-- ------------------------------------------------------

                PRAGMA auto_vacuum=1;

                -- ------------------------------------------------------

                BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;

                -- ------------------------------------------------------

                CREATE TABLE ldb_info AS 
                  SELECT 'LDB' AS database_type, 
                         '1.0' AS version;

                -- ------------------------------------------------------
                -- Schema

                 * The entry table holds the information about an entry.  This
                 * table is used to obtain the EID of the entry and to support
                 * scope="one" and scope="base".  The parent and child table
                 * is included in the entry table since all the other
                 * attributes are dependent on EID.
                CREATE TABLE ldb_entry
                  -- Unique identifier of this LDB entry
                  eid                   INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,

                  -- Unique identifier of the parent LDB entry
                  peid                  INTEGER REFERENCES ldb_entry,

                  -- Distinguished name of this entry
                  dn                    TEXT,

                  -- Time when the entry was created
                  create_timestamp      INTEGER,

                  -- Time when the entry was last modified
                  modify_timestamp      INTEGER

                 * The purpose of the descendant table is to support the
                 * subtree search feature.  For each LDB entry with a unique
                 * ID (AEID), this table contains the unique identifiers
                 * (DEID) of the descendant entries.
                 * For evern entry in the directory, a row exists in this
                 * table for each of its ancestors including itself.  The size
                 * of the table depends on the depth of each entry.  In the
                 * worst case, if all the entries were at the same depth, the
                 * number of rows in the table is O(nm) where n is the number
                 * of nodes in the directory and m is the depth of the tree.
                CREATE TABLE ldb_descendants
                  -- The unique identifier of the ancestor LDB entry
                  aeid                  INTEGER REFERENCES ldb_entry,

                  -- The unique identifier of the descendant LDB entry
                  deid                  INTEGER REFERENCES ldb_entry

                CREATE TABLE ldb_object_classes
                  -- Object classes are inserted into this table to track
                  -- their class hierarchy.  'top' is the top-level class
                  -- of which all other classes are subclasses.
                  class_name            TEXT PRIMARY KEY,

                  -- tree_key tracks the position of the class in
                  -- the hierarchy 
                  tree_key              TEXT UNIQUE

                 * We keep a full listing of attribute/value pairs here
                CREATE TABLE ldb_attribute_values
                  eid                   INTEGER REFERENCES ldb_entry,

                  attr_name             TEXT, -- see ldb_attr_ATTRIBUTE_NAME

                  attr_value            TEXT

                 * There is one attribute table per searchable attribute.
                CREATE TABLE ldb_attr_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
                  -- The unique identifier of the LDB entry
                  eid                   INTEGER REFERENCES ldb_entry,

                  -- Normalized attribute value
                  attr_value            TEXT

                -- ------------------------------------------------------
                -- Indexes

                -- ------------------------------------------------------
                -- Triggers

                CREATE TRIGGER ldb_entry_insert_tr
                  AFTER INSERT
                  ON ldb_entry
                  FOR EACH ROW
                      UPDATE ldb_entry
                        SET create_timestamp = strftime('%s', 'now'),
                            modify_timestamp = strftime('%s', 'now')
                        WHERE eid = new.eid;

                CREATE TRIGGER ldb_entry_update_tr
                  AFTER UPDATE
                  ON ldb_entry
                  FOR EACH ROW
                      UPDATE ldb_entry
                        SET modify_timestamp = strftime('%s', 'now')
                        WHERE eid = old.eid;

                -- ------------------------------------------------------
                -- Table initialization

                /* We need an implicit 'top' level object class */
                INSERT INTO ldb_attributes (attr_name,
                  SELECT 'top', '';

                -- ------------------------------------------------------


                -- ------------------------------------------------------

/*** TESTS ***/

 * dn: o=University of Michigan,c=US
 * objectclass: organization
 * objectclass: domainRelatedObject

 * dn: o=University of Michigan,c=US
 * l: Ann Arbor, Michigan
 * st: Michigan
 * o: University of Michigan
 * o: UMICH
 * seeAlso:
 * telephonenumber: +1 313 764-1817


 * top: domain
 * top: person
 * domain: domainDNS
 * person: organizationalPerson
 * person: fooPerson
 * organizationalPerson: user
 * organizationalPerson: OpenLDAPperson
 * user: computer