/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. provide a command line options parsing function for ejs Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "lib/cmdline/popt_common.h" #include "scripting/ejs/smbcalls.h" /* usage: options = GetOptions(argv, "realm=s", "enablexx", "myint=i"); the special options POPT_COMMON_* options are recognised and replaced with the Samba internal options resulting parsed options are placed in the options object additional command line arguments are placed in options.ARGV */ static int ejs_GetOptions(MprVarHandle eid, int argc, struct MprVar **argv) { poptContext pc; int opt; struct { const char *name; struct poptOption *table; const char *description; } tables[] = { { "POPT_AUTOHELP", poptHelpOptions, "Help options:" }, { "POPT_COMMON_SAMBA", popt_common_samba, "Common Samba options:" }, { "POPT_COMMON_CONNECTION", popt_common_connection, "Connection options:" }, { "POPT_COMMON_CREDENTIALS", popt_common_credentials, "Authentication options:" }, { "POPT_COMMON_VERSION", popt_common_version, "Common Samba options:" } }; struct MprVar *options = mprInitObject(eid, "options", 0, NULL); TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mprMemCtx()); struct poptOption *long_options = NULL; int i, num_options = 0; int opt_argc; const char **opt_argv; const char **opt_names = NULL; const int BASE_OPTNUM = 0x100000; /* validate arguments */ if (argc < 1 || argv[0]->type != MPR_TYPE_OBJECT) { ejsSetErrorMsg(eid, "GetOptions invalid arguments"); return -1; } opt_argv = mprToArray(tmp_ctx, argv[0]); opt_argc = str_list_length(opt_argv); long_options = talloc_array(tmp_ctx, struct poptOption, 1); if (long_options == NULL) { return -1; } /* create the long_options array */ for (i=1;i<argc;i++) { const char *optstr = mprToString(argv[i]); int t, opt_type = POPT_ARG_NONE; const char *s; if (argv[i]->type != MPR_TYPE_STRING) { ejsSetErrorMsg(eid, "GetOptions string argument"); return -1; } long_options = talloc_realloc(tmp_ctx, long_options, struct poptOption, num_options+2); if (long_options == NULL) { return -1; } ZERO_STRUCT(long_options[num_options]); /* see if its one of the special samba option tables */ for (t=0;t<ARRAY_SIZE(tables);t++) { if (strcmp(tables[t].name, optstr) == 0) { break; } } if (t < ARRAY_SIZE(tables)) { opt_names = str_list_add(opt_names, optstr); talloc_steal(tmp_ctx, opt_names); long_options[num_options].argInfo = POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE; long_options[num_options].arg = tables[t].table; long_options[num_options].descrip = tables[t].description; num_options++; continue; } s = strchr(optstr, '='); if (s) { char *name = talloc_strndup(tmp_ctx, optstr, (int)(s-optstr)); opt_names = str_list_add(opt_names, name); if (s[1] == 's') { opt_type = POPT_ARG_STRING; } else if (s[1] == 'i') { opt_type = POPT_ARG_INT; } else { ejsSetErrorMsg(eid, "GetOptions invalid option type"); return -1; } talloc_free(name); } else { opt_names = str_list_add(opt_names, optstr); } talloc_steal(tmp_ctx, opt_names); if (strlen(opt_names[num_options]) == 1) { long_options[num_options].shortName = opt_names[num_options][0]; } else { long_options[num_options].longName = opt_names[num_options]; } long_options[num_options].argInfo = opt_type; long_options[num_options].val = num_options + BASE_OPTNUM; num_options++; } ZERO_STRUCT(long_options[num_options]); pc = poptGetContext("smbscript", opt_argc, opt_argv, long_options, 0); /* parse the options */ while((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { const char *arg; if (opt < BASE_OPTNUM || opt >= num_options + BASE_OPTNUM) { char *err; err = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "%s: %s", poptBadOption(pc, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(opt)); mprSetVar(options, "ERROR", mprString(err)); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); mpr_Return(eid, mprCreateUndefinedVar()); return 0; } opt -= BASE_OPTNUM; arg = poptGetOptArg(pc); if (arg == NULL) { mprSetVar(options, opt_names[opt], mprCreateBoolVar(1)); } else if (long_options[opt].argInfo == POPT_ARG_INT) { int v = strtol(arg, NULL, 0); mprSetVar(options, opt_names[opt], mprCreateIntegerVar(v)); } else { mprSetVar(options, opt_names[opt], mprString(arg)); } } /* setup options.argv list */ mprSetVar(options, "ARGV", mprList("ARGV", poptGetArgs(pc))); poptFreeContext(pc); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); /* setup methods */ mprSetCFunction(options, "get_credentials", ejs_credentials_cmdline); return 0; } /* setup C functions that be called from ejs */ void smb_setup_ejs_options(void) { ejsDefineCFunction(-1, "GetOptions", ejs_GetOptions, NULL, MPR_VAR_SCRIPT_HANDLE); }