname_realms (context, hostname, &host, &realms); if (ret) return ret; strlwr(host); hostname = host; } else { ret = krb5_get_host_realm(context, hostname, &realms); if(ret) return ret; } ret = krb5_make_principal(context, ret_princ, realms[0], sname, hostname, NULL); if(host) free(host); krb5_free_host_realm(context, realms); return ret; } static const struct { const char *type; int32_t value; } nametypes[] = { { "UNKNOWN", KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN }, { "PRINCIPAL", KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL }, { "SRV_INST", KRB5_NT_SRV_INST }, { "SRV_HST", KRB5_NT_SRV_HST }, { "SRV_XHST", KRB5_NT_SRV_XHST }, { "UID", KRB5_NT_UID }, { "X500_PRINCIPAL", KRB5_NT_X500_PRINCIPAL }, { "SMTP_NAME", KRB5_NT_SMTP_NAME }, { "ENTERPRISE_PRINCIPAL", KRB5_NT_ENTERPRISE_PRINCIPAL }, { "ENT_PRINCIPAL_AND_ID", KRB5_NT_ENT_PRINCIPAL_AND_ID }, { "MS_PRINCIPAL", KRB5_NT_MS_PRINCIPAL }, { "MS_PRINCIPAL_AND_ID", KRB5_NT_MS_PRINCIPAL_AND_ID }, { NULL } }; krb5_error_code krb5_parse_nametype(krb5_context context, const char *str, int32_t *nametype) { size_t i; for(i = 0; nametypes[i].type; i++) { if (strcasecmp(nametypes[i].type, str) == 0) { *nametype = nametypes[i].value; return 0; } } krb5_set_error_message(context, KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED, N_("Failed to find name type %s", ""), str); return KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED; }