#include "idl_types.h" /** DCOM interfaces http://www.grimes.demon.co.uk/DCOM/DCOMSpec.htm */ #define HRESULT uint32 #define OLESTR unistr [ uuid(18f70770-8e64-11cf-9af1-0020af6e72f4), version(0.0) ] interface dcom_Unknown { void dcomu_UseProtSeq(); void dcomu_GetCustomProtseqInfo(); void dcomu_UpdateResolverBindings(); } [ uuid(99fcfe60-5260-101b-bbcb-00aa0021347a), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ObjectRpcBaseTypes { WERROR stub(); /* Machine Identifier */ #define MID HYPER_T /* Object Exporter Identifier */ #define OXID HYPER_T // Object Identifer #define OID HYPER_T // Interface Pointer Identifier #define IPID GUID // Causality Identifier #define CID GUID // Class ID #define CLSID GUID // Interface identifier #define IID GUID #define LCID uint32 #define DISPID uint32 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ORPC Call Packet Format ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COM_MINOR_VERSION = 1 (NT4.0, SP1, SP2, DCOM95). // - Initial Release // - Must be used when talking to downlevel machines, including // on Remote Activation calls. // COM_MINOR_VERSION = 2 (NT4.0 SP3 and beyond). // - Added ResolveOxid2 to IObjectExporter to retrieve the // COM version number of the server. Passed to the NDR engine // to fix fatal endian-ness flaw in the way OLEAUTOMATION marshals // BSTRS. Previous way used trailing padding, which is not NDR // compatible. See Bug# 69189. // COM_MINOR_VERSION = 3 (NT4.0 SP4 and DCOM95 builds 1018 and beyond) // - OLEAUT32 added two new types to the SAFEARRAY, but SAFEARRAY // previously included the "default" keyword, which prevented // downlevel NDR engines from correctly handling any extensions. // Machines with version >=5.3 don't use "default" and will // gracefully handle future extensions to SAFEARRAY. // old constants (for convenience) const uint16 COM_MINOR_VERSION_1 = 1; const uint16 COM_MINOR_VERSION_2 = 2; // current version const uint16 COM_MAJOR_VERSION = 5; const uint16 COM_MINOR_VERSION = 3; // Component Object Model version number typedef [public] struct { uint16 MajorVersion; // Major version number uint16 MinorVersion; // Minor version number } COMVERSION; typedef [public] struct { uint32 reserved1; uint32 reserved2; } COSERVERINFO; typedef [public] struct { uint32 FIXME; } MULTI_QI; // enumeration of additional information present in the call packet. // Should be an enum but DCE IDL does not support sparse enumerators. typedef enum { ORPCF_NULL = 0, // no additional info in packet ORPCF_LOCAL = 1, // call is local to this machine ORPCF_RESERVED1 = 2, // reserved for local use ORPCF_RESERVED2 = 4, // reserved for local use ORPCF_RESERVED3 = 8, // reserved for local use ORPCF_RESERVED4 = 16 // reserved for local use } ORPC_FLAGS; // Extension to implicit parameters. typedef [public] struct { GUID id; // Extension identifier. uint32 size; // Extension size. //FIXME[size_is((size+7)&~7)] uint8 data[]; // Extension data. [size_is(size)] uint8 data[]; } ORPC_EXTENT; // Array of extensions. typedef struct { uint32 size; // Num extents. uint32 reserved; // Must be zero. //FIXME[size_is((size+1)&~1,), unique] ORPC_EXTENT **extent; // extents [size_is(size),unique] ORPC_EXTENT extent[]; } ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY; // implicit 'this' pointer which is the first [in] parameter on // every ORPC call. typedef [public] struct { COMVERSION version; // COM version number uint32 flags; // ORPCF flags for presence of other data uint32 reserved1; // set to zero CID cid; // causality id of caller // Extensions. [unique] ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY *extensions; } ORPCTHIS; // implicit 'that' pointer which is the first [out] parameter on // every ORPC call. typedef [public] struct { uint32 flags; // ORPCF flags for presence of other data // Extensions. [unique] ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY *extensions; } ORPCTHAT; // DUALSTRINGARRAYS are the return type for arrays of network addresses, // arrays of endpoints and arrays of both used in many ORPC interfaces typedef struct { uint16 wTowerId; // Cannot be zero. uint16 aNetworkAddr; // Zero terminated. } STRINGBINDING; const uint16 COM_C_AUTHZ_NONE = 0xffff; typedef struct { uint16 wAuthnSvc; // Cannot be zero. uint16 wAuthzSvc; // Must not be zero. uint16 aPrincName; // Zero terminated. } SECURITYBINDING; typedef [public] struct { uint16 wNumEntries; // Number of entries in array. uint16 wSecurityOffset; // Offset of security info. // The array contains two parts, a set of STRINGBINDINGs // and a set of SECURITYBINDINGs. Each set is terminated by an // extra zero. The shortest array contains four zeros. [size_is(wNumEntries)] uint16 aStringArray[]; } DUALSTRINGARRAY; // signature value for OBJREF (object reference, actually the // marshaled form of a COM interface). const uint32 OBJREF_SIGNATURE = 0x574f454d; // 'MEOW' // flag values for OBJREF typedef enum { OBJREF_STANDARD = 0x1, // standard marshaled objref OBJREF_HANDLER = 0x2, // handler marshaled objref OBJREF_CUSTOM = 0x4 // custom marshaled objref } OBJREF_FLAGS; // Flag values for a STDOBJREF (standard part of an OBJREF). // SORF_OXRES1 - SORF_OXRES8 are reserved for the object exporters // use only, object importers must ignore them and must not enforce MBZ. typedef enum { SORF_NULL = 0x0000, // convenient for initializing SORF SORF_OXRES1 = 0x0001, // reserved for exporter SORF_OXRES2 = 0x0020, // reserved for exporter SORF_OXRES3 = 0x0040, // reserved for exporter SORF_OXRES4 = 0x0080, // reserved for exporter SORF_OXRES5 = 0x0100, // reserved for exporter SORF_OXRES6 = 0x0200, // reserved for exporter SORF_OXRES7 = 0x0400, // reserved for exporter SORF_OXRES8 = 0x0800, // reserved for exporter SORF_NOPING = 0x1000 // Pinging is not required } STDOBJREF_FLAGS; // standard object reference typedef [public] struct { uint32 flags; // STDOBJREF flags (see above) uint32 cPublicRefs; // count of references passed OXID oxid; // oxid of server with this oid OID oid; // oid of object with this ipid IPID ipid; // ipid of Interface } STDOBJREF; typedef struct { STDOBJREF std; // standard objref DUALSTRINGARRAY saResAddr; // resolver address } u_standard; typedef struct { STDOBJREF std; // standard objref CLSID clsid; // Clsid of handler code DUALSTRINGARRAY saResAddr; // resolver address } u_handler; typedef struct { CLSID clsid; // Clsid of unmarshaling code uint32 cbExtension; // size of extension data uint32 size; // size of data that follows [size_is(size), ref] uint8 *pData; // extension + class specific data } u_custom; typedef union { [case(OBJREF_STANDARD)] u_standard u_standard; [case(OBJREF_HANDLER)] u_handler u_handler; [case(OBJREF_CUSTOM)] u_custom u_custom; } OBJREF_Types; // OBJREF is the format of a marshaled interface pointer. typedef struct { uint32 flags; // OBJREF flags (see above) GUID iid; // interface identifier [switch_is(flags), switch_type(uint32)] OBJREF_Types u_objref; } OBJREF; // wire representation of a marshalled interface pointer typedef [public] struct { uint32 ulCntData; // size of data [size_is(ulCntData)] uint8 abData[]; // data (OBJREF) } MInterfacePointer; } [ object, uuid(00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), helpstring("Base interface for most COM interfaces") ] interface IUnknown { /*****************/ /* Function 0x00 */ /* Returns the interface with the specified IID if implemented by this object */ HRESULT QueryInterface([in] IID *riid /*FIXME, [out] void **data*/); /*****************/ /* Function 0x01 */ uint32 AddRef(); /*****************/ /* Function 0x02 */ uint32 Release(); } [ object, uuid(00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IClassFactory : IUnknown { HRESULT CreateInstance(); HRESULT RemoteCreateInstance(); HRESULT LockServer(); HRESULT RemoteLockServer(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The remote version of IUnknown. This interface exists on every // OXID (whether an OXID represents either a thread or a process is // implementation specific). It is used by clients to query for new // interfaces, get additional references (for marshaling), and release // outstanding references. // This interface is passed along during OXID resolution. // [ uuid(00000131-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), object, version(0.0), helpstring("Remote version of IUnknown") ] interface IRemUnknown : IUnknown { typedef struct { HRESULT hResult; // result of call STDOBJREF std; // data for returned interface } REMQIRESULT; HRESULT RemQueryInterface ( [in] IPID *ripid, // interface to QI on [in] uint32 cRefs, // count of AddRefs requested [in] uint16 cIids, // count of IIDs that follow [in, size_is(cIids)] IID* iids//, // IIDs to QI for /*FIXME: [out, size_is(,cIids)] REMQIRESULT** ppQIResults // results returned*/ ); typedef struct { IPID ipid; // ipid to AddRef/Release uint32 cPublicRefs; uint32 cPrivateRefs; } REMINTERFACEREF; HRESULT RemAddRef ( [in] uint16 cInterfaceRefs, [in, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[], [out, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] HRESULT* pResults ); HRESULT RemRelease ( [in] uint16 cInterfaceRefs, [in, size_is(cInterfaceRefs)] REMINTERFACEREF InterfaceRefs[] ); } // Derived from IRemUnknown, this interface supports Remote Query interface // for objects that supply additional data beyond the STDOBJREF in their // marshaled interface packets. [ object, uuid(00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), version(0.0) ] interface IRemUnknown2 : IRemUnknown { HRESULT RemQueryInterface2 ( [in] IPID *ripid, [in] uint16 cIids, [in, size_is(cIids)] IID *iids, [out, size_is(cIids)] HRESULT *phr, [out, size_is(cIids)] MInterfacePointer *ppMIF[*] ); } [ uuid(4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57), version(0.0), object, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRemoteActivation { typedef [public] struct { MInterfacePointer *ppInterfaceData; } ppInterfaceDataArray; typedef [public] struct { DUALSTRINGARRAY *dualstringarray; } REF_DUALSTRINGARRAY; typedef struct { /* Looks very much like a protocol tower to me, but it appears to be aligned differently then it is in epmapper -jelmer */ uint8 FIXME[12]; } floor_tmp; const uint32 MODE_GET_CLASS_OBJECT = 0xffffffff; HRESULT RemoteActivation ( [in] GUID Clsid, [in, unique] unistr *pwszObjectName, [in, unique] MInterfacePointer *pObjectStorage, [in] uint32 ClientImpLevel, [in] uint32 Mode, [in] uint32 Interfaces, [in, unique,size_is(Interfaces)] IID *pIIDs, [in] uint16 num_protseqs, [in, size_is(num_protseqs)] floor_tmp protseq[], [out] OXID pOxid, [out] DUALSTRINGARRAY *pdsaOxidBindings, [out] IPID ipidRemUnknown, [out] uint32 pAuthnHint, [out] COMVERSION pServerVersion, [out] HRESULT *phr, [out,size_is(Interfaces)] ppInterfaceDataArray *ppInterfaceData, [out,size_is(Interfaces)] HRESULT *pResults ); } /* The Win2k equivalent of IRemoteActivation */ [ object, uuid(000001a0-0000-0000-c000-000000000046), version(0.0) ] interface ISystemActivator : IUnknown { void ISystemActivatorRemoteGetClassObject(); void ISystemActivatorRemoteCreateInstance(); } [ uuid(00000132-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), version(0.0) ] interface ILocalSystemActivator { WERROR ILocalSystemActivator_Unknown(); } [ uuid(00000134-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), version(0.0) ] interface IRunDown { void IRunDown_Dummy(); } // Service Control Manager [ uuid(), version(2.0) ] interface SCM { void SCM_Dummy(); } [ object, uuid(00000136-0000-0000-C000-000000000046) ] interface ISCMActivator : IUnknown { WERROR SCMActivator_GetClassObject(); WERROR SCMActivator_CreateInstance(); } [ object, uuid(00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046), version(0.0) ] interface IDispatch : IUnknown { /*****************/ /* Function 0x03 */ HRESULT GetTypeInfoCount( [out] uint16 *pctinfo); typedef struct { uint8 FIXME; } ITypeInfo; typedef struct { ITypeInfo *pTInfo; } REF_ITypeInfo; /*****************/ /* Function 0x04 */ HRESULT GetTypeInfo ( [in] uint16 iTInfo, [in] LCID lcid, [out] REF_ITypeInfo *ppTInfo); /*****************/ /* Function 0x05 */ HRESULT GetIDsOfNames( [in] IID *riid, /*FIXME[in,size_is(cNames)] OLESTR *rgszNames[], */ [in] uint16 cNames, [in] LCID lcid, [out,size_is(cNames)] DISPID *rgDispId); typedef struct { uint16 vartype; uint16 FIXME; } VARIANT; typedef struct { uint16 FIXME; } DISPPARAMS; /* Exception ? */ typedef struct { uint16 FIXME; } EXCEPINFO; /*****************/ /* Function 0x06 */ HRESULT Invoke( [in] DISPID dispIdMember, [in] IID *riid, [in] LCID lcid, [in] uint16 wFlags, [out,in] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, [out] VARIANT *pVarResult, [out] EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, [out] uint16 *puArgErr); } [ object, uuid(330E9E75-DF48-11CF-8E2C-00A0C90DC94B), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDcomEchoServ : IDispatch { HRESULT EchoPlusOne([in] uint32 x, [out] uint32 *y); }