#include "idl_types.h" /* lsa interface definition */ import "misc.idl", "security.idl"; [ uuid("12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab"), version(0.0), endpoint("ncacn_np:[\\pipe\\lsarpc]","ncacn_np:[\\pipe\\netlogon]","ncacn_np:[\\pipe\\lsass]", "ncacn_ip_tcp:", "ncalrpc:"), pointer_default(unique), helpstring("Local Security Authority") ] interface lsarpc { typedef bitmap security_secinfo security_secinfo; typedef bitmap kerb_EncTypes kerb_EncTypes; typedef [public,noejs] struct { [value(2*strlen_m(string))] uint16 length; [value(2*strlen_m(string))] uint16 size; [charset(UTF16),size_is(size/2),length_is(length/2)] uint16 *string; } lsa_String; typedef [public] struct { [value(2*strlen_m(string))] uint16 length; [value(2*strlen_m_term(string))] uint16 size; [charset(UTF16),size_is(size/2),length_is(length/2)] uint16 *string; } lsa_StringLarge; typedef [public] struct { uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_String *names; } lsa_Strings; typedef [public] struct { [value(strlen_m(string))] uint16 length; [value(strlen_m(string))] uint16 size; [charset(DOS),size_is(size),length_is(length)] uint8 *string; } lsa_AsciiString; typedef [public] struct { [value(strlen_m(string))] uint16 length; [value(strlen_m_term(string))] uint16 size; [charset(DOS),size_is(size),length_is(length)] uint8 *string; } lsa_AsciiStringLarge; /******************/ /* Function: 0x00 */ NTSTATUS lsa_Close ( [in,out] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x01 */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_Delete ( [in] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x02 */ typedef struct { uint32 low; uint32 high; } lsa_LUID; typedef struct { lsa_StringLarge name; lsa_LUID luid; } lsa_PrivEntry; typedef struct { uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_PrivEntry *privs; } lsa_PrivArray; [public] NTSTATUS lsa_EnumPrivs ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,out] uint32 *resume_handle, [in] uint32 max_count, [out] lsa_PrivArray *privs ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x03 */ NTSTATUS lsa_QuerySecurity ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] security_secinfo sec_info, [out,unique] sec_desc_buf *sdbuf ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x04 */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetSecObj( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] security_secinfo sec_info, [in,ref] sec_desc_buf *sdbuf ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x05 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_ChangePassword (); /******************/ /* Function: 0x06 */ typedef struct { uint32 len; /* ignored */ uint16 impersonation_level; uint8 context_mode; uint8 effective_only; } lsa_QosInfo; typedef struct { uint32 len; /* ignored */ uint8 *root_dir; [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *object_name; uint32 attributes; security_descriptor *sec_desc; lsa_QosInfo *sec_qos; } lsa_ObjectAttribute; /* notice the screwup with the system_name - thats why MS created OpenPolicy2 */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_OpenPolicy ( [in,unique] uint16 *system_name, [in] lsa_ObjectAttribute *attr, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x07 */ typedef struct { uint32 percent_full; uint32 log_size; NTTIME retention_time; uint8 shutdown_in_progress; NTTIME time_to_shutdown; uint32 next_audit_record; uint32 unknown; } lsa_AuditLogInfo; typedef [v1_enum] enum { LSA_AUDIT_POLICY_NONE=0, LSA_AUDIT_POLICY_SUCCESS=1, LSA_AUDIT_POLICY_FAILURE=2, LSA_AUDIT_POLICY_ALL=(LSA_AUDIT_POLICY_SUCCESS|LSA_AUDIT_POLICY_FAILURE), LSA_AUDIT_POLICY_CLEAR=4 } lsa_PolicyAuditPolicy; typedef enum { LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_SYSTEM = 0, LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_LOGON = 1, LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_FILE_AND_OBJECT_ACCESS = 2, LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_USE_OF_USER_RIGHTS = 3, LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_PROCCESS_TRACKING = 4, LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_SECURITY_POLICY_CHANGES = 5, LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT = 6, LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_ACCESS = 7, /* only in win2k/2k3 */ LSA_AUDIT_CATEGORY_ACCOUNT_LOGON = 8 /* only in win2k/2k3 */ } lsa_PolicyAuditEventType; typedef struct { uint32 auditing_mode; [size_is(count)] lsa_PolicyAuditPolicy *settings; uint32 count; } lsa_AuditEventsInfo; typedef struct { lsa_StringLarge name; dom_sid2 *sid; } lsa_DomainInfo; typedef struct { lsa_String name; } lsa_PDAccountInfo; typedef struct { uint16 unknown; /* an midl padding bug? */ uint16 role; } lsa_ServerRole; typedef struct { lsa_String source; lsa_String account; } lsa_ReplicaSourceInfo; typedef struct { uint32 paged_pool; uint32 non_paged_pool; uint32 min_wss; uint32 max_wss; uint32 pagefile; hyper unknown; } lsa_DefaultQuotaInfo; typedef struct { hyper modified_id; NTTIME db_create_time; } lsa_ModificationInfo; typedef struct { uint8 shutdown_on_full; } lsa_AuditFullSetInfo; typedef struct { uint16 unknown; /* an midl padding bug? */ uint8 shutdown_on_full; uint8 log_is_full; } lsa_AuditFullQueryInfo; typedef struct { /* it's important that we use the lsa_StringLarge here, * because otherwise windows clients result with such dns hostnames * e.g. w2k3-client.samba4.samba.orgsamba4.samba.org * where it should be * w2k3-client.samba4.samba.org */ lsa_StringLarge name; lsa_StringLarge dns_domain; lsa_StringLarge dns_forest; GUID domain_guid; dom_sid2 *sid; } lsa_DnsDomainInfo; typedef enum { LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_LOG=1, LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_EVENTS=2, LSA_POLICY_INFO_DOMAIN=3, LSA_POLICY_INFO_PD=4, LSA_POLICY_INFO_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN=5, LSA_POLICY_INFO_ROLE=6, LSA_POLICY_INFO_REPLICA=7, LSA_POLICY_INFO_QUOTA=8, LSA_POLICY_INFO_DB=9, LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_FULL_SET=10, LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_FULL_QUERY=11, LSA_POLICY_INFO_DNS=12 } lsa_PolicyInfo; typedef [switch_type(uint16)] union { [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_LOG)] lsa_AuditLogInfo audit_log; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_EVENTS)] lsa_AuditEventsInfo audit_events; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_DOMAIN)] lsa_DomainInfo domain; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_PD)] lsa_PDAccountInfo pd; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN)] lsa_DomainInfo account_domain; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_ROLE)] lsa_ServerRole role; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_REPLICA)] lsa_ReplicaSourceInfo replica; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_QUOTA)] lsa_DefaultQuotaInfo quota; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_DB)] lsa_ModificationInfo db; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_FULL_SET)] lsa_AuditFullSetInfo auditfullset; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_AUDIT_FULL_QUERY)] lsa_AuditFullQueryInfo auditfullquery; [case(LSA_POLICY_INFO_DNS)] lsa_DnsDomainInfo dns; } lsa_PolicyInformation; NTSTATUS lsa_QueryInfoPolicy ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_PolicyInfo level, [out,unique,switch_is(level)] lsa_PolicyInformation *info ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x08 */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetInfoPolicy ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_PolicyInfo level, [in,switch_is(level)] lsa_PolicyInformation *info ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x09 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_ClearAuditLog (); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0a */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_CreateAccount ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *sid, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *acct_handle ); /******************/ /* NOTE: This only returns accounts that have at least one privilege set */ /* Function: 0x0b */ typedef struct { dom_sid2 *sid; } lsa_SidPtr; typedef [public] struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 num_sids; [size_is(num_sids)] lsa_SidPtr *sids; } lsa_SidArray; [public] NTSTATUS lsa_EnumAccounts ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,out] uint32 *resume_handle, [in,range(0,8192)] uint32 num_entries, [out] lsa_SidArray *sids ); /*************************************************/ /* Function: 0x0c */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_CreateTrustedDomain( [in] policy_handle *policy_handle, [in] lsa_DomainInfo *info, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *trustdom_handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0d */ /* w2k3 treats max_size as max_domains*60 */ const int LSA_ENUM_TRUST_DOMAIN_MULTIPLIER = 60; typedef struct { uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_DomainInfo *domains; } lsa_DomainList; NTSTATUS lsa_EnumTrustDom ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,out] uint32 *resume_handle, [in] uint32 max_size, [out] lsa_DomainList *domains ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0e */ typedef [public] enum { SID_NAME_USE_NONE = 0,/* NOTUSED */ SID_NAME_USER = 1, /* user */ SID_NAME_DOM_GRP = 2, /* domain group */ SID_NAME_DOMAIN = 3, /* domain: don't know what this is */ SID_NAME_ALIAS = 4, /* local group */ SID_NAME_WKN_GRP = 5, /* well-known group */ SID_NAME_DELETED = 6, /* deleted account: needed for c2 rating */ SID_NAME_INVALID = 7, /* invalid account */ SID_NAME_UNKNOWN = 8, /* oops. */ SID_NAME_COMPUTER = 9 /* machine */ } lsa_SidType; typedef struct { lsa_SidType sid_type; uint32 rid; uint32 sid_index; } lsa_TranslatedSid; typedef struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_TranslatedSid *sids; } lsa_TransSidArray; const int LSA_REF_DOMAIN_LIST_MULTIPLIER = 32; typedef struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_DomainInfo *domains; uint32 max_size; } lsa_RefDomainList; /* Level 1: Ask everywhere * Level 2: Ask domain and trusted domains, no builtin and wkn * Level 3: Only ask domain * Level 4: W2k3ad: Only ask AD trusts * Level 5: Only ask transitive forest trusts * Level 6: Like 4 */ typedef enum { LSA_LOOKUP_NAMES_ALL = 1, LSA_LOOKUP_NAMES_DOMAINS_ONLY = 2, LSA_LOOKUP_NAMES_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_ONLY = 3, LSA_LOOKUP_NAMES_UPLEVEL_TRUSTS_ONLY = 4, LSA_LOOKUP_NAMES_FOREST_TRUSTS_ONLY = 5, LSA_LOOKUP_NAMES_UPLEVEL_TRUSTS_ONLY2 = 6, LSA_LOOKUP_NAMES_RODC_REFERRAL_TO_FULL_DC = 7 } lsa_LookupNamesLevel; [public] NTSTATUS lsa_LookupNames ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,range(0,1000)] uint32 num_names, [in,size_is(num_names)] lsa_String names[], [out,unique] lsa_RefDomainList *domains, [in,out] lsa_TransSidArray *sids, [in] lsa_LookupNamesLevel level, [in,out] uint32 *count ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0f */ typedef struct { lsa_SidType sid_type; lsa_String name; uint32 sid_index; } lsa_TranslatedName; typedef struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_TranslatedName *names; } lsa_TransNameArray; [public] NTSTATUS lsa_LookupSids ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_SidArray *sids, [out,unique] lsa_RefDomainList *domains, [in,out] lsa_TransNameArray *names, [in] uint16 level, [in,out] uint32 *count ); /* Function: 0x10 */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_CreateSecret( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_String name, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *sec_handle ); /*****************************************/ /* Function: 0x11 */ NTSTATUS lsa_OpenAccount ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *sid, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *acct_handle ); /****************************************/ /* Function: 0x12 */ typedef struct { lsa_LUID luid; uint32 attribute; } lsa_LUIDAttribute; typedef struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 count; uint32 unknown; [size_is(count)] lsa_LUIDAttribute set[*]; } lsa_PrivilegeSet; NTSTATUS lsa_EnumPrivsAccount ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [out,unique] lsa_PrivilegeSet *privs ); /****************************************/ /* Function: 0x13 */ NTSTATUS lsa_AddPrivilegesToAccount( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_PrivilegeSet *privs ); /****************************************/ /* Function: 0x14 */ NTSTATUS lsa_RemovePrivilegesFromAccount( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint8 remove_all, [in,unique] lsa_PrivilegeSet *privs ); /* Function: 0x15 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_GetQuotasForAccount(); /* Function: 0x16 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_SetQuotasForAccount(); /* Function: 0x17 */ NTSTATUS lsa_GetSystemAccessAccount( [in] policy_handle *handle, [out,ref] uint32 *access_mask ); /* Function: 0x18 */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetSystemAccessAccount( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint32 access_mask ); /* Function: 0x19 */ NTSTATUS lsa_OpenTrustedDomain( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *sid, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *trustdom_handle ); typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint32 length; uint32 size; [size_is(size),length_is(length)] uint8 *data; } lsa_DATA_BUF; typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { [range(0,65536)] uint32 size; [size_is(size)] uint8 *data; } lsa_DATA_BUF2; typedef enum { LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_NAME = 1, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_CONTROLLERS = 2, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_POSIX_OFFSET = 3, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_PASSWORD = 4, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC = 5, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_INFO_EX = 6, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_AUTH_INFO = 7, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_FULL_INFO = 8, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_AUTH_INFO_INTERNAL = 9, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_FULL_INFO_INTERNAL = 10, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_INFO_EX2_INTERNAL = 11, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_FULL_INFO_2_INTERNAL = 12, LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_SUPPORTED_ENCRTYPION_TYPES = 13 } lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum; typedef [public,bitmap32bit] bitmap { LSA_TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND = 0x00000001, LSA_TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND = 0x00000002 } lsa_TrustDirection; typedef [v1_enum] enum { LSA_TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL = 0x00000001, LSA_TRUST_TYPE_UPLEVEL = 0x00000002, LSA_TRUST_TYPE_MIT = 0x00000003 } lsa_TrustType; typedef [public,bitmap32bit] bitmap { LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_NON_TRANSITIVE = 0x00000001, LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_UPLEVEL_ONLY = 0x00000002, LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_QUARANTINED_DOMAIN = 0x00000004, LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_FOREST_TRANSITIVE = 0x00000008, LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_CROSS_ORGANIZATION = 0x00000010, LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_WITHIN_FOREST = 0x00000020, LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_TREAT_AS_EXTERNAL = 0x00000040, LSA_TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_USES_RC4_ENCRYPTION = 0x00000080 } lsa_TrustAttributes; typedef struct { lsa_StringLarge netbios_name; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoName; typedef struct { uint32 entries; [size_is(entries)] lsa_StringLarge *netbios_names; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoControllers; typedef struct { uint32 posix_offset; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoPosixOffset; typedef struct { lsa_DATA_BUF *password; lsa_DATA_BUF *old_password; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoPassword; typedef struct { lsa_String netbios_name; dom_sid2 *sid; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoBasic; typedef struct { lsa_StringLarge domain_name; lsa_StringLarge netbios_name; dom_sid2 *sid; lsa_TrustDirection trust_direction; lsa_TrustType trust_type; lsa_TrustAttributes trust_attributes; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx; typedef [public,v1_enum] enum { TRUST_AUTH_TYPE_NONE = 0, TRUST_AUTH_TYPE_NT4OWF = 1, TRUST_AUTH_TYPE_CLEAR = 2, TRUST_AUTH_TYPE_VERSION = 3 } lsa_TrustAuthType; typedef struct { NTTIME_hyper last_update_time; lsa_TrustAuthType AuthType; lsa_DATA_BUF2 data; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoBuffer; typedef struct { uint32 incoming_count; lsa_TrustDomainInfoBuffer *incoming_current_auth_info; lsa_TrustDomainInfoBuffer *incoming_previous_auth_info; uint32 outgoing_count; lsa_TrustDomainInfoBuffer *outgoing_current_auth_info; lsa_TrustDomainInfoBuffer *outgoing_previous_auth_info; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfo; typedef struct { lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx info_ex; lsa_TrustDomainInfoPosixOffset posix_offset; lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfo auth_info; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoFullInfo; typedef struct { lsa_DATA_BUF2 auth_blob; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfoInternal; typedef struct { lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx info_ex; lsa_TrustDomainInfoPosixOffset posix_offset; lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfoInternal auth_info; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoFullInfoInternal; typedef struct { lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx info_ex; uint32 forest_trust_length; [size_is(forest_trust_length)] uint8 *forest_trust_data; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx2Internal; typedef struct { lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx2Internal info; lsa_TrustDomainInfoPosixOffset posix_offset; lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfo auth_info; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoFullInfo2Internal; typedef struct { kerb_EncTypes enc_types; } lsa_TrustDomainInfoSupportedEncTypes; typedef [switch_type(lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum)] union { [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_NAME)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoName name; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_CONTROLLERS)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoControllers controllers; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_POSIX_OFFSET)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoPosixOffset posix_offset; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_PASSWORD)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoPassword password; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoBasic info_basic; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_INFO_EX)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx info_ex; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_AUTH_INFO)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfo auth_info; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_FULL_INFO)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoFullInfo full_info; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_AUTH_INFO_INTERNAL)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfoInternal auth_info_internal; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_FULL_INFO_INTERNAL)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoFullInfoInternal full_info_internal; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_INFO_EX2_INTERNAL)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx2Internal info_ex2_internal; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFO_FULL_INFO_2_INTERNAL)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoFullInfo2Internal full_info2_internal; [case(LSA_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_SUPPORTED_ENCRTYPION_TYPES)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoSupportedEncTypes enc_types; } lsa_TrustedDomainInfo; /* Function: 0x1a */ NTSTATUS lsa_QueryTrustedDomainInfo( [in] policy_handle *trustdom_handle, [in] lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum level, [out,switch_is(level),unique] lsa_TrustedDomainInfo *info ); /* Function: 0x1b */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetInformationTrustedDomain( [in] policy_handle *trustdom_handle, [in] lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum level, [in,switch_is(level)] lsa_TrustedDomainInfo *info ); /* Function: 0x1c */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_OpenSecret( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_String name, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *sec_handle ); /* Function: 0x1d */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_SetSecret( [in] policy_handle *sec_handle, [in,unique] lsa_DATA_BUF *new_val, [in,unique] lsa_DATA_BUF *old_val ); typedef struct { lsa_DATA_BUF *buf; } lsa_DATA_BUF_PTR; /* Function: 0x1e */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_QuerySecret ( [in] policy_handle *sec_handle, [in,out,unique] lsa_DATA_BUF_PTR *new_val, [in,out,unique] NTTIME_hyper *new_mtime, [in,out,unique] lsa_DATA_BUF_PTR *old_val, [in,out,unique] NTTIME_hyper *old_mtime ); /* Function: 0x1f */ NTSTATUS lsa_LookupPrivValue( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_String *name, [out] lsa_LUID *luid ); /* Function: 0x20 */ NTSTATUS lsa_LookupPrivName ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_LUID *luid, [out,unique] lsa_StringLarge *name ); /*******************/ /* Function: 0x21 */ NTSTATUS lsa_LookupPrivDisplayName ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_String *name, [out,unique] lsa_StringLarge *disp_name, /* see http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/nlsweb/ for language definitions */ [in,out] uint16 *language_id, [in] uint16 unknown ); /*******************/ /* Function: 0x22 */ NTSTATUS lsa_DeleteObject ( [in,out] policy_handle *handle ); /*******************/ /* Function: 0x23 */ NTSTATUS lsa_EnumAccountsWithUserRight ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,unique] lsa_String *name, [out] lsa_SidArray *sids ); /* Function: 0x24 */ typedef struct { [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *name; } lsa_RightAttribute; typedef struct { uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_StringLarge *names; } lsa_RightSet; NTSTATUS lsa_EnumAccountRights ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *sid, [out] lsa_RightSet *rights ); /**********************/ /* Function: 0x25 */ NTSTATUS lsa_AddAccountRights ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *sid, [in] lsa_RightSet *rights ); /**********************/ /* Function: 0x26 */ NTSTATUS lsa_RemoveAccountRights ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *sid, [in] uint32 unknown, [in] lsa_RightSet *rights ); /* Function: 0x27 */ NTSTATUS lsa_QueryTrustedDomainInfoBySid( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *dom_sid, [in] lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum level, [out,switch_is(level),unique] lsa_TrustedDomainInfo *info ); /* Function: 0x28 */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetTrustedDomainInfo( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *dom_sid, [in] lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum level, [in,switch_is(level)] lsa_TrustedDomainInfo *info ); /* Function: 0x29 */ NTSTATUS lsa_DeleteTrustedDomain( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] dom_sid2 *dom_sid ); /* Function: 0x2a */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_StorePrivateData(); /* Function: 0x2b */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_RetrievePrivateData(); /**********************/ /* Function: 0x2c */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_OpenPolicy2 ( [in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *system_name, [in] lsa_ObjectAttribute *attr, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *handle ); /**********************/ /* Function: 0x2d */ typedef struct { lsa_String *string; } lsa_StringPointer; NTSTATUS lsa_GetUserName( [in,unique] [string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *system_name, [in,out,unique] lsa_String *account_name, [in,out,unique] lsa_StringPointer *authority_name ); /**********************/ /* Function: 0x2e */ NTSTATUS lsa_QueryInfoPolicy2( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_PolicyInfo level, [out,unique,switch_is(level)] lsa_PolicyInformation *info ); /* Function 0x2f */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetInfoPolicy2( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_PolicyInfo level, [in,switch_is(level)] lsa_PolicyInformation *info ); /**********************/ /* Function 0x30 */ NTSTATUS lsa_QueryTrustedDomainInfoByName( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_String trusted_domain, [in] lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum level, [out,unique,switch_is(level)] lsa_TrustedDomainInfo *info ); /**********************/ /* Function 0x31 */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetTrustedDomainInfoByName( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_String trusted_domain, [in] lsa_TrustDomInfoEnum level, [in,unique,switch_is(level)] lsa_TrustedDomainInfo *info ); /* Function 0x32 */ /* w2k3 treats max_size as max_domains*82 */ const int LSA_ENUM_TRUST_DOMAIN_EX_MULTIPLIER = 82; typedef struct { uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx *domains; } lsa_DomainListEx; NTSTATUS lsa_EnumTrustedDomainsEx ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,out] uint32 *resume_handle, [out] lsa_DomainListEx *domains, [in] uint32 max_size ); /* Function 0x33 */ NTSTATUS lsa_CreateTrustedDomainEx( [in] policy_handle *policy_handle, [in] lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx *info, [in] lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfoInternal *auth_info, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *trustdom_handle ); /* Function 0x34 */ NTSTATUS lsa_CloseTrustedDomainEx( [in,out] policy_handle *handle ); /* Function 0x35 */ /* w2k3 returns either 0x000bbbd000000000 or 0x000a48e800000000 for unknown6 - gd */ typedef struct { uint32 enforce_restrictions; hyper service_tkt_lifetime; hyper user_tkt_lifetime; hyper user_tkt_renewaltime; hyper clock_skew; hyper unknown6; } lsa_DomainInfoKerberos; typedef struct { uint32 blob_size; [size_is(blob_size)] uint8 *efs_blob; } lsa_DomainInfoEfs; typedef enum { LSA_DOMAIN_INFO_POLICY_EFS=2, LSA_DOMAIN_INFO_POLICY_KERBEROS=3 } lsa_DomainInfoEnum; typedef [switch_type(uint16)] union { [case(LSA_DOMAIN_INFO_POLICY_EFS)] lsa_DomainInfoEfs efs_info; [case(LSA_DOMAIN_INFO_POLICY_KERBEROS)] lsa_DomainInfoKerberos kerberos_info; } lsa_DomainInformationPolicy; NTSTATUS lsa_QueryDomainInformationPolicy( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint16 level, [out,unique,switch_is(level)] lsa_DomainInformationPolicy *info ); /* Function 0x36 */ NTSTATUS lsa_SetDomainInformationPolicy( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint16 level, [in,unique,switch_is(level)] lsa_DomainInformationPolicy *info ); /**********************/ /* Function 0x37 */ NTSTATUS lsa_OpenTrustedDomainByName( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_String name, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *trustdom_handle ); /* Function 0x38 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_TestCall(); /**********************/ /* Function 0x39 */ typedef struct { lsa_SidType sid_type; lsa_String name; uint32 sid_index; uint32 unknown; } lsa_TranslatedName2; typedef struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_TranslatedName2 *names; } lsa_TransNameArray2; [public] NTSTATUS lsa_LookupSids2( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in] lsa_SidArray *sids, [out,unique] lsa_RefDomainList *domains, [in,out] lsa_TransNameArray2 *names, [in] uint16 level, [in,out] uint32 *count, [in] uint32 unknown1, [in] uint32 unknown2 ); /**********************/ /* Function 0x3a */ typedef struct { lsa_SidType sid_type; uint32 rid; uint32 sid_index; uint32 unknown; } lsa_TranslatedSid2; typedef struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_TranslatedSid2 *sids; } lsa_TransSidArray2; [public] NTSTATUS lsa_LookupNames2 ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,range(0,1000)] uint32 num_names, [in,size_is(num_names)] lsa_String names[], [out,unique] lsa_RefDomainList *domains, [in,out] lsa_TransSidArray2 *sids, [in] lsa_LookupNamesLevel level, [in,out] uint32 *count, [in] uint32 unknown1, [in] uint32 unknown2 ); /* Function 0x3b */ NTSTATUS lsa_CreateTrustedDomainEx2( [in] policy_handle *policy_handle, [in] lsa_TrustDomainInfoInfoEx *info, [in] lsa_TrustDomainInfoAuthInfoInternal *auth_info, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out] policy_handle *trustdom_handle ); /* Function 0x3c */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRWRITE(); /* Function 0x3d */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRREAD(); /* Function 0x3e */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRENUMERATE(); /* Function 0x3f */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRWRITEDOMAINCREDENTIALS(); /* Function 0x40 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRREADDOMAINCREDENTIALS(); /* Function 0x41 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRDELETE(); /* Function 0x42 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRGETTARGETINFO(); /* Function 0x43 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRPROFILELOADED(); /**********************/ /* Function 0x44 */ typedef struct { lsa_SidType sid_type; dom_sid2 *sid; uint32 sid_index; uint32 flags; } lsa_TranslatedSid3; typedef struct { [range(0,1000)] uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_TranslatedSid3 *sids; } lsa_TransSidArray3; [public] NTSTATUS lsa_LookupNames3 ( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,range(0,1000)] uint32 num_names, [in,size_is(num_names)] lsa_String names[], [out,unique] lsa_RefDomainList *domains, [in,out] lsa_TransSidArray3 *sids, [in] lsa_LookupNamesLevel level, [in,out] uint32 *count, [in] uint32 unknown1, [in] uint32 unknown2 ); /* Function 0x45 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRGETSESSIONTYPES(); /* Function 0x46 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSARREGISTERAUDITEVENT(); /* Function 0x47 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSARGENAUDITEVENT(); /* Function 0x48 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSARUNREGISTERAUDITEVENT(); /* Function 0x49 */ typedef struct { [range(0,131072)] uint32 length; [size_is(length)] uint8 *data; } lsa_ForestTrustBinaryData; typedef struct { dom_sid2 *domain_sid; lsa_StringLarge dns_domain_name; lsa_StringLarge netbios_domain_name; } lsa_ForestTrustDomainInfo; typedef [switch_type(uint32)] union { [case(LSA_FOREST_TRUST_TOP_LEVEL_NAME)] lsa_String top_level_name; [case(LSA_FOREST_TRUST_TOP_LEVEL_NAME_EX)] lsa_StringLarge top_level_name_ex; [case(LSA_FOREST_TRUST_DOMAIN_INFO)] lsa_ForestTrustDomainInfo domain_info; [default] lsa_ForestTrustBinaryData data; } lsa_ForestTrustData; typedef [v1_enum] enum { LSA_FOREST_TRUST_TOP_LEVEL_NAME = 0, LSA_FOREST_TRUST_TOP_LEVEL_NAME_EX = 1, LSA_FOREST_TRUST_DOMAIN_INFO = 2, LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE_LAST = 3 } lsa_ForestTrustRecordType; typedef struct { uint32 flags; lsa_ForestTrustRecordType level; hyper unknown; [switch_is(level)] lsa_ForestTrustData forest_trust_data; } lsa_ForestTrustRecord; typedef [public] struct { [range(0,4000)] uint32 count; [size_is(count)] lsa_ForestTrustRecord **entries; } lsa_ForestTrustInformation; NTSTATUS lsa_lsaRQueryForestTrustInformation( [in] policy_handle *handle, [in,ref] lsa_String *trusted_domain_name, [in] uint16 unknown, /* level ? */ [out,ref] lsa_ForestTrustInformation **forest_trust_info ); /* Function 0x4a */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSARSETFORESTTRUSTINFORMATION(); /* Function 0x4b */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_CREDRRENAME(); /*****************/ /* Function 0x4c */ [public] NTSTATUS lsa_LookupSids3( [in] lsa_SidArray *sids, [out,unique] lsa_RefDomainList *domains, [in,out] lsa_TransNameArray2 *names, [in] uint16 level, [in,out] uint32 *count, [in] uint32 unknown1, [in] uint32 unknown2 ); /* Function 0x4d */ NTSTATUS lsa_LookupNames4( [in,range(0,1000)] uint32 num_names, [in,size_is(num_names)] lsa_String names[], [out,unique] lsa_RefDomainList *domains, [in,out] lsa_TransSidArray3 *sids, [in] lsa_LookupNamesLevel level, [in,out] uint32 *count, [in] uint32 unknown1, [in] uint32 unknown2 ); /* Function 0x4e */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSAROPENPOLICYSCE(); /* Function 0x4f */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSARADTREGISTERSECURITYEVENTSOURCE(); /* Function 0x50 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSARADTUNREGISTERSECURITYEVENTSOURCE(); /* Function 0x51 */ [todo] NTSTATUS lsa_LSARADTREPORTSECURITYEVENT(); }