################################################### # Samba3 server generator for IDL structures # on top of Samba4 style NDR functions # Copyright jelmer@samba.org 2005-2006 # released under the GNU GPL package Parse::Pidl::Samba3::ServerNDR; use strict; use Parse::Pidl qw(warning fatal); use Parse::Pidl::Typelist qw(mapTypeName scalar_is_reference); use Parse::Pidl::Util qw(ParseExpr has_property is_constant); use Parse::Pidl::NDR qw(GetNextLevel); use Parse::Pidl::Samba4 qw(DeclLong); use Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Parser qw(GenerateFunctionOutEnv); use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.01'; my $res; my $res_hdr; my $tabs = ""; sub indent() { $tabs.="\t"; } sub deindent() { $tabs = substr($tabs, 1); } sub pidl($) { $res .= $tabs.(shift)."\n"; } sub pidl_hdr($) { $res_hdr .= (shift)."\n"; } sub fn_declare($) { my ($n) = @_; pidl $n; pidl_hdr "$n;"; } sub DeclLevel($$) { sub DeclLevel($$); my ($e, $l) = @_; my $ret = ""; if (has_property($e, "charset")) { $ret.="const char"; } else { $ret.=mapTypeName($e->{TYPE}); } my $numstar = $e->{ORIGINAL}->{POINTERS}; if ($numstar >= 1) { $numstar-- if scalar_is_reference($e->{TYPE}); } foreach (@{$e->{ORIGINAL}->{ARRAY_LEN}}) { next if is_constant($_) and not has_property($e, "charset"); $numstar++; } $numstar -= $l; die ("Too few pointers") if $numstar < 0; if ($numstar > 0) { $ret.=" "; $ret.="*" foreach (1..$numstar); } return $ret; } sub AllocOutVar($$$$) { my ($e, $mem_ctx, $name, $env) = @_; my $l = $e->{LEVELS}[0]; my $nl = $l; if ($l->{TYPE} eq "POINTER") { $nl = GetNextLevel($e, $l); } if ($l->{TYPE} eq "ARRAY") { my $size = ParseExpr($l->{SIZE_IS}, $env, $e); pidl "$name = talloc_zero_array($mem_ctx, " . DeclLevel($e, 1) . ", $size);"; } elsif ($l->{TYPE} eq "POINTER" and $nl->{TYPE} eq "ARRAY") { my $size = ParseExpr($nl->{SIZE_IS}, $env, $e); pidl "$name = talloc_zero_array($mem_ctx, " . DeclLevel($e, 1) . ", $size);"; } else { pidl "$name = talloc_zero($mem_ctx, " . DeclLevel($e, 1) . ");"; } pidl "if ($name == NULL) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\treturn False;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; } sub ParseFunction($$) { my ($if,$fn) = @_; pidl "static BOOL api_$fn->{NAME}(pipes_struct *p)"; pidl "{"; indent; pidl "struct ndr_pull *pull;"; pidl "struct ndr_push *push;"; pidl "NTSTATUS status;"; pidl "DATA_BLOB blob;"; pidl "struct $fn->{NAME} r;"; pidl "TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_init(\"api_$fn->{NAME}\");"; pidl ""; pidl "if (!prs_data_blob(&p->in_data.data, &blob, mem_ctx)) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\treturn False;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl "pull = ndr_pull_init_blob(&blob, mem_ctx);"; pidl "if (pull == NULL) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\treturn False;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl "pull->flags |= LIBNDR_FLAG_REF_ALLOC;"; pidl "status = ndr_pull_$fn->{NAME}(pull, NDR_IN, &r);"; pidl "if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(status)) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\treturn False;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl "if (DEBUGLEVEL >= 10)"; pidl "\tNDR_PRINT_IN_DEBUG($fn->{NAME}, &r);"; pidl ""; my $env = GenerateFunctionOutEnv($fn, "r."); my $hasout = 0; foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) { if (grep(/out/, @{$_->{DIRECTION}})) { $hasout = 1; } } pidl "ZERO_STRUCT(r.out);" if ($hasout); my $proto = "_$fn->{NAME}(pipes_struct *p, struct $fn->{NAME} *r"; my $ret = "_$fn->{NAME}(p, &r"; foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) { my @dir = @{$_->{DIRECTION}}; if (grep(/in/, @dir) and grep(/out/, @dir)) { pidl "r.out.$_->{NAME} = r.in.$_->{NAME};"; } elsif (grep(/out/, @dir) and not has_property($_, "represent_as")) { AllocOutVar($_, "mem_ctx", "r.out.$_->{NAME}", $env); } } $ret .= ")"; $proto .= ");"; if ($fn->{RETURN_TYPE}) { $ret = "r.out.result = $ret"; $proto = "$fn->{RETURN_TYPE} $proto"; } else { $proto = "void $proto"; } pidl_hdr "$proto"; pidl "$ret;"; pidl ""; pidl "if (p->rng_fault_state) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\t/* Return True here, srv_pipe_hnd.c will take care */"; pidl "\treturn True;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl "if (DEBUGLEVEL >= 10)"; pidl "\tNDR_PRINT_OUT_DEBUG($fn->{NAME}, &r);"; pidl ""; pidl "push = ndr_push_init_ctx(mem_ctx);"; pidl "if (push == NULL) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\treturn False;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl "status = ndr_push_$fn->{NAME}(push, NDR_OUT, &r);"; pidl "if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(status)) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\treturn False;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl "blob = ndr_push_blob(push);"; pidl "if (!prs_copy_data_in(&p->out_data.rdata, (const char *)blob.data, (uint32)blob.length)) {"; pidl "\ttalloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl "\treturn False;"; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl "talloc_free(mem_ctx);"; pidl ""; pidl "return True;"; deindent; pidl "}"; pidl ""; } sub ParseInterface($) { my $if = shift; my $uif = uc($if->{NAME}); pidl_hdr "#ifndef __SRV_$uif\__"; pidl_hdr "#define __SRV_$uif\__"; ParseFunction($if, $_) foreach (@{$if->{FUNCTIONS}}); pidl ""; pidl "/* Tables */"; pidl "static struct api_struct api_$if->{NAME}_cmds[] = "; pidl "{"; indent; foreach (@{$if->{FUNCTIONS}}) { pidl "{\"" . uc($_->{NAME}) . "\", DCERPC_" . uc($_->{NAME}) . ", api_$_->{NAME}},"; } deindent; pidl "};"; pidl ""; pidl_hdr "void $if->{NAME}_get_pipe_fns(struct api_struct **fns, int *n_fns);"; pidl "void $if->{NAME}_get_pipe_fns(struct api_struct **fns, int *n_fns)"; pidl "{"; indent; pidl "*fns = api_$if->{NAME}_cmds;"; pidl "*n_fns = sizeof(api_$if->{NAME}_cmds) / sizeof(struct api_struct);"; deindent; pidl "}"; pidl ""; pidl_hdr "NTSTATUS rpc_$if->{NAME}_init(void);"; pidl "NTSTATUS rpc_$if->{NAME}_init(void)"; pidl "{"; pidl "\treturn rpc_pipe_register_commands(SMB_RPC_INTERFACE_VERSION, \"$if->{NAME}\", \"$if->{NAME}\", api_$if->{NAME}_cmds, sizeof(api_$if->{NAME}_cmds) / sizeof(struct api_struct));"; pidl "}"; pidl_hdr "#endif /* __SRV_$uif\__ */"; } sub Parse($$$) { my($ndr,$header,$ndr_header) = @_; $res = ""; $res_hdr = ""; pidl "/*"; pidl " * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation."; pidl " * server auto-generated by pidl. DO NOT MODIFY!"; pidl " */"; pidl ""; pidl "#include \"includes.h\""; pidl "#include \"$header\""; pidl_hdr "#include \"$ndr_header\""; pidl ""; foreach (@$ndr) { ParseInterface($_) if ($_->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE"); } return ($res, $res_hdr); } 1;