#!/usr/bin/perl -w ################################################### # package to generate samba ads configuration # Copyright metze@samba.org 2004 # released under the GNU GPL use strict; use Data::Dumper; sub print_options($$) { my $ads = shift; my $ctx = shift; my @arr; my $i; my $len; print "options:\n"; @arr = @{$ctx}; $len = $#arr; for($i = 0; $i <= $len; $i++) { my $val = $ctx->[$i]; print "\t".$i.": ".$val->{TEXT}."\n"; } print "choise []:"; } sub read_option($$) { my $ads = shift; my $ctx = shift; my $val; $val = <STDIN>; return $val; } sub call_option($$$) { my $ads = shift; my $ctx = shift; my $switch = shift; my $val; my $funcref; $val = $ctx->[$switch]; $funcref = $val->{ACTION}; &$funcref($ads); } sub ask_option($$) { my $ads = shift; my $ctx = shift; my $ret; print_options($ads, $ctx); $ret = read_option($ads, $ctx); call_option($ads, $ctx, $ret); } sub create_ads_tree($) { my $ads = shift; print "Create ADS Domain:\n"; print Dumper($ads); } sub do_new_domain_in_entire_structure($) { my $ads; my $domain_dns; my $domain_netbios; $ads->{NEW_DOMAIN} = 1; $ads->{NEW_FOREST} = 1; print "full dns name of the new domain []:"; $domain_dns = <STDIN>; chomp $domain_dns; $ads->{FULL_DNS_NAME} = $domain_dns; print "netbios name of the new domain []:"; $domain_netbios = <STDIN>; chomp $domain_netbios; $ads->{NETBIOS} = $domain_netbios; create_ads_tree($ads); } sub do_sub_domain_in_existing_structure($) { my $ads = shift; my $user_name; my $user_domain; my $user_password; my $top_dns; my $domain_dns; my $domain_netbios; my $db_folder; my $db_logs; my $sysvol_folder; my $admin_password1; my $admin_password2; $ads->{NEW_DOMAIN} = 1; $ads->{NEW_FOREST} = 0; print "User Name []:"; $user_name = <STDIN>; chomp $user_name; $ads->{USER}{NAME} = $user_name; print "User Domain []:"; $user_domain = <STDIN>; chomp $user_domain; $ads->{USER}{DOMAIN} = $user_domain; print "User Password []:"; $user_password = <STDIN>; chomp $user_password; $ads->{USER}{PASSWORD} = $user_password; print "full dns name of the top domain []:"; $top_dns = <STDIN>; chomp $top_dns; $ads->{TOP_DNS_NAME} = $top_dns; print "suffix of the new domain []:"; $domain_dns = <STDIN>; chomp $domain_dns; $ads->{FULL_DNS_NAME} = $domain_dns.".".$top_dns; print "netbios name of the new domain []:"; $domain_netbios = <STDIN>; chomp $domain_netbios; $ads->{NETBIOS} = $domain_netbios; print "folder for database files []:"; $db_folder = <STDIN>; chomp $db_folder; $ads->{DB_FOLDER} = $db_folder; print "folder for database logs []:"; $db_logs = <STDIN>; chomp $db_logs; $ads->{DB_LOGS} = $db_logs; print "folder for SYSVOL []:"; $sysvol_folder = <STDIN>; chomp $sysvol_folder; $ads->{SYSVOL_FOLDER} = $sysvol_folder; # # test DNS here # # # test mixed/native here # print "Administrator password []:"; $admin_password1 = <STDIN>; chomp $admin_password1; print "retype Administrator password []:"; $admin_password2 = <STDIN>; chomp $admin_password2; if ($admin_password1 eq $admin_password2) { $ads->{ADMIN_PASSWORD} = $admin_password1; } else { $ads->{ADMIN_PASSWORD} = ""; } create_ads_tree($ads); } sub do_sub_structure_in_global_structure($) { print "go on with do_sub_structure_in_global_structure\n"; } sub do_new_domain($) { my $ads = shift; my $ctx; $ctx->[0]{TEXT} = "new domain in entire structure"; $ctx->[0]{ACTION} = \&do_new_domain_in_entire_structure; $ctx->[1]{TEXT} = "sub domain in existing structure"; $ctx->[1]{ACTION} = \&do_sub_domain_in_existing_structure; $ctx->[2]{TEXT} = "sub structure in global structure"; $ctx->[2]{ACTION} = \&do_sub_structure_in_global_structure; ask_option($ads ,$ctx); } sub do_existing_domain($) { print "go on with do existing domain\n"; } sub ask_new_or_exist_domain($) { my $ads = shift; my $ctx; $ctx->[0]{TEXT} = "new domain"; $ctx->[0]{ACTION} = \&do_new_domain; $ctx->[1]{TEXT} = "existing domain"; $ctx->[1]{ACTION} = \&do_existing_domain; ask_option($ads, $ctx); } sub main { my $ads; $ads->{ADS_TREE} = 1; ask_new_or_exist_domain($ads); } main();