#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Tests various schema replication scenarios # # Copyright (C) Kamen Mazdrashki 2010 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # Usage: # export DC1=dc1_dns_name # export DC2=dc2_dns_name # export SUBUNITRUN=$samba4srcdir/scripting/bin/subunitrun # PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$samba4srcdir/torture/drs/python" $SUBUNITRUN repl_schema -U"$DOMAIN/$DC_USERNAME"%"$DC_PASSWORD" # import sys import time import random import os sys.path.append("bin/python") from samba.auth import system_session from ldb import SCOPE_BASE, SCOPE_SUBTREE from samba.samdb import SamDB import samba.tests class DrsReplSchemaTestCase(samba.tests.TestCase): # RootDSE msg for DC1 info_dc1 = None ldb_dc1 = None # RootDSE msg for DC1 info_dc2 = None ldb_dc2 = None # prefix for all objects created obj_prefix = None def setUp(self): super(DrsReplSchemaTestCase, self).setUp() # connect to DCs singleton self._dc_connect("dc1", "DC1", ldap_only=True) self._dc_connect("dc2", "DC2", ldap_only=True) # initialize objects prefix if not done yet if self.obj_prefix is None: t = time.strftime("%s", time.gmtime()) DrsReplSchemaTestCase.obj_prefix = "DrsReplSchema-%s-" % t # cache some of RootDSE props self.schema_dn = self.info_dc1["schemaNamingContext"][0] self.domain_dn = self.info_dc1["defaultNamingContext"][0] self.config_dn = self.info_dc1["configurationNamingContext"][0] self.forest_level = int(self.info_dc1["forestFunctionality"][0]) # we will need DCs DNS names for 'samba-tool drs' command self.dnsname_dc1 = self.info_dc1["dnsHostName"][0] self.dnsname_dc2 = self.info_dc2["dnsHostName"][0] def tearDown(self): super(DrsReplSchemaTestCase, self).tearDown() @classmethod def _dc_connect(cls, attr_name, env_var, ldap_only=True): ldb_dc = None attr_name_ldb = "ldb_" + attr_name if hasattr(cls, attr_name_ldb): ldb_dc = getattr(cls, attr_name_ldb) if ldb_dc is None: url_dc = samba.tests.env_get_var_value(env_var) ldb_dc = samba.tests.connect_samdb(url_dc, ldap_only=ldap_only) res = ldb_dc.search(base="", expression="", scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) info_dc = res[0] setattr(cls, "ldb_" + attr_name, ldb_dc) setattr(cls, "url_" + attr_name, url_dc) setattr(cls, "info_" + attr_name, info_dc) return ldb_dc def _net_drs_replicate(self, DC, fromDC, nc_dn): """Triggers replication cycle on 'DC' to replicate from 'fromDC'. Naming context to be replicated is 'nc_dn' dn""" # find out where is net command samba_tool_cmd = os.path.abspath("./bin/samba-tool") # make command line credentials string creds = samba.tests.cmdline_credentials cmd_line_auth = "-U%s/%s%%%s" % (creds.get_domain(), creds.get_username(), creds.get_password()) # bin/samba-tool drs replicate cmd_line = "%s drs replicate %s %s %s %s" % (samba_tool_cmd, DC, fromDC, nc_dn, cmd_line_auth) ret = os.system(cmd_line) self.assertEquals(ret, 0, "Replicating %s from %s has failed!" % (DC, fromDC)) def _GUID_string(self, guid): return self.ldb_dc1.schema_format_value("objectGUID", guid) def _ldap_schemaUpdateNow(self, sam_db): ldif = """ dn: changetype: modify add: schemaUpdateNow schemaUpdateNow: 1 """ sam_db.modify_ldif(ldif) def _make_obj_names(self, base_name): '''Try to create a unique name for an object that is to be added to schema''' obj_name = self.obj_prefix + base_name obj_dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (obj_name, self.schema_dn) return (obj_name, obj_dn) def _make_class_ldif(self, class_name, class_dn, attrs=None): ldif = """ dn: """ + class_dn + """ objectClass: top objectClass: classSchema cn: """ + class_name + """ governsId: 1.2.840.""" + str(random.randint(1,100000)) + """.1.5.13 instanceType: 4 objectClassCategory: 1 subClassOf: organizationalPerson systemOnly: FALSE """ return ldif def _check_object(self, obj_dn): '''Check if object obj_dn exists on both DCs''' res_dc1 = self.ldb_dc1.search(base=obj_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) self.assertEquals(len(res_dc1), 1, "%s doesn't exists on %s" % (obj_dn, self.dnsname_dc1)) try: res_dc2 = self.ldb_dc2.search(base=obj_dn, scope=SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["*"]) except LdbError, (ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, _): self.fail("%s doesn't exists on %s" % (obj_dn, self.dnsname_dc2)) self.assertEquals(len(res_dc2), 1, "%s doesn't exists on %s" % (obj_dn, self.dnsname_dc2)) def test_all(self): """Basic plan is to create bunch of classSchema and attributeSchema objects, replicate Schema NC and then check all objects are replicated correctly""" # add new classSchema object (class_name, class_dn) = self._make_obj_names("cls-A") ldif = self._make_class_ldif(class_name, class_dn) self.ldb_dc1.add_ldif(ldif) self._ldap_schemaUpdateNow(self.ldb_dc1) # force replication from DC1 to DC2 self._net_drs_replicate(DC=self.dnsname_dc2, fromDC=self.dnsname_dc1, nc_dn=self.schema_dn) # check object is replicated self._check_object(class_dn)