#!/bin/sh # Bootstrap Samba and run a number of tests against it. if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo "$0 PREFIX" exit fi if [ -z "$TORTURE_MAXTIME" ]; then TORTURE_MAXTIME=300 fi OLD_PWD=`pwd` PREFIX=$1 PREFIX=`echo $PREFIX | sed s+//+/+` export PREFIX # allow selection of the test lists TESTS=$2 if [ $TESTS = "all" ]; then TLS_ENABLED="yes" else TLS_ENABLED="no" fi export TLS_ENABLED LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OLD_PWD/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH incdir=`dirname $0` echo -n "PROVISIONING..." . $incdir/mktestsetup.sh $PREFIX || exit 1 echo "DONE" PATH=bin:$PATH export PATH DO_SOCKET_WRAPPER=$3 if [ x"$DO_SOCKET_WRAPPER" = x"SOCKET_WRAPPER" ];then SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR="$PREFIX/sw" export SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR echo "SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR=$SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR" fi incdir=`dirname $0` . $incdir/test_functions.sh SMBD_TEST_FIFO="$PREFIX/smbd_test.fifo" export SMBD_TEST_FIFO SMBD_TEST_LOG="$PREFIX/smbd_test.log" export SMBD_TEST_LOG SOCKET_WRAPPER_DEFAULT_IFACE=1 export SOCKET_WRAPPER_DEFAULT_IFACE smbd_check_or_start SOCKET_WRAPPER_DEFAULT_IFACE=26 export SOCKET_WRAPPER_DEFAULT_IFACE TORTURE_INTERFACES=',,,,,' TORTURE_OPTIONS="--option=interfaces=$TORTURE_INTERFACES $CONFIGURATION" # ensure any one smbtorture call doesn't run too long TORTURE_OPTIONS="$TORTURE_OPTIONS --maximum-runtime=$TORTURE_MAXTIME" TORTURE_OPTIONS="$TORTURE_OPTIONS --target=samba4" export TORTURE_OPTIONS if [ x"$RUN_FROM_BUILD_FARM" = x"yes" ];then TORTURE_OPTIONS="$TORTURE_OPTIONS --option=torture:progress=no" fi START=`date` ( # give time for nbt server to register its names echo delaying for nbt name registration sleep 4 # This will return quickly when things are up, but be slow if we need to wait for (eg) SSL init bin/nmblookup $CONFIGURATION $SERVER bin/nmblookup $CONFIGURATION -U $SERVER $SERVER bin/nmblookup $CONFIGURATION $SERVER bin/nmblookup $CONFIGURATION -U $SERVER $NETBIOSNAME bin/nmblookup $CONFIGURATION $NETBIOSNAME bin/nmblookup $CONFIGURATION -U $SERVER $NETBIOSNAME # start off with 0 failures failed=0 export failed . script/tests/tests_$TESTS.sh exit $failed ) 9>$SMBD_TEST_FIFO failed=$? kill `cat $PIDDIR/smbd.pid` END=`date` echo "START: $START ($0)"; echo "END: $END ($0)"; # if there were any valgrind failures, show them count=`find $PREFIX -name 'valgrind.log*' | wc -l` if [ "$count" != 0 ]; then for f in $PREFIX/valgrind.log*; do if [ -s $f ]; then echo "VALGRIND FAILURE"; failed=`expr $failed + 1` cat $f fi done fi teststatus $0 $failed