#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $opt_hostname = `hostname`; chomp $opt_hostname; my $netbiosname; my $opt_realm; my $opt_domain; my $dnsdomain; my $dnsname; my $basedn; sub ldaptime() { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime(time); return sprintf "%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u.0Z", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; } ####################### # substitute a single variable sub substitute($) { my $var = shift; if ($var eq "BASEDN") { return $basedn; } if ($var eq "NETBIOSNAME") { return $netbiosname; } if ($var eq "DNSNAME") { return $dnsname; } if ($var eq "DNSDOMAIN") { return $dnsdomain; } die "ERROR: Uknown substitution variable $var\n"; } ##################################################################### # write a string into a file sub FileSave($$) { my($filename) = shift; my($v) = shift; local(*FILE); open(FILE, ">$filename") || die "can't open $filename"; print FILE $v; close(FILE); } ##################################################################### # read a file into a string sub FileLoad($) { my($filename) = shift; local(*INPUTFILE); open(INPUTFILE, $filename) || return undef; my($saved_delim) = $/; undef $/; my($data) = <INPUTFILE>; close(INPUTFILE); $/ = $saved_delim; return $data; } ############################################ # show some help sub ShowHelp() { print " Samba4 provisioning rootdse.pl [options] --realm REALM set realm --domain DOMAIN set domain --hostname HOSTNAME set hostname You must provide at least a realm and domain "; exit(1); } my $opt_help; GetOptions( 'help|h|?' => \$opt_help, 'realm=s' => \$opt_realm, 'domain=s' => \$opt_domain, 'hostname=s' => \$opt_hostname, ); if ($opt_help || !$opt_realm || !$opt_domain || !$opt_hostname) { ShowHelp(); } $opt_realm=uc($opt_realm); $opt_domain=uc($opt_domain); $opt_hostname=lc($opt_hostname); $netbiosname=uc($opt_hostname); print "Provisioning host '$opt_hostname' with netbios name '$netbiosname' for domain '$opt_domain' in realm '$opt_realm'\n"; print "generating ldif ...\n"; $dnsdomain = lc($opt_realm); $dnsname = $opt_hostname.".".$dnsdomain; $basedn = "DC=" . join(",DC=", split(/\./, $opt_realm)); my $data = FileLoad("rootdse.ldif") || die "Unable to load rootdse.ldif\n"; my $res = ""; print "applying substitutions ...\n"; while ($data =~ /(.*?)\$\{(\w*)\}(.*)/s) { my $sub = substitute($2); $res .= "$1$sub"; $data = $3; } $res .= $data; print "saving ldif to newrootdse.ldif ...\n"; FileSave("newrootdse.ldif", $res); unlink("newrootdse.ldb"); print "creating newrootdse.ldb ...\n"; # allow provisioning to be run from the source directory $ENV{"PATH"} .= ":bin"; system("ldbadd -H newrootdse.ldb newrootdse.ldif"); print "done Please move newrootdse.ldb to rootdse.ldb in the private/ directory of your Samba4 installation ";