#include "idl_types.h"

import "misc.idl", "security.idl", "nbt.idl";

  definitions for irpc primitives
[ uuid("e770c620-0b06-4b5e-8d87-a26e20f28340"),
] interface irpc
	typedef bitmap {
		IRPC_FLAG_REPLY    = 0x0001
	} irpc_flags;

	typedef [public] struct {
		GUID uuid;
		uint32 if_version;
		uint32 callnum;
		uint32 callid;
		irpc_flags flags;
		NTSTATUS status;
	} irpc_header;

         uptime call - supported by all messaging servers
	void irpc_uptime([out,ref] NTTIME *start_time);

         management calls for the nbt server
	typedef [v1_enum] enum {
	} nbtd_info_level;

	typedef struct {
		hyper total_received;
		hyper total_sent;
		hyper query_count;
		hyper register_count;
		hyper release_count;
	} nbtd_statistics;

	typedef [switch_type(nbtd_info_level)] union {
		[case(NBTD_INFO_STATISTICS)] nbtd_statistics *stats;
	} nbtd_info;

	void nbtd_information(
		[in]  nbtd_info_level level,
		[out,switch_is(level)] nbtd_info info

	/* Send a GetDCName from the privileged port (owned by nbtd),
	 * and await a reply */

	void nbtd_getdcname(
		[in] astring domainname,
		[in] astring ip_address,
		[in] astring my_computername,
		[in] astring my_accountname,
		[in] uint32 account_control,
		[in] dom_sid *domain_sid,
		[out,unique] astring *dcname

	typedef struct {
		ipv4address addr;
	} nbtd_proxy_wins_addr;

	void nbtd_proxy_wins_challenge(
		[in] nbt_name name,
		[in,out] uint32 num_addrs,
		[in,out] nbtd_proxy_wins_addr addrs[num_addrs]

	void nbtd_proxy_wins_release_demand(
		[in] nbt_name name,
		[in] uint32 num_addrs,
		[in] nbtd_proxy_wins_addr addrs[num_addrs]

	  Generic Kerberos package call (on the NETLOGON pipe, as a SamLogon)

	  The normal use for this call is to check the PAC signature in the KDC
	  The KDC has the routines to check this, so it is easier to
	  proxy the request over by IRPC than set up the environment

	void kdc_check_generic_kerberos(
		[in] DATA_BLOB generic_request,
		[out] DATA_BLOB generic_reply

         management calls for the smb server
	typedef [v1_enum] enum {
	} smbsrv_info_level;

	typedef struct {
		hyper vuid;
		astring account_name;
		astring domain_name;
		astring client_ip;
		NTTIME  connect_time;
		NTTIME  auth_time;
		NTTIME  last_use_time;
	} smbsrv_session_info;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 num_sessions;
		[size_is(num_sessions)] smbsrv_session_info *sessions;
	} smbsrv_sessions;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 tid;
		astring share_name;
		astring client_ip;
		NTTIME  connect_time;
		NTTIME  last_use_time;
	} smbsrv_tcon_info;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 num_tcons;
		[size_is(num_tcons)] smbsrv_tcon_info *tcons;
	} smbsrv_tcons;

	typedef [switch_type(smbsrv_info_level)] union {
		[case(SMBSRV_INFO_SESSIONS)] smbsrv_sessions sessions;
		[case(SMBSRV_INFO_TCONS)]    smbsrv_tcons    tcons;
	} smbsrv_info;

	void smbsrv_information(
		[in]  smbsrv_info_level level,
		[out,switch_is(level)] smbsrv_info info

	  called when samba should shutdown
	void samba_terminate(
		[in] astring reason
