#include "idl_types.h"

   IDL structures for NBT operations

   NBT is not traditionally encoded using IDL/NDR. This is a bit of an
   experiment, and I may well switch us back to a more traditional
   encoding if it doesn't work out

import "security.idl", "svcctl.idl";
interface nbt
	const int NBT_NAME_SERVICE_PORT  = 137;
	const int NBT_DGRAM_SERVICE_PORT = 138;

	typedef [bitmap16bit] bitmap {
		NBT_RCODE                   = 0x000F,
		NBT_FLAG_BROADCAST          = 0x0010,
		NBT_FLAG_TRUNCATION         = 0x0200,
		NBT_FLAG_AUTHORITIVE        = 0x0400,
		NBT_OPCODE                  = 0x7800,
		NBT_FLAG_REPLY              = 0x8000
	} nbt_operation;

	/* the opcodes are in the operation field, masked with
	typedef enum {
		NBT_OPCODE_QUERY          =  (0x0<<11),
		NBT_OPCODE_REGISTER       =  (0x5<<11),
		NBT_OPCODE_RELEASE        =  (0x6<<11),
		NBT_OPCODE_WACK           =  (0x7<<11),
		NBT_OPCODE_REFRESH        =  (0x8<<11),
		NBT_OPCODE_REFRESH2       =  (0x9<<11),
	} nbt_opcode;

	/* rcode values */
	typedef enum {
		NBT_RCODE_OK  = 0x0,
		NBT_RCODE_FMT = 0x1,
		NBT_RCODE_SVR = 0x2,
		NBT_RCODE_NAM = 0x3,
		NBT_RCODE_IMP = 0x4,
		NBT_RCODE_RFS = 0x5,
		NBT_RCODE_ACT = 0x6,
	} nbt_rcode;

	/* we support any 8bit name type, but by defining the common
	   ones here we get better debug displays */
	typedef [enum8bit] enum {
		NBT_NAME_CLIENT   = 0x00,
		NBT_NAME_MS       = 0x01,
		NBT_NAME_USER     = 0x03,
		NBT_NAME_SERVER   = 0x20,
		NBT_NAME_PDC      = 0x1B,
		NBT_NAME_LOGON    = 0x1C,
	} nbt_name_type;

	/* the ndr parser for nbt_name is separately defined in
	   nbtname.c (along with the parsers for nbt_string) */
	typedef [public,nopull,nopush] struct {
		string        name;
		string        scope;
		nbt_name_type type;
	} nbt_name;

	typedef [enum16bit] enum {
		NBT_QCLASS_IP = 0x01
	} nbt_qclass;

	typedef [enum16bit] enum {
		NBT_QTYPE_ADDRESS     = 0x0001,
		NBT_QTYPE_NULL        = 0x000A,
		NBT_QTYPE_NETBIOS     = 0x0020,
		NBT_QTYPE_STATUS      = 0x0021
	} nbt_qtype;

	typedef struct {
		nbt_name   name;
		nbt_qtype  question_type;
		nbt_qclass question_class;
	} nbt_name_question;

	/* these are the possible values of the NBT_NM_OWNER_TYPE
	   field */
	typedef enum {
		NBT_NODE_B = 0x0000,
		NBT_NODE_P = 0x2000,
		NBT_NODE_M = 0x4000,
		NBT_NODE_H = 0x6000
	} nbt_node_type;

	typedef [bitmap16bit] bitmap {
		NBT_NM_PERMANENT        = 0x0200,
		NBT_NM_ACTIVE           = 0x0400,
		NBT_NM_CONFLICT         = 0x0800,
		NBT_NM_DEREGISTER       = 0x1000,
		NBT_NM_OWNER_TYPE       = 0x6000,
		NBT_NM_GROUP            = 0x8000
	} nb_flags;

	typedef struct {
		nb_flags nb_flags;
		ipv4address ipaddr;
	} nbt_rdata_address;

	typedef struct {
		uint16 length;
		nbt_rdata_address addresses[length/6];
	} nbt_rdata_netbios;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 unit_id[6];
		uint8 jumpers;
		uint8 test_result;
		uint16 version_number;
		uint16 period_of_statistics;
		uint16 number_of_crcs;
		uint16 number_alignment_errors;
		uint16 number_of_collisions;
		uint16 number_send_aborts;
		uint32 number_good_sends;
		uint32 number_good_receives;
		uint16 number_retransmits;
		uint16 number_no_resource_conditions;
		uint16 number_free_command_blocks;
		uint16 total_number_command_blocks;
		uint16 max_total_number_command_blocks;
		uint16 number_pending_sessions;
		uint16 max_number_pending_sessions;
		uint16 max_total_sessions_possible;
		uint16 session_data_packet_size;
	} nbt_statistics;

	typedef struct {
		[charset(DOS)] uint8 name[15];
		nbt_name_type type;
		nb_flags  nb_flags;
	} nbt_status_name;

	typedef struct {
		[value(num_names * 18 + 47)] uint16 length;
		uint8 num_names;
		nbt_status_name names[num_names];
		nbt_statistics  statistics;
	} nbt_rdata_status;

	typedef struct {
		uint16 length;
		uint8  data[length];
	} nbt_rdata_data;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(NBT_QTYPE_NETBIOS)] nbt_rdata_netbios netbios;
		[case(NBT_QTYPE_STATUS)]  nbt_rdata_status status;
		[default]                 nbt_rdata_data   data;
	} nbt_rdata;

 * this macro works arround the problem
 * that we need to use nbt_rdata_data
 * together with NBT_QTYPE_NETBIOS
 * for WACK replies
#define NBT_RES_REC_LEVEL(rr_type, rdata) (\
	(((rr_type) == NBT_QTYPE_NETBIOS) && \
	talloc_check_name(ndr, "struct ndr_push") && \
	((rdata).data.length == 2)) \
	? 0 : rr_type)

	typedef [flag(LIBNDR_PRINT_ARRAY_HEX)] struct {
		nbt_name   name;
		nbt_qtype  rr_type;
		nbt_qclass rr_class;
		uint32     ttl;
		[switch_is(NBT_RES_REC_LEVEL(rr_type, rdata))] nbt_rdata rdata;
	} nbt_res_rec;

	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN|NDR_BIG_ENDIAN|NDR_PAHEX),public] struct {
		uint16            name_trn_id;
		nbt_operation     operation;
		uint16            qdcount;
		uint16            ancount;
		uint16            nscount;
		uint16            arcount;
		nbt_name_question questions[qdcount];
		nbt_res_rec       answers[ancount];
		nbt_res_rec       nsrecs[nscount];
		nbt_res_rec       additional[arcount];
		[flag(NDR_REMAINING)] DATA_BLOB padding;
	} nbt_name_packet;

	  NBT DGRAM packets (UDP/138)

	typedef [enum8bit] enum {
		DGRAM_BCAST          = 0x12,
		DGRAM_ERROR          = 0x13,
		DGRAM_QUERY          = 0x14,
	} dgram_msg_type;

	typedef [bitmap8bit] bitmap {
		DGRAM_FLAG_MORE         = 0x01,
		DGRAM_FLAG_FIRST        = 0x02,
	} dgram_flags;

	typedef [enum8bit] enum {
		DGRAM_NODE_B    = 0x00,
		DGRAM_NODE_P    = 0x04,
		DGRAM_NODE_M    = 0x08,
	} dgram_node_type;

	/* a dgram_message is the main dgram body in general use */

	/* the most common datagram type is a SMB_TRANSACTION
	   operation, where a SMB packet is used in the data section
	   of a dgram_message to hold a trans request, which in turn
	   holds a small command structure. It's a very strange beast
	   indeed. To make the code cleaner we define a basic SMB
	   packet in IDL here. This is not a general purpose SMB
	   packet, and won't be used in the core SMB client/server
	   code, but it does make working with these types of dgrams
	   easier */


	typedef [enum8bit] enum {
	} smb_command;

	typedef struct {
		[range(17,17),value(17)] uint8 wct;
		uint16                      total_param_count;
		uint16                      total_data_count;
		uint16                      max_param_count;
		uint16                      max_data_count;
		uint8                       max_setup_count;
		uint8                       pad;
		uint16                      trans_flags;
		uint32                      timeout;
		uint16                      reserved;
		uint16                      param_count;
		uint16                      param_offset;
		uint16                      data_count;
		uint16                      data_offset;
		[range(3,3),value(3)] uint8 setup_count;
		uint8                       pad2;
		uint16                      opcode;
		uint16                      priority;
		uint16                      class;
		      uint16                byte_count;
		astring                     mailslot_name;
		[flag(NDR_REMAINING)]       DATA_BLOB data;
	} smb_trans_body;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(SMB_TRANSACTION)] smb_trans_body trans;
	} smb_body;

	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN|NDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN|NDR_PAHEX),public] struct {
		smb_command                smb_command;
		uint8                      err_class;
		uint8                      pad;
		uint16                     err_code;
		uint8                      flags;
		uint16                     flags2;
		uint16                     pid_high;
		uint8                      signature[8];
		uint16                     reserved;
		uint16                     tid;
		uint16                     pid;
		uint16                     vuid;
		uint16                     mid;
		[switch_is(smb_command)]   smb_body body;
	} dgram_smb_packet;

    	const uint32 DGRAM_SMB = 0xff534d42; /* 0xffSMB */

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(DGRAM_SMB)] dgram_smb_packet smb;
	} dgram_message_body;

	typedef struct {
		uint16          length;
		uint16          offset;
		nbt_name        source_name;
		nbt_name        dest_name;
		uint32		dgram_body_type;
		[switch_is(dgram_body_type)] dgram_message_body body;
	} dgram_message;

	typedef [enum8bit] enum {
	} dgram_err_code;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(DGRAM_DIRECT_UNIQUE)]   dgram_message  msg;
		[case(DGRAM_DIRECT_GROUP)]    dgram_message  msg;
		[case(DGRAM_BCAST)]           dgram_message  msg;
		[case(DGRAM_ERROR)]           dgram_err_code error;
		[case(DGRAM_QUERY)]           nbt_name       dest_name;
		[case(DGRAM_QUERY_POSITIVE)]  nbt_name       dest_name;
		[case(DGRAM_QUERY_NEGATIVE)]  nbt_name       dest_name;
	} dgram_data;

	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN|NDR_BIG_ENDIAN|NDR_PAHEX),public] struct {
		dgram_msg_type msg_type;
		dgram_flags    flags;
		uint16         dgram_id;
		ipv4address    src_addr;
		uint16         src_port;
		[switch_is(msg_type)] dgram_data data;
	} nbt_dgram_packet;

	/* \MAILSLOT\NET\NETLOGON mailslot requests */
	typedef enum {
		NETLOGON_QUERY_FOR_PDC           = 0x7,	
		NETLOGON_ANNOUNCE_UAS            = 0xa,
		NETLOGON_QUERY_FOR_PDC2          = 0x12,
	} nbt_netlogon_command;

	/* query for pdc request */
	typedef struct {
		astring              computer_name;
		astring              mailslot_name;
		[flag(NDR_ALIGN2)]   DATA_BLOB _pad;
		nstring              unicode_name;
		uint32               nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_netlogon_query_for_pdc;

	/* query for pdc request - new style */
	typedef struct {
		uint16               request_count;
		nstring              computer_name;
		nstring              user_name;
		astring              mailslot_name;
		uint32               unknown[2];
		uint32               nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_netlogon_query_for_pdc2;

	/* response from pdc */
	typedef struct {
		astring pdc_name;
		[flag(NDR_ALIGN2)]   DATA_BLOB _pad;
		nstring              unicode_pdc_name;
		nstring              domain_name;
		uint32               nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_netlogon_response_from_pdc;

	typedef [bitmap32bit] bitmap {
		NBT_SERVER_PDC           = 0x00000001,
		NBT_SERVER_GC            = 0x00000004,
		NBT_SERVER_LDAP          = 0x00000008,
		NBT_SERVER_DS            = 0x00000010,
		NBT_SERVER_KDC           = 0x00000020,
		NBT_SERVER_TIMESERV      = 0x00000040,
		NBT_SERVER_CLOSEST       = 0x00000080,
		NBT_SERVER_WRITABLE      = 0x00000100, 
	} nbt_server_type;

	/* response from pdc - type2 */
	typedef struct {
		[flag(NDR_ALIGN4)]   DATA_BLOB _pad;
		nbt_server_type      server_type;
		GUID                 domain_uuid;
		nbt_string           forest;
		nbt_string           dns_domain;
		nbt_string           pdc_dns_name;
		nbt_string           domain;
		nbt_string           pdc_name;
		nbt_string           user_name;
		nbt_string           server_site;
		nbt_string           client_site;
		uint8                unknown;
		uint32               unknown2;
	          ipv4address          pdc_ip;
		uint32               unknown3[2];
		uint32               nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_netlogon_response_from_pdc2;

	typedef enum netr_SamDatabaseID netr_SamDatabaseID;

	/* announce change to UAS or SAM */
	typedef struct {
		netr_SamDatabaseID   db_index;
		hyper                serial;
		NTTIME               timestamp;
	} nbt_db_change;

	/* used to announce SAM changes */
	typedef struct {
		uint32           serial_lo;
		time_t           timestamp;
		uint32           pulse;
		uint32           random;
		astring          pdc_name;
		astring          domain;
		[flag(NDR_ALIGN2)] DATA_BLOB _pad;
		nstring          unicode_pdc_name;
		nstring          unicode_domain;
		uint32           db_count;
		nbt_db_change    dbchange[db_count];
		[value(ndr_size_dom_sid(&sid, ndr->flags))] uint32 sid_size;
		[flag(NDR_ALIGN4)] DATA_BLOB _pad2;
		dom_sid          sid;
		uint32           nt_version;
		uint16           lmnt_token;
		uint16           lm20_token;
	} nbt_netlogon_announce_uas;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(NETLOGON_QUERY_FOR_PDC)] nbt_netlogon_query_for_pdc pdc;
		[case(NETLOGON_QUERY_FOR_PDC2)] nbt_netlogon_query_for_pdc2 pdc2;
		[case(NETLOGON_ANNOUNCE_UAS)] nbt_netlogon_announce_uas uas;
		[case(NETLOGON_RESPONSE_FROM_PDC)] nbt_netlogon_response_from_pdc response;
		[case(NETLOGON_RESPONSE_FROM_PDC2)] nbt_netlogon_response_from_pdc2 response2;
		[case(NETLOGON_RESPONSE_FROM_PDC_USER)] nbt_netlogon_response_from_pdc2 response2;
	} nbt_netlogon_request;

	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN),public] struct {
		nbt_netlogon_command command;
		[switch_is(command)] nbt_netlogon_request req;
	} nbt_netlogon_packet;

	/* CLDAP netlogon response                 */

	/* note that these structures are very similar to, but not
	   quite identical to, the netlogon structures above */

	typedef struct {
		uint16               type;
		nstring              pdc_name;
		nstring              user_name;
		nstring              domain_name;
		[value(1)] uint32    nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;		
	} nbt_cldap_netlogon_1;

	typedef struct {
		uint16               type;
		nstring              pdc_name;
		nstring              user_name;
		nstring              domain_name;
		GUID                 domain_uuid;
		GUID                 unknown_uuid;
		nbt_string           forest;
		nbt_string           dns_domain;
		nbt_string           pdc_dns_name;
		ipv4address          pdc_ip;
		nbt_server_type      server_type;
		[value(3)] uint32    nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;		
	} nbt_cldap_netlogon_3;

	typedef struct {
		uint32               type;
		nbt_server_type      server_type;
		GUID                 domain_uuid;
		nbt_string           forest;
		nbt_string           dns_domain;
		nbt_string           pdc_dns_name;
		nbt_string           domain;
		nbt_string           pdc_name;
		nbt_string           user_name;
		nbt_string           server_site;
		nbt_string           client_site;
		[value(5)] uint32    nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_cldap_netlogon_5;

	typedef struct {
		uint32               type;
		nbt_server_type      server_type;
		GUID                 domain_uuid;
		nbt_string           forest;
		nbt_string           dns_domain;
		nbt_string           pdc_dns_name;
		nbt_string           domain;
		nbt_string           pdc_name;
		nbt_string           user_name;
		nbt_string           server_site;
		nbt_string           client_site;
		uint8                unknown;
		uint32               unknown2;
	          ipv4address          pdc_ip;
		uint32               unknown3[2];
		[value(13)] uint32   nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_cldap_netlogon_13;

	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN),public,nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(0)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_1 logon1;
		[case(1)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_1 logon1;
		[case(2)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_3 logon3;
		[case(3)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_3 logon3;
		[case(4)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_5 logon5;
		[case(5)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_5 logon5;
		[case(6)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_5 logon5;
		[case(7)]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_5 logon5;
		[default]  nbt_cldap_netlogon_13 logon13;
	} nbt_cldap_netlogon;

	/* \MAILSLOT\NET\NTLOGON mailslot requests */
	typedef enum {
		NTLOGON_SAM_LOGON         = 0x12,
	} nbt_ntlogon_command;

	typedef struct {
		uint16               request_count;
		nstring              computer_name;
		nstring              user_name;
		astring              mailslot_name;
		uint32               acct_control;
		[value(ndr_size_dom_sid(&sid, ndr->flags))] uint32 sid_size;
		[flag(NDR_ALIGN4)]   DATA_BLOB _pad;
		dom_sid              sid;
		uint32               nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_ntlogon_sam_logon;

	typedef struct {
		nstring              server;
		nstring              user_name;
		nstring              domain;
		uint32               nt_version;
		uint16               lmnt_token;
		uint16               lm20_token;
	} nbt_ntlogon_sam_logon_reply;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(NTLOGON_SAM_LOGON)]       nbt_ntlogon_sam_logon logon;
		[case(NTLOGON_SAM_LOGON_REPLY)] nbt_ntlogon_sam_logon_reply reply;
		[case(NTLOGON_SAM_LOGON_REPLY15)] nbt_ntlogon_sam_logon_reply reply;
	} nbt_ntlogon_request;

	typedef [flag(NDR_NOALIGN),public] struct {
		nbt_ntlogon_command command;
		[switch_is(command)] nbt_ntlogon_request req;
	} nbt_ntlogon_packet;

	/* \MAILSLOT\BROWSE mailslot requests			*/
	/* for details see http://ubiqx.org/cifs/Browsing.html  */
	typedef bitmap svcctl_ServerType svcctl_ServerType;

	typedef [enum8bit] enum { 
		HostAnnouncement 	= 1,
		AnnouncementRequest	= 2,
		Election		= 8,
		GetBackupListReq	= 9,
		GetBackupListResp	= 10,
		BecomeBackup		= 11,
		DomainAnnouncement	= 12,
		MasterAnnouncement	= 13,
		ResetBrowserState	= 14,
		LocalMasterAnnouncement	= 15
	} nbt_browse_opcode;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 UpdateCount;
		uint32 Periodicity;
		[charset(DOS)] uint8 ServerName[16];
		uint8 OSMajor;
		uint8 OSMinor;
		svcctl_ServerType ServerType;
		uint8 BroMajorVer;
		uint8 BroMinorVer;
		uint16 Signature;
		astring Comment;
	} nbt_browse_host_announcement;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 Unused;
		astring ResponseName; 
	} nbt_browse_announcement_request;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 Version;
		uint32 Criteria;
		uint32 UpTime; /* In milliseconds */
		uint32 Reserved; /* Must be zero */
		astring ServerName; 
	} nbt_browse_election_request;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 ReqCount;
		uint32 Token;
	} nbt_browse_backup_list_request;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 BackupCount;
		uint32 Token;
		nbt_name BackupServerList[BackupCount];/* TODO: this is wrong */
	} nbt_browse_backup_list_response;

	typedef struct {
		astring BrowserName;
	} nbt_browse_become_backup;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 UpdateCount;
		uint32 Periodicity;
		[charset(DOS)] uint8 ServerName[16];
		uint8 OSMajor;
		uint8 OSMinor;
		svcctl_ServerType ServerType;
		uint32 MysteriousField;
		astring Comment;
	} nbt_browse_domain_announcement;

	typedef struct {
		astring ServerName;
	} nbt_browse_master_announcement;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 Command;
	} nbt_browse_reset_state;

	typedef struct {
		uint8 UpdateCount;
		uint32 Periodicity;
		[charset(DOS)] uint8 ServerName[16];
		uint8 OSMajor;
		uint8 OSMinor;
		svcctl_ServerType ServerType;
		uint8 BroMajorVer;
		uint8 BroMinorVer;
		uint16 Signature;
		astring Comment;
	} nbt_browse_local_master_announcement;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case(HostAnnouncement)] nbt_browse_host_announcement host_annoucement;
		[case(AnnouncementRequest)] nbt_browse_announcement_request announcement_request;
		[case(Election)] nbt_browse_election_request election_request;
		[case(GetBackupListReq)] nbt_browse_backup_list_request backup_list_request;
		[case(GetBackupListResp)] nbt_browse_backup_list_response backup_list_response;
		[case(BecomeBackup)] nbt_browse_become_backup become_backup;
		[case(DomainAnnouncement)] nbt_browse_domain_announcement domain_announcement;
		[case(MasterAnnouncement)] nbt_browse_master_announcement master_announcement;
		[case(ResetBrowserState)] nbt_browse_reset_state reset_browser_state;
		[case(LocalMasterAnnouncement)] nbt_browse_local_master_announcement local_master_announcement;
	} nbt_browse_payload;

	typedef [public,flag(NDR_NOALIGN)] struct {
		nbt_browse_opcode opcode;
		[switch_is(opcode)] nbt_browse_payload payload;	
	} nbt_browse_packet;