README for Samba SWIG Python extensions

Instructions for building:

1. Run configure with the --with-python option to enable python

2. Edit the script/ script to pass the --swig option to
   pidl.  Here's a patch:

Index: script/
--- script/	(revision 2413)
+++ script/	(working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 [ -d librpc/gen_ndr ] || mkdir -p librpc/gen_ndr || exit 1
-PIDL="$PERL ./build/pidl/ --output librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_ --parse --header --parser --server"
+PIDL="$PERL ./build/pidl/ --output librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_ --parse --header --parser --server --swig"
 TABLES="$PERL ./build/pidl/ --output librpc/gen_ndr/tables"
 if [ x$FULLBUILD = xFULL ]; then

3. Run 'make idl_full swig' to build extensions.

4. At some stage there will be a proper system for installing the
   extensions, but right now it's easier to run them in place.  Set
   your PYTHONPATH to include the modules.  From the Samba source
   directory, run:

   export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/scripting/swig

Now you can go nuts and use the extensions.  Check the
scripting/swig/torture directory for a testsuite.  There will
hopefully be a bunch of usage examples somewhere.