#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright Stefan Metzmacher 2011-2012 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # This is useful to sync passwords from an AD domain. # # $ # $ source4/scripting/devel/repl_cleartext_pwd.py \ # -Uadministrator%A1b2C3d4 \ # DC=bla,DC=base /tmp/cookie cleartext_utf8 131085 displayName # # starting at usn[0] # dn: CN=Test User1,CN=Users,DC=bla,DC=base # cleartext_utf8: A1b2C3d4 # displayName:: VABlAHMAdAAgAFUAcwBlAHIAMQA= # # # up to usn[16449] # $ # $ source4/scripting/devel/repl_cleartext_pwd.py \ # -Uadministrator%A1b2C3d4 # DC=bla,DC=base cookie_file cleartext_utf8 131085 displayName # # starting at usn[16449] # # up to usn[16449] # $ # import sys # Find right direction when running from source tree sys.path.insert(0, "bin/python") import samba.getopt as options from optparse import OptionParser from samba.dcerpc import drsuapi, drsblobs, misc from samba.ndr import ndr_pack, ndr_unpack, ndr_print import binascii import hashlib import Crypto.Cipher.ARC4 import struct import os from ldif import LDIFWriter class globals: def __init__(self): self.global_objs = {} self.ldif = LDIFWriter(sys.stdout) def add_attr(self, dn, attname, vals): if dn not in self.global_objs: self.global_objs[dn] = {} self.global_objs[dn][attname] = vals def print_all(self): for dn, obj in self.global_objs.items(): self.ldif.unparse(dn, obj) continue self.global_objs = {} def attid_equal(a1,a2): return (a1 & 0xffffffff) == (a2 & 0xffffffff) ########### main code ########### if __name__ == "__main__": parser = OptionParser("repl_cleartext_pwd.py [options] server dn cookie_file clear_utf8_name [attid attname attmode] [clear_utf16_name") sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser) credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser) parser.add_option_group(credopts) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 4: pass elif len(args) == 7: pass elif len(args) >= 8: pass else: parser.error("more arguments required - given=%d" % (len(args))) server = args[0] dn = args[1] cookie_file = args[2] if len(cookie_file) == 0: cookie_file = None clear_utf8_name = args[3] if len(args) >= 7: try: attid = int(args[4], 16) except Exception: attid = int(args[4]) attname = args[5] attmode = args[6] if attmode not in ["raw", "utf8"]: parser.error("attmode should be 'raw' or 'utf8'") else: attid = -1 attname = None attmode = "raw" if len(args) >= 8: clear_utf16_name = args[7] else: clear_utf16_name = None lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm() creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp) if not creds.authentication_requested(): parser.error("You must supply credentials") gls = globals() try: f = open(cookie_file, 'r') store_blob = f.read() f.close() store_hdr = store_blob[0:28] (store_version, \ store_dn_len, store_dn_ofs, \ store_hwm_len, store_hwm_ofs, \ store_utdv_len, store_utdv_ofs) = \ struct.unpack("<LLLLLLL", store_hdr) store_dn = store_blob[store_dn_ofs:store_dn_ofs+store_dn_len] store_hwm_blob = store_blob[store_hwm_ofs:store_hwm_ofs+store_hwm_len] store_utdv_blob = store_blob[store_utdv_ofs:store_utdv_ofs+store_utdv_len] store_hwm = ndr_unpack(drsuapi.DsReplicaHighWaterMark, store_hwm_blob) store_utdv = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.replUpToDateVectorBlob, store_utdv_blob) assert store_dn == dn #print "%s" % ndr_print(store_hwm) #print "%s" % ndr_print(store_utdv) except Exception: store_dn = dn store_hwm = drsuapi.DsReplicaHighWaterMark() store_hwm.tmp_highest_usn = 0 store_hwm.reserved_usn = 0 store_hwm.highest_usn = 0 store_utdv = None binding_str = "ncacn_ip_tcp:%s[spnego,seal]" % server drs_conn = drsuapi.drsuapi(binding_str, lp, creds) bind_info = drsuapi.DsBindInfoCtr() bind_info.length = 28 bind_info.info = drsuapi.DsBindInfo28() bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_BASE bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ASYNC_REPLICATION bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_REMOVEAPI bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_MOVEREQ_V2 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHG_COMPRESS bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V1 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_RESTORE_USN_OPTIMIZATION bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_KCC_EXECUTE bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADDENTRY_V2 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_LINKED_VALUE_REPLICATION bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V2 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_REQ_ON_MOD bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_CRYPTO_BIND bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GET_REPL_INFO bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_STRONG_ENCRYPTION bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V01 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_TRANSITIVE_MEMBERSHIP bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADD_SID_HISTORY bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_POST_BETA3 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GET_MEMBERSHIPS2 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREQ_V6 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_NONDOMAIN_NCS bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREQ_V8 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V5 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V6 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADDENTRYREPLY_V3 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V7 bind_info.info.supported_extensions |= drsuapi.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_VERIFY_OBJECT (info, drs_handle) = drs_conn.DsBind(misc.GUID(drsuapi.DRSUAPI_DS_BIND_GUID), bind_info) null_guid = misc.GUID() naming_context = drsuapi.DsReplicaObjectIdentifier() naming_context.dn = dn highwatermark = store_hwm uptodateness_vector = None if store_utdv is not None: uptodateness_vector = drsuapi.DsReplicaCursorCtrEx() if store_utdv.version == 1: uptodateness_vector.cursors = store_utdv.cursors elif store_utdv.version == 2: cursors = [] for i in range(0, store_utdv.ctr.count): cursor = drsuapi.DsReplicaCursor() cursor.source_dsa_invocation_id = store_utdv.ctr.cursors[i].source_dsa_invocation_id cursor.highest_usn = store_utdv.ctr.cursors[i].highest_usn cursors.append(cursor) uptodateness_vector.cursors = cursors req8 = drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8() req8.destination_dsa_guid = null_guid req8.source_dsa_invocation_id = null_guid req8.naming_context = naming_context req8.highwatermark = highwatermark req8.uptodateness_vector = uptodateness_vector req8.replica_flags = (drsuapi.DRSUAPI_DRS_INIT_SYNC | drsuapi.DRSUAPI_DRS_PER_SYNC | drsuapi.DRSUAPI_DRS_GET_ANC | drsuapi.DRSUAPI_DRS_NEVER_SYNCED | drsuapi.DRSUAPI_DRS_WRIT_REP) req8.max_object_count = 402 req8.max_ndr_size = 402116 req8.extended_op = 0 req8.fsmo_info = 0 req8.partial_attribute_set = None req8.partial_attribute_set_ex = None req8.mapping_ctr.num_mappings = 0 req8.mapping_ctr.mappings = None user_session_key = drs_conn.user_session_key print "# starting at usn[%d]" % (highwatermark.highest_usn) while True: (level, ctr) = drs_conn.DsGetNCChanges(drs_handle, 8, req8) if ctr.first_object == None and ctr.object_count != 0: raise RuntimeError("DsGetNCChanges: NULL first_object with object_count=%u" % (ctr.object_count)) obj_item = ctr.first_object while obj_item is not None: obj = obj_item.object if obj.identifier is None: obj_item = obj_item.next_object continue #print '%s' % obj.identifier.dn is_deleted = False for i in range(0, obj.attribute_ctr.num_attributes): attr = obj.attribute_ctr.attributes[i] if attid_equal(attr.attid, drsuapi.DRSUAPI_ATTID_isDeleted): is_deleted = True if is_deleted: obj_item = obj_item.next_object continue spl_crypt = None attvals = None for i in range(0, obj.attribute_ctr.num_attributes): attr = obj.attribute_ctr.attributes[i] if attid_equal(attr.attid, attid): attvals = [] for j in range(0, attr.value_ctr.num_values): assert attr.value_ctr.values[j].blob is not None val_raw = attr.value_ctr.values[j].blob val = None if attmode == "utf8": val_unicode = unicode(val_raw, 'utf-16-le') val = val_unicode.encode('utf-8') elif attmode == "raw": val = val_raw else: assert False, "attmode[%s]" % attmode attvals.append(val) if not attid_equal(attr.attid, drsuapi.DRSUAPI_ATTID_supplementalCredentials): continue assert attr.value_ctr.num_values <= 1 if attr.value_ctr.num_values == 0: break assert attr.value_ctr.values[0].blob is not None spl_crypt = attr.value_ctr.values[0].blob if spl_crypt is None: obj_item = obj_item.next_object continue assert len(spl_crypt) >= 20 confounder = spl_crypt[0:16] enc_buffer = spl_crypt[16:] m5 = hashlib.md5() m5.update(user_session_key) m5.update(confounder) enc_key = m5.digest() rc4 = Crypto.Cipher.ARC4.new(enc_key) plain_buffer = rc4.decrypt(enc_buffer) (crc32_v) = struct.unpack("<L", plain_buffer[0:4]) attr_val = plain_buffer[4:] crc32_c = binascii.crc32(attr_val) & 0xffffffff assert int(crc32_v[0]) == int(crc32_c), "CRC32 0x%08X != 0x%08X" % (crc32_v[0], crc32_c) spl = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsBlob, attr_val) #print '%s' % ndr_print(spl) cleartext_hex = None for i in range(0, spl.sub.num_packages): pkg = spl.sub.packages[i] if pkg.name != "Primary:CLEARTEXT": continue cleartext_hex = pkg.data if cleartext_hex is not None: cleartext_utf16 = binascii.a2b_hex(cleartext_hex) if clear_utf16_name is not None: gls.add_attr(obj.identifier.dn, clear_utf16_name, [cleartext_utf16]) try: cleartext_unicode = unicode(cleartext_utf16, 'utf-16-le') cleartext_utf8 = cleartext_unicode.encode('utf-8') gls.add_attr(obj.identifier.dn, clear_utf8_name, [cleartext_utf8]) except Exception: pass if attvals is not None: gls.add_attr(obj.identifier.dn, attname, attvals) krb5_old_hex = None for i in range(0, spl.sub.num_packages): pkg = spl.sub.packages[i] if pkg.name != "Primary:Kerberos": continue krb5_old_hex = pkg.data if krb5_old_hex is not None: krb5_old_raw = binascii.a2b_hex(krb5_old_hex) krb5_old = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob, krb5_old_raw, allow_remaining=True) #print '%s' % ndr_print(krb5_old) krb5_new_hex = None for i in range(0, spl.sub.num_packages): pkg = spl.sub.packages[i] if pkg.name != "Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys": continue krb5_new_hex = pkg.data if krb5_new_hex is not None: krb5_new_raw = binascii.a2b_hex(krb5_new_hex) krb5_new = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob, krb5_new_raw, allow_remaining=True) #print '%s' % ndr_print(krb5_new) obj_item = obj_item.next_object gls.print_all() if ctr.more_data == 0: store_hwm = ctr.new_highwatermark store_utdv = drsblobs.replUpToDateVectorBlob() store_utdv.version = ctr.uptodateness_vector.version store_utdv_ctr = store_utdv.ctr store_utdv_ctr.count = ctr.uptodateness_vector.count store_utdv_ctr.cursors = ctr.uptodateness_vector.cursors store_utdv.ctr = store_utdv_ctr #print "%s" % ndr_print(store_hwm) #print "%s" % ndr_print(store_utdv) store_hwm_blob = ndr_pack(store_hwm) store_utdv_blob = ndr_pack(store_utdv) # # uint32_t version '1' # uint32_t dn_str_len # uint32_t dn_str_ofs # uint32_t hwm_blob_len # uint32_t hwm_blob_ofs # uint32_t utdv_blob_len # uint32_t utdv_blob_ofs store_hdr_len = 7 * 4 dn_ofs = store_hdr_len hwm_ofs = dn_ofs + len(dn) utdv_ofs = hwm_ofs + len(store_hwm_blob) store_blob = struct.pack("<LLLLLLL", 1, \ len(dn), dn_ofs, len(store_hwm_blob), hwm_ofs, \ len(store_utdv_blob), utdv_ofs) + \ dn + store_hwm_blob + store_utdv_blob tmp_file = "%s.tmp" % cookie_file f = open(tmp_file, 'wb') f.write(store_blob) f.close() os.rename(tmp_file, cookie_file) print "# up to usn[%d]" % (ctr.new_highwatermark.highest_usn) break print "# up to tmp_usn[%d]" % (ctr.new_highwatermark.highest_usn) req8.highwatermark = ctr.new_highwatermark