#include "idl_types.h"

  endpoint mapper interface

interface epmapper

	  note that the following IDL won't work in MIDL, and in fact
	  that the full towers/floors representation of epm cannot be
	  represented in MIDL at all. I decided to represent it using
	  the extended IDL syntax in pidl to make it easier to work

	typedef struct {
		GUID uuid;
		uint16 version;
	} epm_prot_uuid;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(13)] epm_prot_uuid uuid;
		[default]  ;
	} epm_protocol_info;

	typedef struct {
		uint8  protocol;
		[switch_is(protocol)] epm_protocol_info info;
	} epm_lhs;

	typedef struct {
		uint16 unknown;
	} epm_rhs;

	typedef struct {
		[subcontext(2)] epm_lhs lhs;
		[subcontext(2)] epm_rhs rhs;
	} epm_floor;

	/* not that the NDR_NOALIGN flag is inherited by all nested
	   structures. All of the towers/floors stuff is
	   non-aligned. I wonder what sort of wicked substance these
	   guys were smoking? 
	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN)] struct {
		uint16 num_floors;
		epm_floor floors[num_floors];
	} epm_towers;

	typedef struct {
		uint32  tower_length;
		[subcontext(4)] epm_towers towers;
	} twr_t;

	typedef struct {
		GUID        object;
		twr_t       *tower;
		ascstr2     annotation;
	} epm_entry_t;

	typedef struct {
		GUID                uuid;
		uint16              vers_major;
		uint16              vers_minor;
	} rpc_if_id_t;
	/* Function 0x0       */
	void epm_Insert(
		[in]    uint32          num_ents,
		[in,size_is(num_ents)]  epm_entry_t         entries[],
		[in]    uint32    replace,
		[out]   uint32    *status
	/* Function 0x1       */
	void epm_Delete(
		[in]     uint32          num_ents,
		[in, size_is(num_ents)]  epm_entry_t entries[],
		[out]    uint32          *status
	/* Function 0x02      */
	void epm_Lookup(
		[in]            uint32          inquiry_type,
		[in]            GUID            *object,
		[in]            rpc_if_id_t     *interface_id,
		[in]            uint32          vers_option,
		[in, out, ref]  policy_handle   *entry_handle,
		[in]            uint32          max_ents,
		[out]           uint32          num_ents,
		[out, length_is(num_ents), size_is(max_ents)]  epm_entry_t entries[],
		[out]           uint32          status

	/* Function 0x03      */

	typedef struct {
		twr_t *twr;
	} twr_p_t;

	void epm_Map(
		[in]            GUID            *object,
		[in]            twr_t           *map_tower,
		[in, out]       policy_handle   *entry_handle,
		[in]            uint32          max_towers,
		[out]           uint32          *num_towers,
		[out, length_is(*num_towers), size_is(max_towers)]  twr_p_t towers[],
		[out]           uint32          *status

	/* Function 0x04      */
	void epm_LookupHandleFree(
		[in, out]       policy_handle *entry_handle,
		[out]           uint32        *status
	/* Function 0x05      */
	void epm_InqObject(
		[out]           GUID        *epm_object,
		[out]           uint32      *status

	/* Function 0x05      */
	void epm_MgmtDelete(
		[in]            uint32   object_speced,
		[in]            GUID     *object,
		[in]            twr_t    *tower,
		[out]           uint32   *status