# Works out the full schema

import base64
import optparse
import os
import sys

# Find right directory when running from source tree
sys.path.insert(0, "bin/python")

import samba
from samba import getopt as options, Ldb
from ldb import SCOPE_SUBTREE, SCOPE_BASE, LdbError
import sys

parser = optparse.OptionParser("fullschema <URL>")
sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser)
credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser)
parser.add_option("--dump-classes", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("--dump-attributes", action="store_true")

opts, args = parser.parse_args()
opts.dump_all = True

if opts.dump_classes:
    opts.dump_all = False
if opts.dump_attributes:
    opts.dump_all = False
if opts.dump_all:
    opts.dump_classes = True
    opts.dump_attributes = True

if len(args) != 1:

url = args[0]

lp_ctx = sambaopts.get_loadparm()

creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp_ctx)
ldb = Ldb(url, credentials=creds, lp=lp_ctx, options=["modules:paged_searches"])

# the attributes we need for objectclasses
class_attrs = ["objectClass", 
               # this attributes are not used by w2k3

attrib_attrs = ["objectClass",
                # this attributes are not used by w2k3

class Objectclass(dict):

    def __init__(self, ldb, name):
        """create an objectclass object"""
        self.name = name

class Attribute(dict):

    def __init__(self, ldb, name):
        """create an attribute object"""
        self.name = name
        self["cn"] = get_object_cn(ldb, name)

def fix_dn(dn):
    """fix a string DN to use ${SCHEMADN}"""
    return dn.replace(rootDse["schemaNamingContext"][0], "${SCHEMADN}")

def write_ldif_one(o, attrs):
    """dump an object as ldif"""
    print "dn: CN=%s,${SCHEMADN}" % o["cn"]
    for a in attrs:
        if not o.has_key(a):
        # special case for oMObjectClass, which is a binary object
        v = o[a]
        list = []
        for j in v:
            value = fix_dn(j)
        for j in list:
            value = fix_dn(j)
            if a != "cn":
                if a == "oMObjectClass":
                    print "%s:: %s" % (a, base64.b64encode(value))
                elif a.endswith("GUID"):
                    print "%s: %s" % (a, ldb.schema_format_value(a, value))
                    print "%s: %s" % (a, value)
    print ""

# get the rootDSE
res = ldb.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["schemaNamingContext"])
rootDse = res[0]

if opts.dump_attributes:
    res = ldb.search(expression="objectClass=attributeSchema", 
                     base=rootDse["schemaNamingContext"][0], scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,attrs=attrib_attrs,
    for msg in res:
        o = Objectclass(ldb, msg["ldapDisplayName"])
        for a in msg:
            o[a] = msg[a]
        write_ldif_one(o, attrib_attrs)
if opts.dump_classes:
    res = ldb.search(expression="objectClass=classSchema", 
                     base=rootDse["schemaNamingContext"][0], scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,attrs=class_attrs,

    for msg in res:
        o = Objectclass(ldb, msg["ldapDisplayName"])
        for a in msg:
            o[a] = msg[a]
        write_ldif_one(o, class_attrs)