/* krb5 PAC */ #include "idl_types.h" import "security.idl", "netlogon.idl", "samr.idl"; [ uuid("12345778-1234-abcd-0000-00000000"), version(0.0), pointer_default(unique), helpstring("Active Directory KRB5 PAC") ] interface krb5pac { typedef struct { NTTIME logon_time; [value(2*strlen_m(account_name))] uint16 size; [charset(UTF16)] uint8 account_name[size]; } PAC_LOGON_NAME; typedef [public,flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint32 type; [flag(NDR_REMAINING)] DATA_BLOB signature; } PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA; typedef [gensize] struct { netr_SamInfo3 info3; dom_sid2 *res_group_dom_sid; samr_RidWithAttributeArray res_groups; } PAC_LOGON_INFO; typedef struct { [value(2*strlen_m(upn_name))] uint16 upn_size; uint16 upn_offset; [value(2*strlen_m(domain_name))] uint16 domain_size; uint16 domain_offset; uint16 unknown3; /* 0x01 */ uint16 unknown4; uint32 unknown5; [charset(UTF16)] uint8 upn_name[upn_size+2]; [charset(UTF16)] uint8 domain_name[domain_size+2]; uint32 unknown6; /* padding */ } PAC_UNKNOWN_12; typedef [public] struct { PAC_LOGON_INFO *info; } PAC_LOGON_INFO_CTR; typedef [public,v1_enum] enum { PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO = 1, PAC_TYPE_SRV_CHECKSUM = 6, PAC_TYPE_KDC_CHECKSUM = 7, PAC_TYPE_LOGON_NAME = 10, PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION = 11, PAC_TYPE_UNKNOWN_12 = 12 } PAC_TYPE; typedef struct { [flag(NDR_REMAINING)] DATA_BLOB remaining; } DATA_BLOB_REM; typedef [public,nodiscriminant,gensize] union { [case(PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO)][subcontext(0xFFFFFC01)] PAC_LOGON_INFO_CTR logon_info; [case(PAC_TYPE_SRV_CHECKSUM)] PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA srv_cksum; [case(PAC_TYPE_KDC_CHECKSUM)] PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA kdc_cksum; [case(PAC_TYPE_LOGON_NAME)] PAC_LOGON_NAME logon_name; /* when new PAC info types are added they are supposed to be done in such a way that they are backwards compatible with existing servers. This makes it safe to just use a [default] for unknown types, which lets us ignore the data */ [default] [subcontext(0)] DATA_BLOB_REM unknown; /* [case(PAC_TYPE_UNKNOWN_12)] PAC_UNKNOWN_12 unknown; */ } PAC_INFO; typedef [public,nopush,nopull,noprint] struct { PAC_TYPE type; [value(_ndr_size_PAC_INFO(info, type, 0))] uint32 _ndr_size; [relative,switch_is(type),subcontext(0),subcontext_size(_subcontext_size_PAC_INFO(r, ndr->flags)),flag(NDR_ALIGN8)] PAC_INFO *info; [value(0)] uint32 _pad; /* Top half of a 64 bit pointer? */ } PAC_BUFFER; typedef [public] struct { uint32 num_buffers; uint32 version; PAC_BUFFER buffers[num_buffers]; } PAC_DATA; typedef [public] struct { PAC_TYPE type; uint32 ndr_size; [relative,subcontext(0),subcontext_size(NDR_ROUND(ndr_size,8)),flag(NDR_ALIGN8)] DATA_BLOB_REM *info; [value(0)] uint32 _pad; /* Top half of a 64 bit pointer? */ } PAC_BUFFER_RAW; typedef [public] struct { uint32 num_buffers; uint32 version; PAC_BUFFER_RAW buffers[num_buffers]; } PAC_DATA_RAW; void decode_pac( [in] PAC_DATA pac ); void decode_pac_raw( [in] PAC_DATA_RAW pac ); void decode_login_info( [in] PAC_LOGON_INFO logon_info ); }