############################### # Domain Naming Context ############################### dn: ${DOMAINDN} changetype: modify - # This should be 0x0001, but the 0 byte is not allowed - therefore encoded replace: auditingPolicy auditingPolicy:: AAE= - replace: creationTime creationTime: ${CREATTIME} - # "dSCorePropagationDate" should contain the provision data replace: forceLogoff forceLogoff: -9223372036854775808 - # "fSMORoleOwner" filled in later replace: gPLink gPLink: [LDAP://CN={${POLICYGUID}},CN=Policies,CN=System,${DOMAINDN};0] - replace: isCriticalSystemObject isCriticalSystemObject: TRUE - replace: lockoutDuration lockoutDuration: -18000000000 - replace: lockOutObservationWindow lockOutObservationWindow: -18000000000 - replace: lockoutThreshold lockoutThreshold: 0 - # "masteredBy" filled in later replace: maxPwdAge maxPwdAge: -37108517437440 - # FIXME: This should be "-864000000000" when we fully comply with passwords pol. replace: minPwdAge minPwdAge: 0 - replace: minPwdLength minPwdLength: 7 - replace: modifiedCount modifiedCount: 1 - replace: modifiedCountAtLastProm modifiedCountAtLastProm: 0 - replace: msDS-AllUsersTrustQuota msDS-AllUsersTrustQuota: 1000 - replace: msDS-Behavior-Version msDS-Behavior-Version: ${DOMAIN_FUNCTIONALITY} - replace: ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota: 10 - # "msDs-masteredBy" filled in later replace: msDS-NcType msDS-NcType: 0 - replace: msDS-PerUserTrustQuota msDS-PerUserTrustQuota: 1 - replace: msDS-PerUserTrustTombstonesQuota msDS-PerUserTrustTombstonesQuota: 10 - replace: nextRid nextRid: 1000 - replace: nTMixedDomain nTMixedDomain: 0 - replace: objectSid objectSid: ${DOMAINSID} - # This does only exist in SAMBA replace: oEMInformation oEMInformation: Provisioned by SAMBA ${SAMBA_VERSION_STRING} - replace: pwdProperties pwdProperties: 1 - replace: pwdHistoryLength pwdHistoryLength: 24 - replace: rIDManagerReference rIDManagerReference: CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,${DOMAINDN} - replace: serverState serverState: 1 - replace: subRefs subRefs: ${CONFIGDN} - replace: systemFlags systemFlags: -1946157056 - replace: uASCompat uASCompat: 1 -