#include "idl_types.h"

  schannel structures

interface schannel
	  a schannel bind blob - used in dcerpc auth_info
	  on a schannel
	typedef struct {
		astring domain;
		astring workstation;
	} schannel_bind_3;

	typedef struct {
		astring domain;
		astring workstation;
		nbt_string dnsdomain;
		nbt_string dnsworkstation;
	} schannel_bind_23;

	typedef [nodiscriminant] union {
		[case (3)]  schannel_bind_3  info3;
		[case (23)] schannel_bind_23 info23;
	} schannel_bind_info;

	typedef [public] struct {
		uint32 unknown1; /* seems to need to be 0 */
		uint32 bind_type;
		[switch_is(bind_type)] schannel_bind_info u;
	} schannel_bind;

	/* a bind_ack blob */
	typedef [public] struct {
		uint32 unknown1; /* 1 */
		uint32 unknown2; /* 0 */
		uint32 unknown3; /* 0x006c0000 */
	} schannel_bind_ack;