# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. # Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij 2007-2008 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """Tests for samba.upgradeprovision.""" import os from samba.upgradehelpers import (usn_in_range, dn_sort, get_diff_sddls, update_secrets, construct_existor_expr) from samba.tests.provision import create_dummy_secretsdb from samba.tests import TestCaseInTempDir from samba import Ldb from ldb import SCOPE_BASE import samba.tests def dummymessage(a=None, b=None): pass class UpgradeProvisionTestCase(TestCaseInTempDir): """Some simple tests for individual functions in the provisioning code. """ def test_usn_in_range(self): range = [5, 25, 35, 55] vals = [3, 26, 56] for v in vals: self.assertFalse(usn_in_range(v, range)) vals = [5, 20, 25, 35, 36] for v in vals: self.assertTrue(usn_in_range(v, range)) def test_dn_sort(self): # higher level comes after lower even if lexicographicaly closer # ie dc=tata,dc=toto (2 levels), comes after dc=toto # even if dc=toto is lexicographicaly after dc=tata, dc=toto self.assertEquals(dn_sort("dc=tata,dc=toto", "dc=toto"), 1) self.assertEquals(dn_sort("dc=zata", "dc=tata"), 1) self.assertEquals(dn_sort("dc=toto,dc=tata", "cn=foo,dc=toto,dc=tata"), -1) self.assertEquals(dn_sort("cn=bar, dc=toto,dc=tata", "cn=foo, dc=toto,dc=tata"), -1) def test_get_diff_sddl(self): sddl = "O:SAG:DUD:AI(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;SA)\ (A;CIID;RP LCLORC;;;AU)(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;SY)S:AI(AU;CIIDSA;WP;;;WD)" sddl1 = "O:SAG:DUD:AI(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;SA)\ (A;CIID;RP LCLORC;;;AU)(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;SY)S:AI(AU;CIIDSA;WP;;;WD)" sddl2 = "O:BAG:DUD:AI(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;SA)\ (A;CIID;RP LCLORC;;;AU)(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;SY)S:AI(AU;CIIDSA;WP;;;WD)" sddl3 = "O:SAG:BAD:AI(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;SA)\ (A;CIID;RP LCLORC;;;AU)(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;SY)S:AI(AU;CIIDSA;WP;;;WD)" sddl4 = "O:SAG:DUD:AI(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;BA)\ (A;CIID;RP LCLORC;;;AU)(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;SY)S:AI(AU;CIIDSA;WP;;;WD)" sddl5 = "O:SAG:DUD:AI(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;SA)\ (A;CIID;RP LCLORC;;;AU)(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;SY)" self.assertEquals(get_diff_sddls(sddl, sddl1), "") txt = get_diff_sddls(sddl, sddl2) self.assertEquals(txt, "\tOwner mismatch: SA (in ref) BA(in current)\n") txt = get_diff_sddls(sddl, sddl3) self.assertEquals(txt, "\tGroup mismatch: DU (in ref) BA(in current)\n") txt = get_diff_sddls(sddl, sddl4) txtmsg = "\tPart dacl is different between reference and current here\ is the detail:\n\t\t(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;BA) ACE is not present in\ the reference\n\t\t(A;CIID;RPWPCRCCLCLORCWOWDSW;;;SA) ACE is not present in\ the current\n" self.assertEquals(txt, txtmsg) txt = get_diff_sddls(sddl, sddl5) self.assertEquals(txt, "\tCurrent ACL hasn't a sacl part\n") def test_construct_existor_expr(self): res = construct_existor_expr([]) self.assertEquals(res, "") res = construct_existor_expr(["foo"]) self.assertEquals(res, "(|(foo=*))") res = construct_existor_expr(["foo", "bar"]) self.assertEquals(res, "(|(foo=*)(bar=*))") class UpdateSecretsTests(samba.tests.TestCaseInTempDir): def setUp(self): super(UpdateSecretsTests, self).setUp() self.referencedb = create_dummy_secretsdb( os.path.join(self.tempdir, "ref.ldb")) def _getEmptyDb(self): return Ldb(os.path.join(self.tempdir, "secrets.ldb")) def _getCurrentFormatDb(self): return create_dummy_secretsdb( os.path.join(self.tempdir, "secrets.ldb")) def test_trivial(self): # Test that updating an already up-to-date secretsdb works fine self.secretsdb = self._getCurrentFormatDb() self.assertEquals(None, update_secrets(self.referencedb, self.secretsdb, dummymessage)) def test_update_modules(self): empty_db = self._getEmptyDb() update_secrets(self.referencedb, empty_db, dummymessage) newmodules = empty_db.search(base="@MODULES", scope=SCOPE_BASE) refmodules = self.referencedb.search(base="@MODULES", scope=SCOPE_BASE) self.assertEquals(newmodules.msgs, refmodules.msgs) def tearDown(self): for name in ["ref.ldb", "secrets.ldb", "secrets.tdb", "secrets.tdb.bak", "secrets.ntdb"]: path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, name) if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) super(UpdateSecretsTests, self).tearDown()