#include "idl_types.h"

import "misc.idl";

  endpoint("ncacn_ip_tcp:", "ncalrpc:"),
  helpstring("File Replication Service"),
interface frsrpc
	/* Function 0x00 */

	/* TAG:3 this TLV contains a GUID and the name of the server sending
	 * the call
	typedef struct {
		[subcontext(4)] GUID unknown1;
		[subcontext(4)] nstring source_server;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataSSRV;

	/* TAG:4 this TLV contains a GUID and the name of the destination
	 * server the PDU is sent to
	typedef struct {
		[subcontext(4)] GUID unknown1;
		[subcontext(4)] nstring dest_server;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataDSRV;

	/* TAG:18 this TLV contains a  timestamp 
	typedef struct {
		[subcontext(4)] NTTIME time;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataTS;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 unknown1;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataA;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 unknown1;
		GUID unknown2;
		[subcontext(4)] nstring unknown3;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataB;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 unknown1;
		GUID unknown2;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataC;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[default,flag(NDR_REMAINING)] DATA_BLOB blob;
		[case(1)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataA A;
		[case(2)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataA A;
		[case(3)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataSSRV SSRV;
		[case(4)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataDSRV DSRV;
		[case(5)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataB B;
		[case(8)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataB B;
		[case(6)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataC C;
		[case(18)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataTS TS;
		[case(19)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkDataA A;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkData;

	typedef struct {
		uint16 type;
		[subcontext(4),switch_is(type)] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkData data;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk;

	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN)] struct {
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk1;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk2;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk3;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk4;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk5;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk6;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk7;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk8;
		frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunk chunk9;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkCtr;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 unknown1;
		uint32 unknown2;
		uint32 unknown3;
		uint32 unknown4;
    		uint32 tlv_size;
		uint32 unknown6;
		uint32 unknown7; /* This may be a UNIQUE pointer? */
		uint32 unknown8;
		uint32 unknown9;
		 * The format of this blob is this a concatenation
		 * of TLVs which are not really NDR encoded.
		 * The individual TLVs are encoded as :
		 * struct {
		 * 	uint16 type;
		 *	[subcontext(4),switch_is(type)] chunk_data data;
		 * } chunk;
		 * some of the chunk are like this:
		 * struct {
		 *	uint32 unknown; // 0x00000010
		 *	struct GUID guid;
		 *	lstring string;
		 * } ...;
		 * The tags are (might be) :
		 *  3: Source server sending the PDU
		 *  4: Destination server the PDU is sent to
		 * 18: Timestamp
		[subcontext(4)/*,size_is(tlv_size)*/] frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktChunkCtr *chunks;
		uint32 unknown10;
		uint32 unknown11;
	} frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktReq;

	WERROR frsrpc_FrsSendCommPkt(
		[in]	frsrpc_FrsSendCommPktReq req

	/* Function 0x01 */

	/* Function 0x02 */

	/* Function 0x03 */
	[todo] void FRSRPC_NOP();

	/* Function 0x04 */

	/* Function 0x05 */
	[todo] void FRSRPC_BACKUP_COMPLETE_5();

	/* Function 0x06 */
	[todo] void FRSRPC_BACKUP_COMPLETE_6();

	/* Function 0x07 */
	[todo] void FRSRPC_BACKUP_COMPLETE_7();

	/* Function 0x08 */
	[todo] void FRSRPC_BACKUP_COMPLETE_8();

	/* Function 0x09 */
	[todo] void FRSRPC_BACKUP_COMPLETE_9();

	/* Function 0x0a */