smbd_check_or_start() { if [ -n "$SMBD_TEST_FIFO" ];then if [ -p "$SMBD_TEST_FIFO" ];then return 0; fi if [ -n "$SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR" ];then if [ -d "$SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR" ]; then rm -f $SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR/* else mkdir -p $SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR fi fi rm -f $SMBD_TEST_FIFO mkfifo $SMBD_TEST_FIFO rm -f $SMBD_TEST_LOG echo -n "STARTING SMBD..." (( $SRCDIR/bin/smbd -d1 -s $CONFFILE -M single -i < $SMBD_TEST_FIFO > $SMBD_TEST_LOG 2>&1; ret=$?; rm -f $SMBD_TEST_FIFO; if [ -n "$SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR" -a -d "$SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR" ]; then rm -f $SOCKET_WRAPPER_DIR/* fi if [ x"$ret" = x"0" ];then echo "smbd exists with status $ret"; echo "smbd exists with status $ret" >>$SMBD_TEST_LOG; elif [ x"$ret" = x"137" ];then echo "smbd got SIGXCPU and exists with status $ret!" echo "smbd got SIGXCPU and exists with status $ret!">>$SMBD_TEST_LOG; else echo "smbd failed with status $ret!" echo "smbd failed with status $ret!">>$SMBD_TEST_LOG; fi exit $ret; ) || exit $? &) 2>/dev/null || exit $? echo "DONE" fi return 0; } smbd_check_only() { if [ -n "$SMBD_TEST_FIFO" ];then if [ -p "$SMBD_TEST_FIFO" ];then return 0; fi return 1; fi return 0; } smbd_have_test_log() { if [ -n "$SMBD_TEST_LOG" ];then if [ -r "$SMBD_TEST_LOG" ];then return 0; fi fi return 1; } testit() { if [ -z "$PREFIX" ]; then PREFIX=test_prefix mkdir -p $PREFIX fi name=$1 shift 1 SMBD_IS_UP="no" TEST_LOG="$PREFIX/test_log.$$" trap "rm -f $TEST_LOG" EXIT cmdline="$*" if [ x"$RUN_FROM_BUILD_FARM" = x"yes" ];then echo "--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--" echo "Running test $name (level 0 stdout)" echo "--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--" date echo "Testing $name" else echo "Testing $name" fi smbd_check_only && SMBD_IS_UP="yes" if [ x"$SMBD_IS_UP" != x"yes" ];then if [ x"$RUN_FROM_BUILD_FARM" = x"yes" ];then echo "SMBD is down! Skipping: $cmdline" echo "==========================================" echo "TEST SKIPPED: $name (reason SMBD is down)" echo "==========================================" else echo "TEST SKIPPED: $name (reason SMBD is down)" fi return 1 fi smbd_have_test_log && echo "" >$SMBD_TEST_LOG ( $cmdline > $TEST_LOG 2>&1 ) status=$? if [ x"$status" != x"0" ]; then echo "TEST OUTPUT:" cat $TEST_LOG; smbd_have_test_log && echo "SMBD OUTPUT:"; smbd_have_test_log && cat $SMBD_TEST_LOG; rm -f $TEST_LOG; if [ x"$RUN_FROM_BUILD_FARM" = x"yes" ];then echo "==========================================" echo "TEST FAILED: $name (status $status)" echo "==========================================" else echo "TEST FAILED: $name (status $status)" fi return 1; fi rm -f $TEST_LOG; if [ x"$RUN_FROM_BUILD_FARM" = x"yes" ];then echo "ALL OK: $cmdline" echo "==========================================" echo "TEST PASSED: $name" echo "==========================================" fi return 0; } testok() { name=`basename $1` failed=$2 JOBS=`jobs -p` for J in $JOBS;do kill $J >/dev/null 2>&1; done JOBS=`jobs -p` for J in $JOBS;do kill -s 9 $J >/dev/null 2>&1; done if [ x"$failed" = x"0" ];then : else echo "$failed TESTS FAILED or SKIPPED ($name)"; fi exit $failed } teststatus() { name=`basename $1` failed=$2 JOBS=`jobs -p` for J in $JOBS;do kill $J >/dev/null 2>&1; done JOBS=`jobs -p` for J in $JOBS;do kill -s 9 $J >/dev/null 2>&1; done if [ x"$failed" = x"0" ];then echo "TEST STATUS: $failed"; else echo "TEST STATUS: $failed"; fi exit $failed }