#!/usr/bin/perl # Some simple tests for pidls parsing routines # (C) 2005 Jelmer Vernooij # Published under the GNU General Public License use strict; use Test::More tests => 65 * 2 + 5; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use lib "$RealBin"; use Util qw(test_errors); use Parse::Pidl::IDL; use Parse::Pidl::NDR; sub testok($$) { my ($name, $data) = @_; test_errors("", sub { my $pidl = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string($data, "<$name>"); ok (defined($pidl), $name); }); } sub testfail($$$) { my ($name, $data, $error) = @_; test_errors($error, sub { my $pidl = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string($data, "<$name>"); ok ((not defined $pidl), $name); }); } testfail "unknowntag", "bla test {};", ":0: Syntax error near 'bla'\n"; testok "test1", "interface test { void Test(); }; "; testok "voidtest", "interface test { int Testx(void); }; "; testfail "voidtest", "interface test { Test(); }; ", ":0: Syntax error near '('\n"; testok "argtest", "interface test { int Test(int a, long b, uint32 c); }; "; testok "array1", "interface test { int Test(int a[]); };"; testok "array2", "interface test { int Test(int a[2]); };"; testok "array3", "interface test { int Test(int a[b]); };"; testfail "array4", "interface test { int Test(int[] a); };", ":0: Syntax error near '['\n"; testok "ptr1", "interface test { int Test(int *a); };"; testok "ptr2", "interface test { int Test(int **a); };"; testok "ptr3", "interface test { int Test(int ***a); };"; testfail "empty1", "interface test { };", ":0: Syntax error near '}'\n"; testfail "empty2", "", ""; testok "attr1", "[uuid(\"myuuid\"),attr] interface test { int Test(int ***a); };"; testok "attr2", "interface test { [public] int Test(); };"; testok "attr3", "[attr1] [attr2] interface test { [public] int Test(); };"; testok "multfn", "interface test { int test1(); int test2(); };"; testok "multif", "interface test { int test1(); }; interface test2 { int test2(); };"; testok "tdstruct1", "interface test { typedef struct { } foo; };"; testok "tdstruct2", "interface test { typedef struct { int a; } foo; };"; testok "tdstruct3", "interface test { typedef struct { int a; int b; } foo; };"; testfail "tdstruct4", "interface test { typedef struct { int a, int b; } foo; };", ":0: Syntax error near ','\n"; testok "struct1", "interface test { struct x { }; };"; testok "struct2", "interface test { struct x { int a; }; };"; testok "struct3", "interface test { struct x { int a; int b; }; };"; testfail "struct4", "interface test { struct x { int a, int b; }; };", ":0: Syntax error near ','\n"; testfail "struct5", "interface test { struct { int a; } x; };", ":0: Syntax error near 'x'\n"; testok "tdunion1", "interface test { typedef union { } a; };"; testok "tdunion2", "interface test { typedef union { int a; } a; };"; testok "union1", "interface test { union a { }; };"; testok "union2", "interface test { union x { int a; }; };"; testfail "union3", "interface test { union { int a; } x; };", ":0: Syntax error near 'x'\n"; testok "typedef1", "interface test { typedef int a; };"; testfail "typedef2", "interface test { typedef x; };", ":0: Syntax error near ';'\n"; testok "tdenum1", "interface test { typedef enum { A=1, B=2, C} a; };"; testok "enum1", "interface test { enum a { A=1, B=2, C}; };"; testfail "enum2", "interface test { enum { A=1, B=2, C} a; };", ":0: Syntax error near 'a'\n"; testok "nested1", "interface test { struct x { struct { int a; } z; }; };"; testok "nested2", "interface test { struct x { struct y { int a; } z; }; };"; testok "bitmap1", "interface test { bitmap x { a=1 }; };"; testok "unsigned", "interface test { struct x { unsigned short y; }; };"; testok "struct-property", "interface test { [public] struct x { short y; }; };"; testok "signed", "interface test { struct x { signed short y; }; };"; testok "declarg", "interface test { void test(struct { int x; } a); };"; testok "structarg", "interface test { void test(struct a b); };"; testfail "structargmissing", "interface test { void test(struct a); };", ":0: Syntax error near ')'\n"; testok "structqual", "interface test { struct x { struct y z; }; };"; testok "unionqual", "interface test { struct x { union y z; }; };"; testok "enumqual", "interface test { struct x { enum y z; }; };"; testok "bitmapqual", "interface test { struct x { bitmap y z; }; };"; testok "emptystructdecl", "interface test { struct x; };"; testok "emptyenumdecl", "interface test { enum x; };"; testok "emptytdstructdecl", "interface test { typedef struct x y; };"; testok "import", "import \"foo.idl\";"; testok "include", "include \"foo.h\";"; testfail "import-noquotes", "import foo.idl;", ":0: Syntax error near 'foo'\n"; testfail "include-noquotes", "include foo.idl;", ":0: Syntax error near 'foo'\n"; testok "importlib", "importlib \"foo.idl\";"; testfail "import-nosemicolon", "import \"foo.idl\"", ":0: Syntax error near 'foo.idl'\n"; testok "import-multiple", "import \"foo.idl\", \"bar.idl\";"; testok "include-multiple", "include \"foo.idl\", \"bar.idl\";"; testok "empty-struct", "interface test { struct foo { }; }"; testok "typedef-double", "interface test { typedef struct foo { } foo; }"; testok "cpp-quote", "cpp_quote(\"bla\")"; my $x = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string("interface foo { struct x {}; }", ""); is_deeply($x, [ { 'FILE' => '', 'NAME' => 'foo', 'DATA' => [ { 'NAME' => 'x', 'TYPE' => 'STRUCT', ELEMENTS => [] } ], 'TYPE' => 'INTERFACE', 'LINE' => 0 } ]); $x = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string("interface foo { struct x; }", ""); is_deeply($x, [ { 'FILE' => '', 'NAME' => 'foo', 'DATA' => [ { 'NAME' => 'x', 'TYPE' => 'STRUCT' } ], 'TYPE' => 'INTERFACE', 'LINE' => 0 } ]); $x = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string("cpp_quote(\"foobar\")", ""); is_deeply($x, [ { 'FILE' => '', 'DATA' => '"foobar"', 'TYPE' => 'CPP_QUOTE', 'LINE' => 0 } ]); # A typedef of a struct without body $x = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string("interface foo { typedef struct x y; }", ""); is_deeply($x, [ { 'FILE' => '', 'NAME' => 'foo', 'DATA' => [ { 'FILE' => '', 'LINE' => 0, 'NAME' => 'y', 'TYPE' => 'TYPEDEF', DATA => { TYPE => 'STRUCT', NAME => 'x' } } ], 'TYPE' => 'INTERFACE', 'LINE' => 0 } ]); # A typedef of a struct with empty body $x = Parse::Pidl::IDL::parse_string("interface foo { typedef struct {} y; }", ""); is_deeply($x, [ { 'FILE' => '', 'NAME' => 'foo', 'DATA' => [ { 'FILE' => '', 'LINE' => 0, 'NAME' => 'y', 'TYPE' => 'TYPEDEF', DATA => { TYPE => 'STRUCT', ELEMENTS => [] } } ], 'TYPE' => 'INTERFACE', 'LINE' => 0 } ]);