#!/bin/sh WEBAPPSDIR=$1 SRCDIR=$2 echo Installing web application files in $WEBAPPSDIR cd $SRCDIR/../webapps/swat || exit 1 make build || exit 1 mkdir -p $WEBAPPSDIR || exit 1 installdir() { for f in $*; do dname=`dirname $f` echo "Installing $f in $dname" test -d $WEBAPPSDIR/$dname || mkdir -p $WEBAPPSDIR/$dname || exit 1 cp $f $WEBAPPSDIR/$dname/ || exit 1 chmod 0644 $WEBAPPSDIR/$f || exit 1 done } # install our web application cd build installdir `find . -type f -print` cd .. # install all .esp files (there are none in the webapp build dir) installdir `find . -name '*.esp'` # install .js and .esp files from the scripting dir cd .. installdir `find scripting -name '*.js'` installdir `find scripting -name '*.esp'` # install .css files from the style dir installdir `find style -name '*.css'` # install files from the images dir installdir `find images -type f -print` # install the login script, for authentication of static pages installdir `find . -name 'login.esp'` cat << EOF ====================================================================== The web application files have been installed. ====================================================================== EOF exit 0