   Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
   time utility functions
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef _SAMBA_TIME_H_
#define _SAMBA_TIME_H_

#ifndef _PUBLIC_
#define _PUBLIC_

/* 64 bit time (100 nanosec) 1601 - cifs6.txt, section 3.5, page 30, 4 byte aligned */
typedef uint64_t NTTIME;

 External access to time_t_min and time_t_max.
_PUBLIC_ time_t get_time_t_max(void);

a gettimeofday wrapper
_PUBLIC_ void GetTimeOfDay(struct timeval *tval);

interpret an 8 byte "filetime" structure to a time_t
It's originally in "100ns units since jan 1st 1601"
_PUBLIC_ time_t nt_time_to_unix(NTTIME nt);

put a 8 byte filetime from a time_t
This takes GMT as input
_PUBLIC_ void unix_to_nt_time(NTTIME *nt, time_t t);

check if it's a null unix time
_PUBLIC_ bool null_time(time_t t);

check if it's a null NTTIME
_PUBLIC_ bool null_nttime(NTTIME t);

put a dos date into a buffer (time/date format)
This takes GMT time and puts local time in the buffer
_PUBLIC_ void push_dos_date(uint8_t *buf, int offset, time_t unixdate, int zone_offset);

put a dos date into a buffer (date/time format)
This takes GMT time and puts local time in the buffer
_PUBLIC_ void push_dos_date2(uint8_t *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate, int zone_offset);

put a dos 32 bit "unix like" date into a buffer. This routine takes
GMT and converts it to LOCAL time before putting it (most SMBs assume
localtime for this sort of date)
_PUBLIC_ void push_dos_date3(uint8_t *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate, int zone_offset);

  create a unix date (int GMT) from a dos date (which is actually in
_PUBLIC_ time_t pull_dos_date(const uint8_t *date_ptr, int zone_offset);

like make_unix_date() but the words are reversed
_PUBLIC_ time_t pull_dos_date2(const uint8_t *date_ptr, int zone_offset);

  create a unix GMT date from a dos date in 32 bit "unix like" format
  these generally arrive as localtimes, with corresponding DST
_PUBLIC_ time_t pull_dos_date3(const uint8_t *date_ptr, int zone_offset);

return a HTTP/1.0 time string
_PUBLIC_ char *http_timestring(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, time_t t);

 Return the date and time as a string
_PUBLIC_ char *timestring(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, time_t t);

  return a talloced string representing a NTTIME for human consumption
_PUBLIC_ const char *nt_time_string(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, NTTIME nt);

  put a NTTIME into a packet
_PUBLIC_ void push_nttime(uint8_t *base, uint16_t offset, NTTIME t);

  pull a NTTIME from a packet
_PUBLIC_ NTTIME pull_nttime(uint8_t *base, uint16_t offset);

  parse a nttime as a large integer in a string and return a NTTIME
_PUBLIC_ NTTIME nttime_from_string(const char *s);

  return (tv1 - tv2) in microseconds
_PUBLIC_ int64_t usec_time_diff(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2);

  return a zero timeval
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_zero(void);

  return true if a timeval is zero
_PUBLIC_ bool timeval_is_zero(const struct timeval *tv);

  return a timeval for the current time
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_current(void);

  return a timeval struct with the given elements
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_set(uint32_t secs, uint32_t usecs);

  return a timeval ofs microseconds after tv
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_add(const struct timeval *tv,
			   uint32_t secs, uint32_t usecs);

  return the sum of two timeval structures
struct timeval timeval_sum(const struct timeval *tv1,
			   const struct timeval *tv2);

  return a timeval secs/usecs into the future
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_current_ofs(uint32_t secs, uint32_t usecs);

  compare two timeval structures. 
  Return -1 if tv1 < tv2
  Return 0 if tv1 == tv2
  Return 1 if tv1 > tv2
_PUBLIC_ int timeval_compare(const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2);

  return true if a timer is in the past
_PUBLIC_ bool timeval_expired(const struct timeval *tv);

  return the number of seconds elapsed between two times
_PUBLIC_ double timeval_elapsed2(const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2);

  return the number of seconds elapsed since a given time
_PUBLIC_ double timeval_elapsed(const struct timeval *tv);

  return the lesser of two timevals
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_min(const struct timeval *tv1,
			   const struct timeval *tv2);

  return the greater of two timevals
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_max(const struct timeval *tv1,
			   const struct timeval *tv2);

  return the difference between two timevals as a timeval
  if tv1 comes after tv2, then return a zero timeval
  (this is *tv2 - *tv1)
_PUBLIC_ struct timeval timeval_until(const struct timeval *tv1,
			     const struct timeval *tv2);

  convert a timeval to a NTTIME
_PUBLIC_ NTTIME timeval_to_nttime(const struct timeval *tv);

  convert a NTTIME to a timeval
_PUBLIC_ void nttime_to_timeval(struct timeval *tv, NTTIME t);

  return the UTC offset in seconds west of UTC, or 0 if it cannot be determined
_PUBLIC_ int get_time_zone(time_t t);

#endif /* _SAMBA_TIME_H_ */