/* * @file ejsCmd.c * @brief Embedded JavaScript (EJS) command line program. * @overview */ /********************************* Copyright **********************************/ /* * @copy default * * Copyright (c) Mbedthis Software LLC, 2003-2006. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) Michael O'Brien, 1994-1995. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is distributed under commercial and open source licenses. * You may use the GPL open source license described below or you may acquire * a commercial license from Mbedthis Software. You agree to be fully bound * by the terms of either license. Consult the LICENSE.TXT distributed with * this software for full details. * * This software is open source; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See the GNU General Public License for more * details at: http://www.mbedthis.com/downloads/gplLicense.html * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * This GPL license does NOT permit incorporating this software into * proprietary programs. If you are unable to comply with the GPL, you must * acquire a commercial license to use this software. Commercial licenses * for this software and support services are available from Mbedthis * Software at http://www.mbedthis.com * * @end */ /********************************** Includes **********************************/ #include "ejs.h" #if BLD_FEATURE_EJS && !BREW /************************************ Defines *********************************/ #define EJS_MAX_CMD_LINE (16 * 1024) #define EJS_MAX_SCRIPT (4 * 1024 * 1024) #define EJS_MAX_RESULT_SIZE (4 * 1024 * 1024) #define EJS_PROMPT "ejs> " /****************************** Forward Declarations **************************/ static int parseFile(EjsService *ejsService, Ejs *ejs, const char *fileName, const char *testName, MprFile *testLogFile); static int ifConsole(); static int interactiveUse(MprApp *app, Ejs *ejs, FILE *input, char *fileName); static char *readCmd(MprApp *app, FILE *input); static int memoryFailure(MprApp *app, uint size, uint total, bool granted); static int isConsole = 0; static int traceCmds = 0; static int stats = 0; static int verbose = 0; /************************************ Main ************************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MprApp *app; const char *programName; MprFile *testLogFile; EjsService *ejsService; Ejs *ejs; char *commandLine; const char *testName; char *argp, *cmd, *testLog; int i, rc, nextArg, err, len, firstArg, iterations, debugLevel; app = mprInit(memoryFailure); isConsole = ifConsole(); programName = mprGetBaseName(argv[0]); debugLevel = 0; ejsService = ejsOpenService(app); if (ejsService == 0) { mprError(app, MPR_LOC, "Can't initialize the EJS service."); return -1; } err = 0; iterations = 1; stats = 0; testLog = getenv("TEST_LOG"); testLogFile = 0; testName = 0; for (nextArg = 1; nextArg < argc; nextArg++) { argp = argv[nextArg]; if (*argp != '-') { break; } if (strcmp(argp, "--debug") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { debugLevel = atoi(argv[++nextArg]); } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--stats") == 0) { stats++; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--trace") == 0) { traceCmds++; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--iterations") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { iterations = atoi(argv[++nextArg]); } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--log") == 0) { /* Get file to log test results to when using ejs as a test shell */ if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { testLog = argv[++nextArg]; } } else if (strcmp(argp, "--testName") == 0) { if (nextArg >= argc) { err++; } else { testName = argv[++nextArg]; } } else if (strcmp(argp, "-v") == 0) { verbose++; } else if (strcmp(argp, "-vv") == 0) { verbose += 2; } else if (strcmp(argp, "--verbose") == 0) { verbose += 2; } else { err++; break; } if (err) { mprErrorPrintf(app, "Usage: %s [options] files... or\n" " %s < file or\n" " %s or\n" " Switches:\n" " --iterations num # Number of iterations to eval file\n" " --stats # Output stats on exit\n" " --testName name # Set the test name", programName, programName, programName); return -1; } } if (testName) { i = 0; commandLine = 0; len = mprAllocStrcat(MPR_LOC_ARGS(app), &commandLine, 0, " ", mprGetBaseName(argv[i++]), 0); for (; i < argc; i++) { len = mprReallocStrcat(MPR_LOC_ARGS(app), &commandLine, 0, len, " ", argv[i], 0); } mprPrintf(app, " %s\n", commandLine); } if (testLog) { testLogFile = mprOpen(app, testLog, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY | O_TEXT, 0664); if (testLogFile == 0) { mprError(app, MPR_LOC, "Can't open %s", testLog); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } mprFprintf(testLogFile, "\n %s\n", commandLine); } ejs = ejsCreateInterp(ejsService, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (ejs == 0) { mprError(app, MPR_LOC, "Can't create EJS interpreter"); ejsCloseService(ejsService, stats); if (testLogFile) { mprClose(testLogFile); } mprTerm(app, stats); exit(-1); } if (debugLevel > 0) { ejsSetGCDebugLevel(ejs, debugLevel); } rc = 0; if (nextArg < argc) { /* * Process files supplied on the command line */ firstArg = nextArg; for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { for (nextArg = firstArg; nextArg < argc; nextArg++) { rc = parseFile(ejsService, ejs, argv[nextArg], testName, testLogFile); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } } } if (testName) { if (verbose == 1) { mprPrintf(app, "\n"); } if (verbose <= 1) { mprPrintf(app, " # PASSED all tests for \"%s\"\n", testName); } } } else if (! isConsole) { /* * Read a script from stdin */ cmd = readCmd(app, stdin); ejsSetFileName(ejs, "stdin"); rc = ejsEvalScript(ejs, cmd, 0); if (rc < 0) { mprPrintf(app, "ejs: Error: %s\n", ejsGetErrorMsg(ejs)); } mprFree(cmd); } else { /* * Interactive use. Read commands from the command line. */ rc = interactiveUse(app, ejs, stdin, "stdin"); } /* * Cleanup. Do stats if required. */ if (ejs) { ejsCleanInterp(ejs, 0); ejsCleanInterp(ejs->service->master, 0); ejsDestroyInterp(ejs, 0); } ejsCloseService(ejsService, stats); if (testLogFile) { mprClose(testLogFile); } mprTerm(app, stats); return rc; } /******************************************************************************/ static int parseFile(EjsService *ejsService, Ejs *ejs, const char *fileName, const char *testName, MprFile *testLogFile) { int rc; if (testName && verbose == 1) { mprPrintf(ejs, "."); } if (verbose > 1) { mprPrintf(ejs, "File: %s\n", fileName); } rc = ejsEvalFile(ejs, fileName, 0); if (testName) { char fileBuf[MPR_MAX_FNAME], *cp; mprStrcpy(fileBuf, sizeof(fileBuf), fileName); if ((cp = strstr(fileBuf, ".ejs")) != 0) { *cp = '\0'; } if (rc == 0) { if (verbose > 1) { mprPrintf(ejs, " # PASSED test \"%s.%s\"\n", testName, fileBuf); } if (testLogFile) { mprFprintf(testLogFile, " # PASSED test \"%s.%s\"\n", testName, fileBuf); } } else { mprPrintf(ejs, "FAILED test \"%s.%s\"\nDetails: %s\n", testName, fileBuf, ejsGetErrorMsg(ejs)); if (testLogFile) { mprFprintf(testLogFile, "FAILED test \"%s.%s\"\nDetails: %s\n", testName, fileBuf, ejsGetErrorMsg(ejs)); } } } else if (rc < 0) { mprPrintf(ejs, "ejs: %sIn file \"%s\"\n", ejsGetErrorMsg(ejs), fileName); } return rc; } /******************************************************************************/ static char *readCmd(MprApp *app, FILE *input) { char line[EJS_MAX_CMD_LINE]; char *cmd; int len, cmdLen; cmd = 0; cmdLen = 0; line[sizeof(line) - 1] = '\0'; while (1) { if (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, input) == NULL) { break; } len = strlen(line); if (line[len - 1] == '\\') { line[len - 1] = '\0'; } cmdLen = mprReallocStrcat(MPR_LOC_ARGS(app), &cmd, EJS_MAX_SCRIPT, cmdLen, 0, line, 0); } return cmd; } /******************************************************************************/ static int interactiveUse(MprApp *app, Ejs *ejs, FILE *input, char *fileName) { EjsVar result; char line[EJS_MAX_CMD_LINE]; char *cmd, *buf; int len, cmdLen, rc; cmd = 0; cmdLen = 0; line[sizeof(line) - 1] = '\0'; ejsSetFileName(ejs, "console"); while (! ejsIsExiting(ejs)) { if (isConsole) { write(1, EJS_PROMPT, strlen(EJS_PROMPT)); } if (fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 1, input) == NULL) { break; } len = strlen(line); while (len > 0 && (line[len - 1] == '\n' || line[len - 1] == '\r')) { len--; line[len] = '\0'; } if (line[len - 1] == '\\') { line[len - 1] = '\0'; cmdLen = mprReallocStrcat(MPR_LOC_ARGS(app), &cmd, EJS_MAX_SCRIPT, cmdLen, 0, line, 0); } else { cmdLen = mprReallocStrcat(MPR_LOC_ARGS(app), &cmd, EJS_MAX_SCRIPT, cmdLen, 0, line, 0); if (traceCmds) { mprPrintf(ejs, "# %s\n", cmd); } if (cmd[0] == 0x4 || cmd[0] == 0x26 || strcmp(cmd, "quit") == 0) { ejsExit(ejs, 0); } else if ((rc = ejsEvalScript(ejs, cmd, &result)) < 0) { mprPrintf(app, "ejs: Error: %s\n", ejsGetErrorMsg(ejs)); if (! isConsole) { return rc; } } else { if (isConsole || traceCmds) { buf = ejsVarToString(ejs, &result); mprPrintf(ejs, "%s\n", buf); } } mprFree(cmd); cmd = 0; cmdLen = 0; } } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ static int ifConsole() { #if WIN INPUT_RECORD irec[1]; int records = 0; if (PeekConsoleInput(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), irec, 1, &records) != 0) { return 1; } #else return isatty(0); #endif return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ static int memoryFailure(MprApp *app, uint size, uint total, bool granted) { if (!granted) { mprPrintf(app, "Can't allocate memory block of size %d\n", size); mprPrintf(app, "Total memory used %d\n", total); exit(255); } mprPrintf(app, "Memory request for %d bytes exceeds memory red-line\n", size); mprPrintf(app, "Total memory used %d\n", total); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ #else void ejsCmdLineDummy() {} /******************************************************************************/ #endif /* BLD_FEATURE_EJS */ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: sw=4 ts=4 */