#include "idl_types.h" /* winreg interface definition */ [ uuid("338cd001-2244-31f1-aaaa-900038001003"), version(1.0), endpoint("ncacn_np:[\\pipe\\winreg]","ncacn_ip_tcp:","ncalrpc:"), pointer_default(unique), pointer_default_top(unique), helpstring("Remote Registry Service"), depends(lsa,initshutdown) ] interface winreg { typedef [public,noejs] struct { [value(strlen_m_term(name)*2)] uint16 name_len; [value(strlen_m_term(name)*2)] uint16 name_size; unistr *name; } winreg_String; /******************/ /* Function: 0x00 */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKCR( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x01 */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKCU( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x02 */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKLM( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x03 */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKPD( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x04 */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKU( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x05 */ WERROR winreg_CloseKey( [in,out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x06 */ WERROR winreg_CreateKey( [in,out,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String key, [in] winreg_String class, [in] uint32 options, [in] uint32 access_mask, [in,out,ref] uint32 *action_taken, [in] sec_desc_buf *sec_desc ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x07 */ WERROR winreg_DeleteKey( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String key ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x08 */ WERROR winreg_DeleteValue( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String value ); typedef struct { uint32 low; uint32 high; } winreg_Time; typedef struct { /* we can't use value(strlen_m(name)*2) here as it doesn't propogate to the length_is() property below. Jelmer, can this be fixed? */ uint16 length; uint16 size; [size_is(size/2),length_is(length/2),charset(UTF16)] uint16 *name; } winreg_StringBuf; WERROR winreg_EnumKey( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint32 enum_index, [in,out,ref] winreg_StringBuf *name, [in,out,unique] winreg_StringBuf *class, [in,out,unique] NTTIME *last_changed_time ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0a */ WERROR winreg_EnumValue( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint32 enum_index, [in,out,ref] winreg_StringBuf *name, [in,out,unique] uint32 *type, [in,out,unique,size_is(*size),length_is(*length)] uint8 *value, [in,out,unique] uint32 *size, [in,out,unique] uint32 *length ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0b */ WERROR winreg_FlushKey( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle ); typedef struct { [size_is(size),length_is(len)] uint8 *data; uint32 size; uint32 len; } KeySecurityData; /******************/ /* Function: 0x0c */ WERROR winreg_GetKeySecurity( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint32 access_mask, [in,out,ref] KeySecurityData *data ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0d */ WERROR winreg_LoadKey( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String *keyname, [in] winreg_String *filename ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0e */ WERROR winreg_NotifyChangeKeyValue( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint8 watch_subtree, [in] uint32 notify_filter, [in] uint32 unknown, [in] winreg_String string1, [in] winreg_String string2, [in] uint32 unknown2 ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x0f */ WERROR winreg_OpenKey( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String keyname, [in] uint32 unknown, [in] uint32 access_mask, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x10 */ WERROR winreg_QueryInfoKey( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String class, [out] winreg_String class, [out] uint32 num_subkeys, [out] uint32 max_subkeylen, [out] uint32 max_subkeysize, [out] uint32 num_values, [out] uint32 max_valnamelen, [out] uint32 max_valbufsize, [out] uint32 secdescsize, [out] winreg_Time last_changed_time ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x11 */ WERROR winreg_QueryValue( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String value_name, [in,out] uint32 *type, [in,out,size_is(*size),length_is(*length)] uint8 *data, [in,out] uint32 *size, [in,out] uint32 *length ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x12 */ WERROR winreg_ReplaceKey( ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x13 */ WERROR winreg_RestoreKey( ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x14 */ WERROR winreg_SaveKey( ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x15 */ WERROR winreg_SetKeySecurity( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] uint32 access_mask, [in,out,ref] KeySecurityData *data ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x16 */ WERROR winreg_SetValue( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [in] winreg_String name, [in] uint32 type, [in,size_is(size),ref] uint8 *data, [in] uint32 size ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x17 */ WERROR winreg_UnLoadKey( ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x18 */ WERROR winreg_InitiateSystemShutdown( [in] uint16 *hostname, [in] initshutdown_String *message, [in] uint32 timeout, [in] uint8 force_apps, [in] uint8 reboot ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x19 */ WERROR winreg_AbortSystemShutdown( [in] uint16 *server ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x1a */ WERROR winreg_GetVersion( [in,ref] policy_handle *handle, [out] uint32 version ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x1b */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKCC( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x1c */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKDD( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); typedef struct { winreg_String *name; uint32 type; uint32 offset; uint32 length; } QueryMultipleValue; /******************/ /* Function: 0x1d */ WERROR winreg_QueryMultipleValues( [in,ref] policy_handle *key_handle, [in,out,ref,size_is(num_values),length_is(num_values)] QueryMultipleValue *values, [in] uint32 num_values, [in,out,size_is(*buffer_size),length_is(*buffer_size)] uint8 *buffer, [in,out,ref] uint32 *buffer_size ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x1e */ WERROR winreg_InitiateSystemShutdownEx( [in] uint16 *hostname, [in] initshutdown_String *message, [in] uint32 timeout, [in] uint8 force_apps, [in] uint8 reboot, [in] uint32 reason ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x1f */ WERROR winreg_SaveKeyEx( ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x20 */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKPT( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x21 */ WERROR winreg_OpenHKPN( [in] uint16 *system_name, [in] uint32 access_required, [out,ref] policy_handle *handle ); /******************/ /* Function: 0x22 */ WERROR winreg_QueryMultipleValues2( ); }