#include "idl_types.h"

   IDL structures for opendb code

   this defines the structures used in the opendb database code, in 

interface opendb
	typedef struct {
		uint32 server;
		uint32 stream_id;
		uint32 share_access;
		uint32 access_mask;
		pointer file_handle;
		/* we need a per-entry delete on close, as well as a per-file
		   one, to cope with strange semantics on open */
		bool8 delete_on_close;
	} opendb_entry;

	typedef struct {
		uint32 server;
		pointer notify_ptr;
	} opendb_pending;

	typedef [public] struct {
		bool8 delete_on_close;
		utf8string path;
		uint32 num_entries;
		opendb_entry entries[num_entries];
		uint32 num_pending;
		opendb_pending pending[num_pending];
	} opendb_file;