/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2008 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* lease (oplock) implementation using fcntl F_SETLEASE on linux */ #include "includes.h" #include "system/filesys.h" #include "lib/events/events.h" #include "ntvfs/sysdep/sys_lease.h" #include "ntvfs/ntvfs.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_opendb.h" #include "../lib/util/dlinklist.h" #include "cluster/cluster.h" #define LINUX_LEASE_RT_SIGNAL (SIGRTMIN+1) struct linux_lease_pending { struct linux_lease_pending *prev, *next; struct sys_lease_context *ctx; struct opendb_entry e; }; /* the global linked list of pending leases */ static struct linux_lease_pending *leases; static void linux_lease_signal_handler(struct event_context *ev_ctx, struct signal_event *se, int signum, int count, void *_info, void *private_data) { struct sys_lease_context *ctx = talloc_get_type(private_data, struct sys_lease_context); siginfo_t *info = (siginfo_t *)_info; struct linux_lease_pending *c; int got_fd = info->si_fd; for (c = leases; c; c = c->next) { int *fd = (int *)c->e.fd; if (got_fd == *fd) { break; } } if (!c) { return; } ctx->break_send(ctx->msg_ctx, &c->e, OPLOCK_BREAK_TO_NONE); } static int linux_lease_pending_destructor(struct linux_lease_pending *p) { int ret; int *fd = (int *)p->e.fd; DLIST_REMOVE(leases, p); if (*fd == -1) { return 0; } ret = fcntl(*fd, F_SETLEASE, F_UNLCK); if (ret == -1) { DEBUG(0,("%s: failed to remove oplock: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno))); } return 0; } static NTSTATUS linux_lease_init(struct sys_lease_context *ctx) { struct signal_event *se; se = event_add_signal(ctx->event_ctx, ctx, LINUX_LEASE_RT_SIGNAL, SA_SIGINFO, linux_lease_signal_handler, ctx); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(se); return NT_STATUS_OK; } static NTSTATUS linux_lease_setup(struct sys_lease_context *ctx, struct opendb_entry *e) { int ret; int *fd = (int *)e->fd; struct linux_lease_pending *p; if (e->oplock_level == OPLOCK_NONE) { e->fd = NULL; return NT_STATUS_OK; } else if (e->oplock_level == OPLOCK_LEVEL_II) { /* * the linux kernel doesn't support level2 oplocks * so fix up the granted oplock level */ e->oplock_level = OPLOCK_NONE; e->allow_level_II_oplock = false; e->fd = NULL; return NT_STATUS_OK; } p = talloc(ctx, struct linux_lease_pending); NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(p); p->ctx = ctx; p->e = *e; ret = fcntl(*fd, F_SETSIG, LINUX_LEASE_RT_SIGNAL); if (ret == -1) { talloc_free(p); return map_nt_error_from_unix(errno); } ret = fcntl(*fd, F_SETLEASE, F_WRLCK); if (ret == -1) { talloc_free(p); return map_nt_error_from_unix(errno); } DLIST_ADD(leases, p); talloc_set_destructor(p, linux_lease_pending_destructor); return NT_STATUS_OK; } static NTSTATUS linux_lease_remove(struct sys_lease_context *ctx, struct opendb_entry *e); static NTSTATUS linux_lease_update(struct sys_lease_context *ctx, struct opendb_entry *e) { struct linux_lease_pending *c; for (c = leases; c; c = c->next) { if (c->e.fd == e->fd) { break; } } if (!c) { return NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } /* * set the fd pointer to NULL so that the caller * will not call the remove function as the oplock * is already removed */ e->fd = NULL; talloc_free(c); return NT_STATUS_OK; } static NTSTATUS linux_lease_remove(struct sys_lease_context *ctx, struct opendb_entry *e) { struct linux_lease_pending *c; for (c = leases; c; c = c->next) { if (c->e.fd == e->fd) { break; } } if (!c) { return NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } talloc_free(c); return NT_STATUS_OK; } static struct sys_lease_ops linux_lease_ops = { .name = "linux", .init = linux_lease_init, .setup = linux_lease_setup, .update = linux_lease_update, .remove = linux_lease_remove }; /* initialialise the linux lease module */ NTSTATUS sys_lease_linux_init(void) { /* register ourselves as a system lease module */ return sys_lease_register(&linux_lease_ops); }