# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
# provision a Samba4 server
# Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org> 2007-2008
# Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org> 2008
# Based on the original in EJS:
# Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2005
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import getopt
import optparse
import os, sys

# Find right directory when running from source tree
sys.path.insert(0, "bin/python")

import samba

from samba.auth import system_session
import samba.getopt as options
from samba import param
from samba.provision import (provision, 
                             FILL_FULL, FILL_NT4SYNC,

# how do we make this case insensitive??

parser = optparse.OptionParser("provision [options]")
sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser)
credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser)
parser.add_option("--setupdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", 
		help="directory with setup files")
parser.add_option("--realm", type="string", metavar="REALM", help="set realm")
parser.add_option("--domain", type="string", metavar="DOMAIN",
				  help="set domain")
parser.add_option("--domain-guid", type="string", metavar="GUID", 
		help="set domainguid (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--domain-sid", type="string", metavar="SID", 
		help="set domainsid (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--policy-guid", type="string", metavar="GUID",
				  help="set policy guid")
parser.add_option("--invocationid", type="string", metavar="GUID", 
		  help="set invocationid (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--host-name", type="string", metavar="HOSTNAME", 
		help="set hostname")
parser.add_option("--host-ip", type="string", metavar="IPADDRESS", 
		help="set IPv4 ipaddress")
parser.add_option("--host-ip6", type="string", metavar="IP6ADDRESS", 
		help="set IPv6 ipaddress")
parser.add_option("--adminpass", type="string", metavar="PASSWORD", 
		help="choose admin password (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--krbtgtpass", type="string", metavar="PASSWORD", 
		help="choose krbtgt password (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--machinepass", type="string", metavar="PASSWORD", 
		help="choose machine password (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--dnspass", type="string", metavar="PASSWORD", 
		help="choose dns password (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--root", type="string", metavar="USERNAME", 
		help="choose 'root' unix username")
parser.add_option("--nobody", type="string", metavar="USERNAME", 
		help="choose 'nobody' user")
parser.add_option("--nogroup", type="string", metavar="GROUPNAME", 
		help="choose 'nogroup' group")
parser.add_option("--wheel", type="string", metavar="GROUPNAME", 
		help="choose 'wheel' privileged group")
parser.add_option("--users", type="string", metavar="GROUPNAME", 
		help="choose 'users' group")
parser.add_option("--quiet", help="Be quiet", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("--blank", action="store_true",
		help="do not add users or groups, just the structure")
parser.add_option("--ldap-backend", type="string", metavar="LDAPSERVER", 
		help="LDAP server to use for this provision")
parser.add_option("--ldap-backend-type", type="choice", metavar="LDAP-BACKEND-TYPE", 
		help="LDB mapping module to use for the LDAP backend",
		choices=["fedora-ds", "openldap"])
parser.add_option("--aci", type="string", metavar="ACI", 
		help="An arbitary LDIF fragment, particularly useful to loading a backend ACI value into a target LDAP server. You must provide at least a realm and domain")
parser.add_option("--server-role", type="choice", metavar="ROLE",
		  choices=["domain controller", "dc", "member server", "member", "standalone"],
		help="Set server role to provision for (default standalone)")
		help="Configure Samba's partitions, but do not modify them (ie, join a BDC)", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("--targetdir", type="string", metavar="DIR", 
		          help="Set target directory")

opts = parser.parse_args()[0]

def message(text):
	"""print a message if quiet is not set."""
	if not opts.quiet:
		print text

if opts.realm is None or opts.domain is None:
	if opts.realm is None:
		print >>sys.stderr, "No realm set"
	if opts.domain is None:
		print >>sys.stderr, "No domain set"

lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
smbconf = lp.configfile()

if opts.aci is not None:
	print "set ACI: %s" % opts.aci

if opts.server_role == "dc":
	server_role = "domain controller"
elif opts.server_role == "member":
	server_role = "member server"
        server_role = opts.server_role

creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)

setup_dir = opts.setupdir
if setup_dir is None:
	setup_dir = "setup"

samdb_fill = FILL_FULL
if opts.blank:
    samdb_fill = FILL_NT4SYNC
elif opts.partitions_only:
    samdb_fill = FILL_DRS

provision(setup_dir, message, 
          system_session(), creds, smbconf=smbconf, targetdir=opts.targetdir,
          samdb_fill=samdb_fill, realm=opts.realm, domain=opts.domain,
          domainguid=opts.domain_guid, domainsid=opts.domain_sid,
          policyguid=opts.policy_guid, hostname=opts.host_name,
          hostip=opts.host_ip, hostip6=opts.host_ip6,
          invocationid=opts.invocationid, adminpass=opts.adminpass,
          krbtgtpass=opts.krbtgtpass, machinepass=opts.machinepass,
          dnspass=opts.dnspass, root=opts.root, nobody=opts.nobody,
          nogroup=opts.nogroup, wheel=opts.wheel, users=opts.users,
          aci=opts.aci, serverrole=server_role, 