#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # don't use warnings module as it is not portable enough # use warnings; my $header_name = '_PROTO_H_'; if ($ARGV[0] eq '-h') { shift @ARGV; $header_name = shift @ARGV; } sub print_header { print "#ifndef $header_name\n"; print "#define $header_name\n\n"; print "/* This file is automatically generated with \"make proto\". DO NOT EDIT */\n\n"; } sub print_footer { printf "\n#endif /* %s */\n", $header_name; } sub handle_loadparm { my $line = shift; if ($line =~ /^FN_(GLOBAL|LOCAL)_(CONST_STRING|STRING|BOOL|CHAR|INTEGER|LIST)\((\w+),.*\)/o) { my $scope = $1; my $type = $2; my $name = $3; my %tmap = ( "BOOL" => "BOOL ", "CONST_STRING" => "const char *", "STRING" => "char *", "INTEGER" => "int ", "CHAR" => "char ", "LIST" => "const char **", ); my %smap = ( "GLOBAL" => "void", "LOCAL" => "int " ); print "$tmap{$type}$name($smap{$scope});\n"; } } sub process_file($) { my $filename = shift; open(FH, "< $filename") || die "Failed to open $filename"; print "\n/* The following definitions come from $filename */\n\n"; while (my $line = <FH>) { # these are ordered for maximum speed next if ($line =~ /^\s/); next unless ($line =~ /\(/); next if ($line =~ /^\/|[;]/); next unless ( $line =~ / ^void|^BOOL|^int|^struct|^char|^const|^\w+_[tT]\s|^uint|^unsigned|^long| ^NTSTATUS|^ADS_STATUS|^enum\s.*\(|^DATA_BLOB|^WERROR|^XFILE|^FILE|^DIR| ^double|^TDB_CONTEXT|^TDB_DATA|^TALLOC_CTX|^NTTIME|^FN_|^REG_KEY|^REG_HANDLE|^REG_VAL /xo); if ($line =~ /^FN_/) { handle_loadparm($line); next; } if ( $line =~ /\(.*\)\s*$/o ) { chomp $line; print "$line;\n"; next; } print $line; while ($line = <FH>) { if ($line =~ /\)\s*$/o) { chomp $line; print "$line;\n"; last; } print $line; } } close(FH); } sub process_files { foreach my $filename (@ARGV) { process_file($filename); } } print_header(); process_files(); print_footer();