/* TODO: add splitting of writes for servers with signing */ /* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. SMB torture tester Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1997-1998 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "system/time.h" #include "system/filesys.h" #include "../lib/util/dlinklist.h" #include "libcli/libcli.h" #include "libcli/raw/libcliraw.h" #include "torture/torture.h" #include "libcli/libcli.h" #include "torture/util.h" #include "torture/nbench/proto.h" extern int nbench_line_count; static int nbio_id = -1; static int nprocs; static bool bypass_io; static struct timeval tv_start, tv_end; static int warmup, timelimit; static int in_cleanup; struct lock_info { struct lock_info *next, *prev; off_t offset; int size; }; struct createx_params { char *fname; uint_t create_options; uint_t create_disposition; int handle; }; struct ftable { struct ftable *next, *prev; int fd; /* the fd that we got back from the server */ int handle; /* the handle in the load file */ struct createx_params cp; struct lock_info *locks; }; static struct ftable *ftable; static struct { double bytes, warmup_bytes; int line; int done; bool connected; double max_latency; struct timeval starttime; } *children; static bool nb_do_createx(struct ftable *f, const char *fname, uint_t create_options, uint_t create_disposition, int handle, NTSTATUS status, bool retry); static bool nb_do_lockx(bool relock, int handle, off_t offset, int size, NTSTATUS status); static void nb_set_createx_params(struct ftable *f, const char *fname, uint_t create_options, uint_t create_disposition, int handle) { struct createx_params *cp = &f->cp; if (fname != NULL) { cp->fname = talloc_strdup(f, fname); if (cp->fname == NULL) { perror("nb_set_createx_params: strdup"); nb_exit(1); } } else { cp->fname = NULL; } cp->create_options = create_options; cp->create_disposition = create_disposition; cp->handle = handle; } static bool nb_reestablish_locks(struct ftable *f) { struct lock_info *linfo = f->locks; while (linfo != NULL) { DEBUG(1,("nb_reestablish_locks: lock for file %d at %lu\n", f->handle, (unsigned long) linfo->offset)); if (!nb_do_lockx(true, f->handle, linfo->offset, linfo->size, NT_STATUS_OK)) { printf("nb_reestablish_locks: failed to get lock for file %s at %lu\n", f->cp.fname, (unsigned long) linfo->offset); return false; } linfo = linfo->next; } return true; } static bool nb_reopen_all_files(void) { struct ftable *f = ftable; while (f != NULL) { DEBUG(1,("-- nb_reopen_all_files: opening %s (handle %d)\n", f->cp.fname, f->cp.handle)); if (!nb_do_createx(f, f->cp.fname, f->cp.create_options, f->cp.create_disposition, f->cp.handle, NT_STATUS_OK, true)) { printf("-- nb_reopen_all_files: failed to open file %s\n", f->cp.fname); return false; } if (!nb_reestablish_locks(f)) { printf("--nb_reopen_all_files: failed to reestablish locks\n"); return false; } f = f->next; } return true; } bool nb_reconnect(struct smbcli_state **cli, struct torture_context *tctx, int client) { children[client].connected = false; if (*cli != NULL) { talloc_free(*cli); } if (!torture_open_connection(cli, tctx, client)) { printf("nb_reconnect: failed to connect\n"); *cli = NULL; return false; } nb_setup(*cli, client); if (!nb_reopen_all_files()) { printf("nb_reconnect: failed to reopen files in client %d\n", client); return false; } return true; } void nbio_target_rate(double rate) { static double last_bytes; static struct timeval last_time; double tdelay; if (last_bytes == 0) { last_bytes = children[nbio_id].bytes; last_time = timeval_current(); return; } tdelay = (children[nbio_id].bytes - last_bytes)/(1.0e6*rate) - timeval_elapsed(&last_time); if (tdelay > 0) { msleep(tdelay*1000); } else { children[nbio_id].max_latency = MAX(children[nbio_id].max_latency, -tdelay); } last_time = timeval_current(); last_bytes = children[nbio_id].bytes; } void nbio_time_reset(void) { children[nbio_id].starttime = timeval_current(); } void nbio_time_delay(double targett) { double elapsed = timeval_elapsed(&children[nbio_id].starttime); if (targett > elapsed) { msleep(1000*(targett - elapsed)); } else if (elapsed - targett > children[nbio_id].max_latency) { children[nbio_id].max_latency = MAX(elapsed - targett, children[nbio_id].max_latency); } } double nbio_result(void) { int i; double total = 0; for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) { total += children[i].bytes - children[i].warmup_bytes; } return 1.0e-6 * total / timeval_elapsed2(&tv_start, &tv_end); } double nbio_latency(void) { int i; double max_latency = 0; for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) { if (children[i].max_latency > max_latency) { max_latency = children[i].max_latency; children[i].max_latency = 0; } } return max_latency; } bool nb_tick(void) { return children[nbio_id].done; } void nb_alarm(int sig) { int i; int lines=0; double t; int in_warmup = 0; int num_connected = 0; if (nbio_id != -1) return; for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) { if (children[i].connected) { num_connected++; } if (children[i].bytes == 0) { in_warmup = 1; } lines += children[i].line; } t = timeval_elapsed(&tv_start); if (!in_warmup && warmup>0 && t > warmup) { tv_start = timeval_current(); warmup = 0; for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) { children[i].warmup_bytes = children[i].bytes; } goto next; } if (t < warmup) { in_warmup = 1; } else if (!in_warmup && !in_cleanup && t > timelimit) { for (i=0;i<nprocs;i++) { children[i].done = 1; } tv_end = timeval_current(); in_cleanup = 1; } if (t < 1) { goto next; } if (!in_cleanup) { tv_end = timeval_current(); } if (in_warmup) { printf("%4d %8d %.2f MB/sec warmup %.0f sec \n", num_connected, lines/nprocs, nbio_result(), t); } else if (in_cleanup) { printf("%4d %8d %.2f MB/sec cleanup %.0f sec \n", num_connected, lines/nprocs, nbio_result(), t); } else { printf("%4d %8d %.2f MB/sec execute %.0f sec latency %.2f msec \n", num_connected, lines/nprocs, nbio_result(), t, nbio_latency() * 1.0e3); } fflush(stdout); next: signal(SIGALRM, nb_alarm); alarm(1); } void nbio_shmem(int n, int t_timelimit, int t_warmup) { nprocs = n; children = shm_setup(sizeof(*children) * nprocs); if (!children) { printf("Failed to setup shared memory!\n"); nb_exit(1); } memset(children, 0, sizeof(*children) * nprocs); timelimit = t_timelimit; warmup = t_warmup; in_cleanup = 0; tv_start = timeval_current(); } static struct lock_info* find_lock(struct lock_info *linfo, off_t offset, int size) { while (linfo != NULL) { if (linfo->offset == offset && linfo->size == size) { return linfo; } linfo = linfo->next; } return NULL; } static struct ftable *find_ftable(int handle) { struct ftable *f; for (f=ftable;f;f=f->next) { if (f->handle == handle) return f; } return NULL; } static int find_handle(int handle, struct ftable **f_ret) { struct ftable *f; if (f_ret != NULL) *f_ret = NULL; children[nbio_id].line = nbench_line_count; f = find_ftable(handle); if (f) { if (f_ret != NULL) *f_ret = f; return f->fd; } printf("(%d) ERROR: handle %d was not found\n", nbench_line_count, handle); nb_exit(1); return -1; /* Not reached */ } static struct smbcli_state *c; /* a handler function for oplock break requests */ static bool oplock_handler(struct smbcli_transport *transport, uint16_t tid, uint16_t fnum, uint8_t level, void *private) { struct smbcli_tree *tree = (struct smbcli_tree *)private; return smbcli_oplock_ack(tree, fnum, OPLOCK_BREAK_TO_NONE); } void nb_setup(struct smbcli_state *cli, int id) { nbio_id = id; c = cli; if (bypass_io) printf("skipping I/O\n"); if (cli) { smbcli_oplock_handler(cli->transport, oplock_handler, cli->tree); } children[id].connected = true; } static bool check_status(const char *op, NTSTATUS status, NTSTATUS ret) { if ((NT_STATUS_EQUAL(ret, NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE) || NT_STATUS_EQUAL(ret, NT_STATUS_NET_WRITE_FAULT) || NT_STATUS_EQUAL(ret, NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_RESET)) && !NT_STATUS_EQUAL (status, ret)) { return false; } if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret)) { printf("[%d] Error: %s should have failed with %s\n", nbench_line_count, op, nt_errstr(status)); nb_exit(1); } if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && !NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret)) { printf("[%d] Error: %s should have succeeded - %s\n", nbench_line_count, op, nt_errstr(ret)); nb_exit(1); } if (!NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, ret)) { printf("[%d] Warning: got status %s but expected %s\n", nbench_line_count, nt_errstr(ret), nt_errstr(status)); } return true; } bool nb_unlink(const char *fname, int attr, NTSTATUS status, bool retry) { union smb_unlink io; NTSTATUS ret; io.unlink.in.pattern = fname; io.unlink.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; if (strchr(fname, '*') == 0) { io.unlink.in.attrib |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } ret = smb_raw_unlink(c->tree, &io); if (!retry) return check_status("Unlink", status, ret); return true; } static bool nb_do_createx(struct ftable *f, const char *fname, uint_t create_options, uint_t create_disposition, int handle, NTSTATUS status, bool retry) { union smb_open io; uint32_t desired_access; NTSTATUS ret; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; uint_t flags = 0; mem_ctx = talloc_init("raw_open"); if (create_options & NTCREATEX_OPTIONS_DIRECTORY) { desired_access = SEC_FILE_READ_DATA; } else { desired_access = SEC_FILE_READ_DATA | SEC_FILE_WRITE_DATA | SEC_FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTE | SEC_FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTE; flags = NTCREATEX_FLAGS_EXTENDED | NTCREATEX_FLAGS_REQUEST_OPLOCK | NTCREATEX_FLAGS_REQUEST_BATCH_OPLOCK; } io.ntcreatex.level = RAW_OPEN_NTCREATEX; io.ntcreatex.in.flags = flags; io.ntcreatex.in.root_fid = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.access_mask = desired_access; io.ntcreatex.in.file_attr = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.alloc_size = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.share_access = NTCREATEX_SHARE_ACCESS_READ|NTCREATEX_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE; io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = create_disposition; io.ntcreatex.in.create_options = create_options; io.ntcreatex.in.impersonation = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.security_flags = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.fname = fname; if (retry) { /* Reopening after a disconnect. */ io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN_IF; } else if (f != NULL && f->cp.create_disposition == NTCREATEX_DISP_CREATE && NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { /* Reopening after nb_createx() error. */ io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN_IF; } ret = smb_raw_open(c->tree, mem_ctx, &io); talloc_free(mem_ctx); if (!check_status("NTCreateX", status, ret)) return false; if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret)) return true; if (f == NULL) { f = talloc (NULL, struct ftable); f->locks = NULL; nb_set_createx_params(f, fname, create_options, create_disposition, handle); DLIST_ADD_END(ftable, f, struct ftable *); } f->handle = handle; f->fd = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; return true; } bool nb_createx(const char *fname, uint_t create_options, uint_t create_disposition, int handle, NTSTATUS status) { return nb_do_createx(NULL, fname, create_options, create_disposition, handle, status, false); } bool nb_writex(int handle, off_t offset, int size, int ret_size, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_write io; int i; NTSTATUS ret; uint8_t *buf; i = find_handle(handle, NULL); if (bypass_io) return true; buf = malloc(size); memset(buf, 0xab, size); io.writex.level = RAW_WRITE_WRITEX; io.writex.in.file.fnum = i; io.writex.in.wmode = 0; io.writex.in.remaining = 0; io.writex.in.offset = offset; io.writex.in.count = size; io.writex.in.data = buf; ret = smb_raw_write(c->tree, &io); free(buf); if (!check_status("WriteX", status, ret)) return false; if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret) && io.writex.out.nwritten != ret_size) { printf("[%d] Warning: WriteX got count %d expected %d\n", nbench_line_count, io.writex.out.nwritten, ret_size); } children[nbio_id].bytes += ret_size; return true; } bool nb_write(int handle, off_t offset, int size, int ret_size, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_write io; int i; NTSTATUS ret; uint8_t *buf; i = find_handle(handle, NULL); if (bypass_io) return true; buf = malloc(size); memset(buf, 0x12, size); io.write.level = RAW_WRITE_WRITE; io.write.in.file.fnum = i; io.write.in.remaining = 0; io.write.in.offset = offset; io.write.in.count = size; io.write.in.data = buf; ret = smb_raw_write(c->tree, &io); free(buf); if (!check_status("Write", status, ret)) return false; if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret) && io.write.out.nwritten != ret_size) { printf("[%d] Warning: Write got count %d expected %d\n", nbench_line_count, io.write.out.nwritten, ret_size); } children[nbio_id].bytes += ret_size; return true; } static bool nb_do_lockx(bool relock, int handle, off_t offset, int size, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_lock io; int i; NTSTATUS ret; struct smb_lock_entry lck; struct ftable *f; i = find_handle(handle, &f); lck.pid = getpid(); lck.offset = offset; lck.count = size; io.lockx.level = RAW_LOCK_LOCKX; io.lockx.in.file.fnum = i; io.lockx.in.mode = 0; io.lockx.in.timeout = 0; io.lockx.in.ulock_cnt = 0; io.lockx.in.lock_cnt = 1; io.lockx.in.locks = &lck; ret = smb_raw_lock(c->tree, &io); if (!check_status("LockX", status, ret)) return false; if (f != NULL && !relock) { struct lock_info *linfo; linfo = talloc (f, struct lock_info); linfo->offset = offset; linfo->size = size; DLIST_ADD_END(f->locks, linfo, struct lock_info *); } return true; } bool nb_lockx(int handle, off_t offset, int size, NTSTATUS status) { return nb_do_lockx(false, handle, offset, size, status); } bool nb_unlockx(int handle, uint_t offset, int size, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_lock io; int i; NTSTATUS ret; struct smb_lock_entry lck; struct ftable *f; i = find_handle(handle, &f); lck.pid = getpid(); lck.offset = offset; lck.count = size; io.lockx.level = RAW_LOCK_LOCKX; io.lockx.in.file.fnum = i; io.lockx.in.mode = 0; io.lockx.in.timeout = 0; io.lockx.in.ulock_cnt = 1; io.lockx.in.lock_cnt = 0; io.lockx.in.locks = &lck; ret = smb_raw_lock(c->tree, &io); if (!check_status("UnlockX", status, ret)) return false; if (f != NULL) { struct lock_info *linfo; linfo = find_lock(f->locks, offset, size); if (linfo != NULL) DLIST_REMOVE(f->locks, linfo); else printf("nb_unlockx: unknown lock (%d)\n", handle); } return true; } bool nb_readx(int handle, off_t offset, int size, int ret_size, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_read io; int i; NTSTATUS ret; uint8_t *buf; i = find_handle(handle, NULL); if (bypass_io) return true; buf = malloc(size); io.readx.level = RAW_READ_READX; io.readx.in.file.fnum = i; io.readx.in.offset = offset; io.readx.in.mincnt = size; io.readx.in.maxcnt = size; io.readx.in.remaining = 0; io.readx.in.read_for_execute = false; io.readx.out.data = buf; ret = smb_raw_read(c->tree, &io); free(buf); if (!check_status("ReadX", status, ret)) return false; if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret) && io.readx.out.nread != ret_size) { printf("[%d] ERROR: ReadX got count %d expected %d\n", nbench_line_count, io.readx.out.nread, ret_size); nb_exit(1); } children[nbio_id].bytes += ret_size; return true; } bool nb_close(int handle, NTSTATUS status) { NTSTATUS ret; union smb_close io; int i; i = find_handle(handle, NULL); io.close.level = RAW_CLOSE_CLOSE; io.close.in.file.fnum = i; io.close.in.write_time = 0; ret = smb_raw_close(c->tree, &io); if (!check_status("Close", status, ret)) return false; if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret)) { struct ftable *f = find_ftable(handle); DLIST_REMOVE(ftable, f); talloc_free(f); } return true; } bool nb_rmdir(const char *dname, NTSTATUS status, bool retry) { NTSTATUS ret; struct smb_rmdir io; io.in.path = dname; ret = smb_raw_rmdir(c->tree, &io); if (!retry) return check_status("Rmdir", status, ret); return true; } bool nb_mkdir(const char *dname, NTSTATUS status, bool retry) { union smb_mkdir io; io.mkdir.level = RAW_MKDIR_MKDIR; io.mkdir.in.path = dname; /* NOTE! no error checking. Used for base fileset creation */ smb_raw_mkdir(c->tree, &io); return true; } bool nb_rename(const char *old, const char *new, NTSTATUS status, bool retry) { NTSTATUS ret; union smb_rename io; io.generic.level = RAW_RENAME_RENAME; io.rename.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; io.rename.in.pattern1 = old; io.rename.in.pattern2 = new; ret = smb_raw_rename(c->tree, &io); if (!retry) return check_status("Rename", status, ret); return true; } bool nb_qpathinfo(const char *fname, int level, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_fileinfo io; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; NTSTATUS ret; mem_ctx = talloc_init("nb_qpathinfo"); io.generic.level = level; io.generic.in.file.path = fname; ret = smb_raw_pathinfo(c->tree, mem_ctx, &io); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return check_status("Pathinfo", status, ret); } bool nb_qfileinfo(int fnum, int level, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_fileinfo io; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; NTSTATUS ret; int i; i = find_handle(fnum, NULL); mem_ctx = talloc_init("nb_qfileinfo"); io.generic.level = level; io.generic.in.file.fnum = i; ret = smb_raw_fileinfo(c->tree, mem_ctx, &io); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return check_status("Fileinfo", status, ret); } bool nb_sfileinfo(int fnum, int level, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_setfileinfo io; NTSTATUS ret; int i; if (level != RAW_SFILEINFO_BASIC_INFORMATION) { printf("[%d] Warning: setfileinfo level %d not handled\n", nbench_line_count, level); return true; } ZERO_STRUCT(io); i = find_handle(fnum, NULL); io.generic.level = level; io.generic.in.file.fnum = i; unix_to_nt_time(&io.basic_info.in.create_time, time(NULL)); unix_to_nt_time(&io.basic_info.in.access_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&io.basic_info.in.write_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&io.basic_info.in.change_time, 0); io.basic_info.in.attrib = 0; ret = smb_raw_setfileinfo(c->tree, &io); return check_status("Setfileinfo", status, ret); } bool nb_qfsinfo(int level, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_fsinfo io; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; NTSTATUS ret; mem_ctx = talloc_init("smbcli_dskattr"); io.generic.level = level; ret = smb_raw_fsinfo(c->tree, mem_ctx, &io); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return check_status("Fsinfo", status, ret); } /* callback function used for trans2 search */ static bool findfirst_callback(void *private, const union smb_search_data *file) { return true; } bool nb_findfirst(const char *mask, int level, int maxcnt, int count, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_search_first io; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; NTSTATUS ret; mem_ctx = talloc_init("smbcli_dskattr"); io.t2ffirst.level = RAW_SEARCH_TRANS2; io.t2ffirst.data_level = level; io.t2ffirst.in.max_count = maxcnt; io.t2ffirst.in.search_attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; io.t2ffirst.in.pattern = mask; io.t2ffirst.in.flags = FLAG_TRANS2_FIND_CLOSE; io.t2ffirst.in.storage_type = 0; ret = smb_raw_search_first(c->tree, mem_ctx, &io, NULL, findfirst_callback); talloc_free(mem_ctx); if (!check_status("Search", status, ret)) return false; if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(ret) && io.t2ffirst.out.count != count) { printf("[%d] Warning: got count %d expected %d\n", nbench_line_count, io.t2ffirst.out.count, count); } return true; } bool nb_flush(int fnum, NTSTATUS status) { union smb_flush io; NTSTATUS ret; int i; i = find_handle(fnum, NULL); io.flush.level = RAW_FLUSH_FLUSH; io.flush.in.file.fnum = i; ret = smb_raw_flush(c->tree, &io); return check_status("Flush", status, ret); } void nb_sleep(int usec, NTSTATUS status) { usleep(usec); } bool nb_deltree(const char *dname, bool retry) { int total_deleted; smb_raw_exit(c->session); while (ftable) { struct ftable *f = ftable; DLIST_REMOVE(ftable, f); talloc_free (f); } total_deleted = smbcli_deltree(c->tree, dname); if (total_deleted == -1) { printf("Failed to cleanup tree %s - exiting\n", dname); nb_exit(1); } smbcli_rmdir(c->tree, dname); return true; } void nb_exit(int status) { children[nbio_id].connected = false; printf("[%d] client %d exiting with status %d\n", nbench_line_count, nbio_id, status); exit(status); }