#include "idl_types.h" /* IDL structures for notify change code this defines the structures used in the notify database code, and the change notify buffers */ [ pointer_default(unique) ] interface notify { /* structure used in the notify database */ typedef [public] struct { server_id server; uint32 filter; /* filter to apply in this directory */ uint32 subdir_filter; /* filter to apply in child directories */ utf8string path; uint32 path_len; /* saves some computation on search */ pointer private; } notify_entry; /* to allow for efficient search for matching entries, we divide them by the directory depth, with a separate array per depth. The entries within each depth are sorted by path, allowing for a bisection search. The max_mask and max_mask_subdir at each depth is the bitwise or of the filters and subdir filters for all entries at that depth. This allows a depth to be quickly skipped if no entries will match the target filter */ typedef struct { uint32 max_mask; uint32 max_mask_subdir; uint32 num_entries; notify_entry entries[num_entries]; } notify_depth; typedef [public] struct { uint32 num_depths; notify_depth depth[num_depths]; } notify_array; /* structure sent between servers in notify messages */ typedef [public] struct { uint32 action; utf8string path; pointer private; } notify_event; }