#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This is a port of the original in testprogs/ejs/ldap.js import optparse import sys import time import random import os sys.path.append("bin/python") import samba.getopt as options from samba.auth import system_session from ldb import SCOPE_ONELEVEL, SCOPE_BASE, LdbError from ldb import ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT from ldb import ERR_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM from ldb import ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION from ldb import Message, MessageElement, Dn from ldb import FLAG_MOD_REPLACE from samba import Ldb from samba.dsdb import DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003 from subunit.run import SubunitTestRunner import unittest parser = optparse.OptionParser("ldap [options] ") sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser) parser.add_option_group(sambaopts) parser.add_option_group(options.VersionOptions(parser)) # use command line creds if available credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser) parser.add_option_group(credopts) opts, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) host = args[0] lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm() creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp) class SchemaTests(unittest.TestCase): def delete_force(self, ldb, dn): try: ldb.delete(dn) except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) def find_schemadn(self, ldb): res = ldb.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["schemaNamingContext"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) return res[0]["schemaNamingContext"][0] def find_basedn(self, ldb): res = ldb.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["defaultNamingContext"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) return res[0]["defaultNamingContext"][0] def setUp(self): super(SchemaTests, self).setUp() self.ldb = ldb self.schema_dn = self.find_schemadn(ldb) self.base_dn = self.find_basedn(ldb) def test_generated_schema(self): """Testing we can read the generated schema via LDAP""" res = self.ldb.search("cn=aggregate,"+self.schema_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["objectClasses", "attributeTypes", "dITContentRules"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertTrue("dITContentRules" in res[0]) self.assertTrue("objectClasses" in res[0]) self.assertTrue("attributeTypes" in res[0]) def test_generated_schema_is_operational(self): """Testing we don't get the generated schema via LDAP by default""" res = self.ldb.search("cn=aggregate,"+self.schema_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertFalse("dITContentRules" in res[0]) self.assertFalse("objectClasses" in res[0]) self.assertFalse("attributeTypes" in res[0]) def test_schemaUpdateNow(self): """Testing schemaUpdateNow""" attr_name = "test-Attr" + time.strftime("%s", time.gmtime()) attr_ldap_display_name = attr_name.replace("-", "") ldif = """ dn: CN=%s,%s""" % (attr_name, self.schema_dn) + """ objectClass: top objectClass: attributeSchema adminDescription: """ + attr_name + """ adminDisplayName: """ + attr_name + """ cn: """ + attr_name + """ attributeId: 1.2.840.""" + str(random.randint(1,100000)) + """.1.5.9940 attributeSyntax: omSyntax: 64 instanceType: 4 isSingleValued: TRUE systemOnly: FALSE """ self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) # Search for created attribute res = [] res = self.ldb.search("cn=%s,%s" % (attr_name, self.schema_dn), scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertEquals(res[0]["lDAPDisplayName"][0], attr_ldap_display_name) self.assertTrue("schemaIDGUID" in res[0]) # Samba requires a "schemaUpdateNow" here. # TODO: remove this when Samba is fixed ldif = """ dn: changetype: modify add: schemaUpdateNow schemaUpdateNow: 1 """ self.ldb.modify_ldif(ldif) class_name = "test-Class" + time.strftime("%s", time.gmtime()) class_ldap_display_name = class_name.replace("-", "") # First try to create a class with a wrong "defaultObjectCategory" ldif = """ dn: CN=%s,%s""" % (class_name, self.schema_dn) + """ objectClass: top objectClass: classSchema defaultObjectCategory: CN=_ adminDescription: """ + class_name + """ adminDisplayName: """ + class_name + """ cn: """ + class_name + """ governsId: 1.2.840.""" + str(random.randint(1,100000)) + """.1.5.9939 instanceType: 4 objectClassCategory: 1 subClassOf: organizationalPerson systemFlags: 16 rDNAttID: cn systemMustContain: cn systemMustContain: """ + attr_ldap_display_name + """ systemOnly: FALSE """ try: self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) self.fail() except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) ldif = """ dn: CN=%s,%s""" % (class_name, self.schema_dn) + """ objectClass: top objectClass: classSchema adminDescription: """ + class_name + """ adminDisplayName: """ + class_name + """ cn: """ + class_name + """ governsId: 1.2.840.""" + str(random.randint(1,100000)) + """.1.5.9939 instanceType: 4 objectClassCategory: 1 subClassOf: organizationalPerson systemFlags: 16 rDNAttID: cn systemMustContain: cn systemMustContain: """ + attr_ldap_display_name + """ systemOnly: FALSE """ self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) # Search for created objectclass res = [] res = self.ldb.search("cn=%s,%s" % (class_name, self.schema_dn), scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertEquals(res[0]["lDAPDisplayName"][0], class_ldap_display_name) self.assertEquals(res[0]["defaultObjectCategory"][0], res[0]["distinguishedName"][0]) self.assertTrue("schemaIDGUID" in res[0]) ldif = """ dn: changetype: modify add: schemaUpdateNow schemaUpdateNow: 1 """ self.ldb.modify_ldif(ldif) object_name = "obj" + time.strftime("%s", time.gmtime()) ldif = """ dn: CN=%s,CN=Users,%s"""% (object_name, self.base_dn) + """ objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: person objectClass: """ + class_ldap_display_name + """ objectClass: top cn: """ + object_name + """ instanceType: 4 objectCategory: CN=%s,%s"""% (class_name, self.schema_dn) + """ distinguishedName: CN=%s,CN=Users,%s"""% (object_name, self.base_dn) + """ name: """ + object_name + """ """ + attr_ldap_display_name + """: test """ self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) # Search for created object res = [] res = self.ldb.search("cn=%s,cn=Users,%s" % (object_name, self.base_dn), scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) # Delete the object self.delete_force(self.ldb, "cn=%s,cn=Users,%s" % (object_name, self.base_dn)) class SchemaTests_msDS_IntId(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(SchemaTests_msDS_IntId, self).setUp() self.ldb = ldb res = ldb.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.schema_dn = res[0]["schemaNamingContext"][0] self.base_dn = res[0]["defaultNamingContext"][0] self.forest_level = int(res[0]["forestFunctionality"][0]) def _ldap_schemaUpdateNow(self): ldif = """ dn: changetype: modify add: schemaUpdateNow schemaUpdateNow: 1 """ self.ldb.modify_ldif(ldif) def _make_obj_names(self, prefix): class_name = prefix + time.strftime("%s", time.gmtime()) class_ldap_name = class_name.replace("-", "") class_dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (class_name, self.schema_dn) return (class_name, class_ldap_name, class_dn) def _is_schema_base_object(self, ldb_msg): """Test systemFlags for SYSTEM_FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT (16)""" systemFlags = 0 if "systemFlags" in ldb_msg: systemFlags = int(ldb_msg["systemFlags"][0]) return (systemFlags & 16) != 0 def _make_attr_ldif(self, attr_name, attr_dn): ldif = """ dn: """ + attr_dn + """ objectClass: top objectClass: attributeSchema adminDescription: """ + attr_name + """ adminDisplayName: """ + attr_name + """ cn: """ + attr_name + """ attributeId: 1.2.840.""" + str(random.randint(1,100000)) + """.1.5.9940 attributeSyntax: omSyntax: 64 instanceType: 4 isSingleValued: TRUE systemOnly: FALSE """ return ldif def test_msDS_IntId_on_attr(self): """Testing msDs-IntId creation for Attributes. See MS-ADTS - 3.1.1.Attributes This test should verify that: - Creating attribute with 'msDS-IntId' fails with ERR_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM - Adding 'msDS-IntId' on existing attribute fails with ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - Creating attribute with 'msDS-IntId' set and FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT flag set fails with ERR_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM - Attributes created with FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT not set have 'msDS-IntId' attribute added internally """ # 1. Create attribute without systemFlags # msDS-IntId should be created if forest functional # level is >= DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003 # and missing otherwise (attr_name, attr_ldap_name, attr_dn) = self._make_obj_names("msDS-IntId-Attr-1-") ldif = self._make_attr_ldif(attr_name, attr_dn) # try to add msDS-IntId during Attribute creation ldif_fail = ldif + "msDS-IntId: -1993108831\n" try: self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif_fail) self.fail("Adding attribute with preset msDS-IntId should fail") except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM) # add the new attribute and update schema self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) self._ldap_schemaUpdateNow() # Search for created attribute res = [] res = self.ldb.search(attr_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertEquals(res[0]["lDAPDisplayName"][0], attr_ldap_name) if self.forest_level >= DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003: if self._is_schema_base_object(res[0]): self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" not in res[0]) else: self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" in res[0]) else: self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" not in res[0]) msg = Message() msg.dn = Dn(self.ldb, attr_dn) msg["msDS-IntId"] = MessageElement("-1993108831", FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "msDS-IntId") try: self.ldb.modify(msg) self.fail("Modifying msDS-IntId should return error") except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) # 2. Create attribute with systemFlags = FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT # msDS-IntId should be created if forest functional # level is >= DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003 # and missing otherwise (attr_name, attr_ldap_name, attr_dn) = self._make_obj_names("msDS-IntId-Attr-2-") ldif = self._make_attr_ldif(attr_name, attr_dn) ldif += "systemFlags: 16\n" # try to add msDS-IntId during Attribute creation ldif_fail = ldif + "msDS-IntId: -1993108831\n" try: self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif_fail) self.fail("Adding attribute with preset msDS-IntId should fail") except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM) # add the new attribute and update schema self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) self._ldap_schemaUpdateNow() # Search for created attribute res = [] res = self.ldb.search(attr_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertEquals(res[0]["lDAPDisplayName"][0], attr_ldap_name) if self.forest_level >= DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003: if self._is_schema_base_object(res[0]): self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" not in res[0]) else: self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" in res[0]) else: self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" not in res[0]) msg = Message() msg.dn = Dn(self.ldb, attr_dn) msg["msDS-IntId"] = MessageElement("-1993108831", FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "msDS-IntId") try: self.ldb.modify(msg) self.fail("Modifying msDS-IntId should return error") except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) def _make_class_ldif(self, class_dn, class_name): ldif = """ dn: """ + class_dn + """ objectClass: top objectClass: classSchema adminDescription: """ + class_name + """ adminDisplayName: """ + class_name + """ cn: """ + class_name + """ governsId: 1.2.840.""" + str(random.randint(1,100000)) + """.1.5.9939 instanceType: 4 objectClassCategory: 1 subClassOf: organizationalPerson rDNAttID: cn systemMustContain: cn systemOnly: FALSE """ return ldif def test_msDS_IntId_on_class(self): """Testing msDs-IntId creation for Class Reference: MS-ADTS - Class classSchema""" # 1. Create Class without systemFlags # msDS-IntId should be created if forest functional # level is >= DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003 # and missing otherwise (class_name, class_ldap_name, class_dn) = self._make_obj_names("msDS-IntId-Class-1-") ldif = self._make_class_ldif(class_dn, class_name) # try to add msDS-IntId during Class creation ldif_add = ldif + "msDS-IntId: -1993108831\n" self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif_add) self._ldap_schemaUpdateNow() res = self.ldb.search(class_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertEquals(res[0]["msDS-IntId"][0], "-1993108831") # add a new Class and update schema (class_name, class_ldap_name, class_dn) = self._make_obj_names("msDS-IntId-Class-2-") ldif = self._make_class_ldif(class_dn, class_name) self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) self._ldap_schemaUpdateNow() # Search for created Class res = self.ldb.search(class_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertFalse("msDS-IntId" in res[0]) msg = Message() msg.dn = Dn(self.ldb, class_dn) msg["msDS-IntId"] = MessageElement("-1993108831", FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "msDS-IntId") try: self.ldb.modify(msg) self.fail("Modifying msDS-IntId should return error") except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) # 2. Create Class with systemFlags = FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT # msDS-IntId should be created if forest functional # level is >= DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003 # and missing otherwise (class_name, class_ldap_name, class_dn) = self._make_obj_names("msDS-IntId-Class-3-") ldif = self._make_class_ldif(class_dn, class_name) ldif += "systemFlags: 16\n" # try to add msDS-IntId during Class creation ldif_add = ldif + "msDS-IntId: -1993108831\n" self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif_add) res = self.ldb.search(class_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertEquals(res[0]["msDS-IntId"][0], "-1993108831") # add the new Class and update schema (class_name, class_ldap_name, class_dn) = self._make_obj_names("msDS-IntId-Class-4-") ldif = self._make_class_ldif(class_dn, class_name) ldif += "systemFlags: 16\n" self.ldb.add_ldif(ldif) self._ldap_schemaUpdateNow() # Search for created Class res = self.ldb.search(class_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertFalse("msDS-IntId" in res[0]) msg = Message() msg.dn = Dn(self.ldb, class_dn) msg["msDS-IntId"] = MessageElement("-1993108831", FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "msDS-IntId") try: self.ldb.modify(msg) self.fail("Modifying msDS-IntId should return error") except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) res = self.ldb.search(class_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.assertFalse("msDS-IntId" in res[0]) def test_verify_msDS_IntId(self): """Verify msDS-IntId exists only on attributes without FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT flag set""" count = 0 res = self.ldb.search(self.schema_dn, scope=SCOPE_ONELEVEL, expression="objectClass=attributeSchema", attrs=["systemFlags", "msDS-IntId", "attributeID", "cn"]) self.assertTrue(len(res) > 1) for ldb_msg in res: if self.forest_level >= DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2003: if self._is_schema_base_object(ldb_msg): self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" not in ldb_msg) else: # don't assert here as there are plenty of # attributes under w2k8 that are not part of # Base Schema (SYSTEM_FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT flag not set) # has not msDS-IntId attribute set #self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" in ldb_msg, "msDS-IntId expected on: %s" % ldb_msg.dn) if "msDS-IntId" not in ldb_msg: count = count + 1 print "%3d warning: msDS-IntId expected on: %-30s %s" % (count, ldb_msg["attributeID"], ldb_msg["cn"]) else: self.assertTrue("msDS-IntId" not in ldb_msg) class SchemaTests_msDS_isRODC(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(SchemaTests_msDS_isRODC, self).setUp() self.ldb = ldb res = ldb.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res), 1) self.base_dn = res[0]["defaultNamingContext"][0] def test_objectClass_ntdsdsa(self): res = self.ldb.search(self.base_dn, expression="objectClass=nTDSDSA", attrs=["msDS-isRODC"], controls=["search_options:1:2"]) for ldb_msg in res: self.assertTrue("msDS-isRODC" in ldb_msg) def test_objectClass_server(self): res = self.ldb.search(self.base_dn, expression="objectClass=server", attrs=["msDS-isRODC"], controls=["search_options:1:2"]) for ldb_msg in res: ntds_search_dn = "CN=NTDS Settings,%s" % ldb_msg['dn'] try: res_check = self.ldb.search(ntds_search_dn, attrs=["objectCategory"]) except LdbError, (num, _): self.assertEquals(num, ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) print("Server entry %s doesn't have a NTDS settings object" % res[0]['dn']) else: self.assertTrue("objectCategory" in res_check[0]) self.assertTrue("msDS-isRODC" in ldb_msg) def test_objectClass_computer(self): res = self.ldb.search(self.base_dn, expression="objectClass=computer", attrs=["serverReferenceBL","msDS-isRODC"], controls=["search_options:1:2"]) for ldb_msg in res: if "serverReferenceBL" not in ldb_msg: print("Computer entry %s doesn't have a serverReferenceBL attribute" % ldb_msg['dn']) else: self.assertTrue("msDS-isRODC" in ldb_msg) if not "://" in host: if os.path.isfile(host): host = "tdb://%s" % host else: host = "ldap://%s" % host ldb_options = [] if host.startswith("ldap://"): # user 'paged_search' module when connecting remotely ldb_options = ["modules:paged_searches"] ldb = Ldb(host, credentials=creds, session_info=system_session(), lp=lp, options=ldb_options) if not "tdb://" in host: gc_ldb = Ldb("%s:3268" % host, credentials=creds, session_info=system_session(), lp=lp) else: gc_ldb = None runner = SubunitTestRunner() rc = 0 if not runner.run(unittest.makeSuite(SchemaTests)).wasSuccessful(): rc = 1 if not runner.run(unittest.makeSuite(SchemaTests_msDS_IntId)).wasSuccessful(): rc = 1 if not runner.run(unittest.makeSuite(SchemaTests_msDS_isRODC)).wasSuccessful(): rc = 1 sys.exit(rc)