   Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.

   local testing of iconv routines. This tests the system iconv code against
   the built-in iconv code

   Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2004
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "includes.h"
#include "system/iconv.h"
#include "system/time.h"

  generate a UTF-16LE buffer for a given unicode codepoint
static int gen_codepoint_utf16(unsigned int codepoint,
			       char *buf, size_t *size)
	static iconv_t cd;
	uint8_t in[4];
	char *ptr_in;
	size_t size_in, size_out, ret;
	if (!cd) {
		cd = iconv_open("UTF-16LE", "UCS-4LE");

	in[0] = codepoint & 0xFF;
	in[1] = (codepoint>>8) & 0xFF;
	in[2] = (codepoint>>16) & 0xFF;
	in[3] = (codepoint>>24) & 0xFF;

	ptr_in = in;
	size_in = 4;
	size_out = 8;

	ret = iconv(cd, &ptr_in, &size_in, &buf, &size_out);

	*size = 8 - size_out;

	return ret;

  work out the unicode codepoint of the first UTF-8 character in the buffer
static unsigned int get_codepoint(char *buf, size_t size, const char *charset)
	iconv_t cd;
	uint8_t out[4];
	char *ptr_out;
	size_t size_out, size_in, ret;

	cd = iconv_open("UCS-4LE", charset);

	size_in = size;
	ptr_out = out;
	size_out = sizeof(out);
	memset(out, 0, sizeof(out));

	ret = iconv(cd, &buf, &size_in, &ptr_out, &size_out);


	return out[0] | (out[1]<<8) | (out[2]<<16) | (out[3]<<24);

  display a buffer with name prefix
static void show_buf(const char *name, uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
	int i;
	printf("%s ", name);
	for (i=0;i<size;i++) {
		printf("%02x ", buf[i]);

  given a UTF-16LE buffer, test the system and built-in iconv code to
  make sure they do exactly the same thing in converting the buffer to
  "charset", then convert it back again and ensure we get the same
  buffer back
static int test_buffer(uint8_t *inbuf, size_t size, const char *charset)
	uint8_t buf1[1000], buf2[1000], buf3[1000];
	size_t outsize1, outsize2, outsize3;
	const char *ptr_in;
	char *ptr_out;
	size_t size_in1, size_in2, size_in3;
	size_t ret1, ret2, ret3, len1, len2;
	int ok = 1;
	int errno1, errno2;
	static iconv_t cd;
	static smb_iconv_t cd2, cd3;
	static const char *last_charset;

	if (cd && last_charset) {
		cd = NULL;

	if (!cd) {
		cd = iconv_open(charset, "UTF-16LE");
		cd2 = smb_iconv_open(charset, "UTF-16LE");
		cd3 = smb_iconv_open("UTF-16LE", charset);
		last_charset = charset;

	/* internal convert to charset - placing result in buf1 */
	ptr_in = inbuf;
	ptr_out = buf1;
	size_in1 = size;
	outsize1 = sizeof(buf1);

	memset(ptr_out, 0, outsize1);
	errno = 0;
	ret1 = smb_iconv(cd2, &ptr_in, &size_in1, &ptr_out, &outsize1);
	errno1 = errno;

	/* system convert to charset - placing result in buf2 */
	ptr_in = inbuf;
	ptr_out = buf2;
	size_in2 = size;
	outsize2 = sizeof(buf2);
	memset(ptr_out, 0, outsize2);
	errno = 0;
	ret2 = iconv(cd, discard_const_p(char *, &ptr_in), &size_in2, &ptr_out, &outsize2);
	errno2 = errno;

	len1 = sizeof(buf1) - outsize1;
	len2 = sizeof(buf2) - outsize2;

	/* codepoints above 1M are not interesting for now */
	if (len2 > len1 && 
	    memcmp(buf1, buf2, len1) == 0 && 
	    get_codepoint(buf2+len1, len2-len1, charset) >= (1<<20)) {
		return ok;
	if (len1 > len2 && 
	    memcmp(buf1, buf2, len2) == 0 && 
	    get_codepoint(buf1+len2, len1-len2, charset) >= (1<<20)) {
		return ok;

	if (ret1 != ret2) {
		printf("ret1=%d ret2=%d\n", ret1, ret2);
		ok = 0;

	if (errno1 != errno2) {
		printf("e1=%s e2=%s\n", strerror(errno1), strerror(errno2));
		show_buf(" rem1:", inbuf+(size-size_in1), size_in1);
		show_buf(" rem2:", inbuf+(size-size_in2), size_in2);
		ok = 0;
	if (outsize1 != outsize2) {
		printf("\noutsize mismatch outsize1=%d outsize2=%d\n",
		       outsize1, outsize2);
		ok = 0;
	if (size_in1 != size_in2) {
		printf("\nsize_in mismatch size_in1=%d size_in2=%d\n",
		       size_in1, size_in2);
		ok = 0;

	if (!ok ||
	    len1 != len2 ||
	    memcmp(buf1, buf2, len1) != 0) {
		printf("\nsize=%d ret1=%d ret2=%d\n", size, ret1, ret2);
		show_buf(" IN1:", inbuf, size-size_in1);
		show_buf(" IN2:", inbuf, size-size_in2);
		show_buf("OUT1:", buf1, len1);
		show_buf("OUT2:", buf2, len2);
		if (len2 > len1 && memcmp(buf1, buf2, len1) == 0) {
			printf("next codepoint is %u\n", 
			       get_codepoint(buf2+len1, len2-len1, charset));
		if (len1 > len2 && memcmp(buf1, buf2, len2) == 0) {
			printf("next codepoint is %u\n", 
			       get_codepoint(buf1+len2,len1-len2, charset));

		ok = 0;

	/* convert back to UTF-16, putting result in buf3 */
	size = size - size_in1;
	ptr_in = buf1;
	ptr_out = buf3;
	size_in3 = len1;
	outsize3 = sizeof(buf3);

	memset(ptr_out, 0, outsize3);
	ret3 = smb_iconv(cd3, &ptr_in, &size_in3, &ptr_out, &outsize3);

	/* we only internally support the first 1M codepoints */
	if (outsize3 != sizeof(buf3) - size &&
	    get_codepoint(inbuf+sizeof(buf3) - outsize3, 
			  size - (sizeof(buf3) - outsize3),
			  "UTF-16LE") >= (1<<20)) {
		return ok;

	if (ret3 != 0) {
		printf("pull failed - %s\n", strerror(errno));
		ok = 0;

	if (strncmp(charset, "UTF", 3) != 0) {
		/* don't expect perfect mappings for non UTF charsets */
		return ok;

	if (outsize3 != sizeof(buf3) - size) {
		printf("wrong outsize3 - %d should be %d\n", 
		       outsize3, sizeof(buf3) - size);
		ok = 0;
	if (memcmp(buf3, inbuf, size) != 0) {
		printf("pull bytes mismatch:\n");
		show_buf("inbuf", inbuf, size);
		show_buf(" buf3", buf3, sizeof(buf3) - outsize3);
		ok = 0;
		printf("next codepoint is %u\n", 
		       get_codepoint(inbuf+sizeof(buf3) - outsize3, 
				     size - (sizeof(buf3) - outsize3),

	if (!ok) {
		printf("test_buffer failed for charset %s\n", charset);

	return ok;

  test the push_codepoint() and next_codepoint() functions for a given
static int test_codepoint(unsigned int codepoint)
	uint8_t buf[10];
	size_t size, size2;
	codepoint_t c;

	size = push_codepoint(buf, codepoint);
	if (size == -1) {
		if (codepoint < 0xd800 || codepoint > 0x10000) {
			return 0;
		return 1;
	buf[size] = random();
	buf[size+1] = random();
	buf[size+2] = random();
	buf[size+3] = random();

	c = next_codepoint(buf, &size2);

	if (c != codepoint) {
		printf("next_codepoint(%u) failed - gave %u\n", codepoint, c);
		return 0;

	if (size2 != size) {
		printf("next_codepoint(%u) gave wrong size %d (should be %d)\n", 
		       codepoint, size2, size);
		return 0;

	return 1;

BOOL torture_local_iconv(void) 
	size_t size;
	unsigned char inbuf[1000];
	int ok = 1;
	unsigned int codepoint, i, c;


	printf("Testing next_codepoint()\n");
	for (codepoint=0;ok && codepoint<(1<<20);codepoint++) {
		ok = test_codepoint(codepoint);

	printf("Testing first 1M codepoints\n");
	for (codepoint=0;ok && codepoint<(1<<20);codepoint++) {
		if (gen_codepoint_utf16(codepoint, inbuf, &size) != 0) {

		if (codepoint % 1000 == 0) {
			printf("codepoint=%u   \r", codepoint);

		ok = test_buffer(inbuf, size, "UTF-8");

	printf("Testing 5M random UTF-16LE sequences\n");
	for (i=0;ok && i<500000;i++) {
		if (i % 1000 == 0) {
			printf("i=%u              \r", i);

		size = random() % 100;
		for (c=0;c<size;c++) {
			if (random() % 100 < 80) {
				inbuf[c] = random() % 128;
			} else {
				inbuf[c] = random();
			if (random() % 10 == 0) {
				inbuf[c] |= 0xd8;
			if (random() % 10 == 0) {
				inbuf[c] |= 0xdc;
		ok &= test_buffer(inbuf, size, "UTF-8");
		ok &= test_buffer(inbuf, size, "CP850");

	return ok == 1;


BOOL torture_local_iconv(void) 
	printf("No native iconv library - can't run iconv test\n");
	return True;
