/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. RAW_SFILEINFO_* individual test suite Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "system/time.h" #include "libcli/raw/libcliraw.h" #include "libcli/libcli.h" #include "torture/util.h" #define BASEDIR "\\testsfileinfo" /* basic testing of all RAW_SFILEINFO_* calls for each call we test that it succeeds, and where possible test for consistency between the calls. */ static bool torture_raw_sfileinfo_base(struct torture_context *torture, struct smbcli_state *cli) { bool ret = true; int fnum = -1; char *fnum_fname; char *fnum_fname_new; char *path_fname; char *path_fname_new; union smb_fileinfo finfo1, finfo2; union smb_setfileinfo sfinfo; NTSTATUS status, status2; const char *call_name; time_t basetime = (time(NULL) - 86400) & ~1; bool check_fnum; int n = time(NULL) % 100; asprintf(&path_fname, BASEDIR "\\fname_test_%d.txt", n); asprintf(&path_fname_new, BASEDIR "\\fname_test_new_%d.txt", n); asprintf(&fnum_fname, BASEDIR "\\fnum_test_%d.txt", n); asprintf(&fnum_fname_new, BASEDIR "\\fnum_test_new_%d.txt", n); if (!torture_setup_dir(cli, BASEDIR)) { return false; } #define RECREATE_FILE(fname) do { \ if (fnum != -1) smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); \ fnum = create_complex_file(cli, torture, fname); \ if (fnum == -1) { \ printf("(%s) ERROR: open of %s failed (%s)\n", \ __location__, fname, smbcli_errstr(cli->tree)); \ ret = false; \ goto done; \ }} while (0) #define RECREATE_BOTH do { \ RECREATE_FILE(path_fname); \ smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); \ RECREATE_FILE(fnum_fname); \ } while (0) RECREATE_BOTH; #define CHECK_CALL_FNUM(call, rightstatus) do { \ check_fnum = true; \ call_name = #call; \ sfinfo.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_ ## call; \ sfinfo.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; \ status = smb_raw_setfileinfo(cli->tree, &sfinfo); \ if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { \ torture_warning(torture, \ "(%s) %s - %s", __location__, #call, \ nt_errstr(status)); \ } else if (!NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, rightstatus)) { \ printf("(%s) %s - %s (should be %s)\n", __location__, #call, \ nt_errstr(status), nt_errstr(rightstatus)); \ ret = false; \ } \ finfo1.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_ALL_INFO; \ finfo1.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; \ status2 = smb_raw_fileinfo(cli->tree, torture, &finfo1); \ if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { \ torture_warning(torture, \ "(%s) %s - %s", __location__, #call, \ nt_errstr(status)); \ } else if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status2)) { \ printf("(%s) %s pathinfo - %s\n", __location__, #call, nt_errstr(status)); \ ret = false; \ }} while (0) #define CHECK_CALL_PATH(call, rightstatus) do { \ check_fnum = false; \ call_name = #call; \ sfinfo.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_ ## call; \ sfinfo.generic.in.file.path = path_fname; \ status = smb_raw_setpathinfo(cli->tree, &sfinfo); \ if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND)) { \ sfinfo.generic.in.file.path = path_fname_new; \ status = smb_raw_setpathinfo(cli->tree, &sfinfo); \ } \ if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { \ torture_warning(torture, \ "(%s) %s - %s", __location__, #call, \ nt_errstr(status)); \ } else if (!NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, rightstatus)) { \ printf("(%s) %s - %s (should be %s)\n", __location__, #call, \ nt_errstr(status), nt_errstr(rightstatus)); \ ret = false; \ } \ finfo1.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_ALL_INFO; \ finfo1.generic.in.file.path = path_fname; \ status2 = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli->tree, torture, &finfo1); \ if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status2, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND)) { \ finfo1.generic.in.file.path = path_fname_new; \ status2 = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli->tree, torture, &finfo1); \ } \ if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { \ torture_warning(torture, \ "(%s) %s - %s", __location__, #call, \ nt_errstr(status)); \ } else if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status2)) { \ printf("(%s) %s pathinfo - %s\n", __location__, #call, nt_errstr(status2)); \ ret = false; \ }} while (0) #define CHECK1(call) \ do { if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { \ finfo2.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_ ## call; \ if (check_fnum) { \ finfo2.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; \ status2 = smb_raw_fileinfo(cli->tree, torture, &finfo2); \ } else { \ finfo2.generic.in.file.path = path_fname; \ status2 = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli->tree, torture, &finfo2); \ if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status2, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND)) { \ finfo2.generic.in.file.path = path_fname_new; \ status2 = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli->tree, torture, &finfo2); \ } \ } \ if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status2)) { \ printf("%s - %s\n", #call, nt_errstr(status2)); \ ret = false; \ } \ }} while (0) #define CHECK_VALUE(call, stype, field, value) do { \ CHECK1(call); \ if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status2) && finfo2.stype.out.field != value) { \ printf("(%s) %s - %s/%s should be 0x%x - 0x%x\n", __location__, \ call_name, #stype, #field, \ (unsigned int)value, (unsigned int)finfo2.stype.out.field); \ dump_all_info(torture, &finfo1); \ ret = false; \ }} while (0) #define CHECK_TIME(call, stype, field, value) do { \ CHECK1(call); \ if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status2) && nt_time_to_unix(finfo2.stype.out.field) != value) { \ printf("(%s) %s - %s/%s should be 0x%x - 0x%x\n", __location__, \ call_name, #stype, #field, \ (unsigned int)value, \ (unsigned int)nt_time_to_unix(finfo2.stype.out.field)); \ printf("\t%s", timestring(torture, value)); \ printf("\t%s\n", nt_time_string(torture, finfo2.stype.out.field)); \ dump_all_info(torture, &finfo1); \ ret = false; \ }} while (0) #define CHECK_STR(call, stype, field, value) do { \ CHECK1(call); \ if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status2) && strcmp(finfo2.stype.out.field, value) != 0) { \ printf("(%s) %s - %s/%s should be '%s' - '%s'\n", __location__, \ call_name, #stype, #field, \ value, \ finfo2.stype.out.field); \ dump_all_info(torture, &finfo1); \ ret = false; \ }} while (0) #define CHECK_STATUS(status, correct) do { \ if (!NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, correct)) { \ printf("(%s) Incorrect status %s - should be %s\n", \ __location__, nt_errstr(status), nt_errstr(correct)); \ ret = false; \ goto done; \ }} while (0) printf("Test setattr\n"); sfinfo.setattr.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; sfinfo.setattr.in.write_time = basetime; CHECK_CALL_PATH(SETATTR, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE (ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); CHECK_TIME (ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime); printf("setting to NORMAL doesn't do anything\n"); sfinfo.setattr.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; sfinfo.setattr.in.write_time = 0; CHECK_CALL_PATH(SETATTR, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); CHECK_TIME (ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime); printf("a zero write_time means don't change\n"); sfinfo.setattr.in.attrib = 0; sfinfo.setattr.in.write_time = 0; CHECK_CALL_PATH(SETATTR, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); CHECK_TIME (ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime); printf("Test setattre\n"); sfinfo.setattre.in.create_time = basetime + 20; sfinfo.setattre.in.access_time = basetime + 30; sfinfo.setattre.in.write_time = basetime + 40; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(SETATTRE, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 20); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 30); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 40); sfinfo.setattre.in.create_time = 0; sfinfo.setattre.in.access_time = 0; sfinfo.setattre.in.write_time = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(SETATTRE, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 20); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 30); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 40); printf("Test standard level\n"); sfinfo.standard.in.create_time = basetime + 100; sfinfo.standard.in.access_time = basetime + 200; sfinfo.standard.in.write_time = basetime + 300; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(STANDARD, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 100); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 200); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 300); printf("Test basic_info level\n"); basetime += 86400; unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.create_time, basetime + 100); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.access_time, basetime + 200); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.write_time, basetime + 300); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.change_time, basetime + 400); sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(BASIC_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 100); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 200); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 300); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, change_time, basetime + 400); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); printf("a zero time means don't change\n"); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.create_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.access_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.write_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.change_time, 0); sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(BASIC_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 100); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 200); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 300); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, change_time, basetime + 400); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); printf("Test basic_information level\n"); basetime += 86400; unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.create_time, basetime + 100); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.access_time, basetime + 200); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.write_time, basetime + 300); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.change_time, basetime + 400); sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(BASIC_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 100); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 200); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 300); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, change_time, basetime + 400); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); CHECK_CALL_PATH(BASIC_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 100); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 200); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 300); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, change_time, basetime + 400); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); torture_comment(torture, "try to change a file to a directory\n"); sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(BASIC_INFO, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); printf("a zero time means don't change\n"); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.create_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.access_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.write_time, 0); unix_to_nt_time(&sfinfo.basic_info.in.change_time, 0); sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(BASIC_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 100); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 200); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 300); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, change_time, basetime + 400); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); CHECK_CALL_PATH(BASIC_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, create_time, basetime + 100); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, access_time, basetime + 200); CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, write_time, basetime + 300); /* interesting - w2k3 leaves change_time as current time for 0 change time in setpathinfo CHECK_TIME(ALL_INFO, all_info, change_time, basetime + 400); */ CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, attrib, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); printf("Test disposition_info level\n"); sfinfo.disposition_info.in.delete_on_close = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(DISPOSITION_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, delete_pending, 1); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, nlink, 0); sfinfo.disposition_info.in.delete_on_close = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(DISPOSITION_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, delete_pending, 0); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, nlink, 1); printf("Test disposition_information level\n"); sfinfo.disposition_info.in.delete_on_close = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(DISPOSITION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, delete_pending, 1); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, nlink, 0); /* this would delete the file! */ /* CHECK_CALL_PATH(DISPOSITION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, delete_pending, 1); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, nlink, 0); */ sfinfo.disposition_info.in.delete_on_close = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(DISPOSITION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, delete_pending, 0); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, nlink, 1); CHECK_CALL_PATH(DISPOSITION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, delete_pending, 0); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, nlink, 1); printf("Test allocation_info level\n"); sfinfo.allocation_info.in.alloc_size = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(ALLOCATION_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 0); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, alloc_size, 0); sfinfo.allocation_info.in.alloc_size = 4096; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(ALLOCATION_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, alloc_size, 4096); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 0); RECREATE_BOTH; sfinfo.allocation_info.in.alloc_size = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(ALLOCATION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 0); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, alloc_size, 0); CHECK_CALL_PATH(ALLOCATION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 0); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, alloc_size, 0); sfinfo.allocation_info.in.alloc_size = 4096; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(ALLOCATION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, alloc_size, 4096); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 0); /* setting the allocation size up via setpathinfo seems to be broken in w2k3 */ CHECK_CALL_PATH(ALLOCATION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, alloc_size, 0); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 0); printf("Test end_of_file_info level\n"); sfinfo.end_of_file_info.in.size = 37; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(END_OF_FILE_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 37); sfinfo.end_of_file_info.in.size = 7; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(END_OF_FILE_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 7); sfinfo.end_of_file_info.in.size = 37; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 37); CHECK_CALL_PATH(END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 37); sfinfo.end_of_file_info.in.size = 7; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 7); CHECK_CALL_PATH(END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(ALL_INFO, all_info, size, 7); printf("Test position_information level\n"); sfinfo.position_information.in.position = 123456; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(POSITION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(POSITION_INFORMATION, position_information, position, 123456); CHECK_CALL_PATH(POSITION_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(POSITION_INFORMATION, position_information, position, 0); printf("Test mode_information level\n"); sfinfo.mode_information.in.mode = 2; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(MODE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(MODE_INFORMATION, mode_information, mode, 2); CHECK_CALL_PATH(MODE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(MODE_INFORMATION, mode_information, mode, 0); sfinfo.mode_information.in.mode = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(MODE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); CHECK_CALL_PATH(MODE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); sfinfo.mode_information.in.mode = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(MODE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(MODE_INFORMATION, mode_information, mode, 0); CHECK_CALL_PATH(MODE_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_VALUE(MODE_INFORMATION, mode_information, mode, 0); #if 0 printf("Test unix_basic level\n"); CHECK_CALL_FNUM(UNIX_BASIC, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_CALL_PATH(UNIX_BASIC, NT_STATUS_OK); printf("Test unix_link level\n"); CHECK_CALL_FNUM(UNIX_LINK, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_CALL_PATH(UNIX_LINK, NT_STATUS_OK); #endif done: smb_raw_exit(cli->session); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(smbcli_unlink(cli->tree, fnum_fname))) { printf("Failed to delete %s - %s\n", fnum_fname, smbcli_errstr(cli->tree)); } if (NT_STATUS_IS_ERR(smbcli_unlink(cli->tree, path_fname))) { printf("Failed to delete %s - %s\n", path_fname, smbcli_errstr(cli->tree)); } return ret; } /* * basic testing of all RAW_SFILEINFO_RENAME call */ static bool torture_raw_sfileinfo_rename(struct torture_context *torture, struct smbcli_state *cli) { bool ret = true; int fnum_saved, d_fnum, fnum2, fnum = -1; char *fnum_fname; char *fnum_fname_new; char *path_fname; char *path_fname_new; char *path_dname; char *path_dname_new; char *saved_name; char *saved_name_new; union smb_fileinfo finfo1, finfo2; union smb_setfileinfo sfinfo; NTSTATUS status, status2; const char *call_name; bool check_fnum; int n = time(NULL) % 100; asprintf(&path_fname, BASEDIR "\\fname_test_%d.txt", n); asprintf(&path_fname_new, BASEDIR "\\fname_test_new_%d.txt", n); asprintf(&fnum_fname, BASEDIR "\\fnum_test_%d.txt", n); asprintf(&fnum_fname_new, BASEDIR "\\fnum_test_new_%d.txt", n); asprintf(&path_dname, BASEDIR "\\dname_test_%d", n); asprintf(&path_dname_new, BASEDIR "\\dname_test_new_%d", n); if (!torture_setup_dir(cli, BASEDIR)) { return false; } RECREATE_BOTH; ZERO_STRUCT(sfinfo); smbcli_close(cli->tree, create_complex_file(cli, torture, fnum_fname_new)); smbcli_close(cli->tree, create_complex_file(cli, torture, path_fname_new)); sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 0; sfinfo.rename_information.in.root_fid = 0; sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_fname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; CHECK_CALL_PATH(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname_new; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname_new); printf("Trying rename with dest file open\n"); fnum2 = create_complex_file(cli, torture, fnum_fname); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname_new); fnum_saved = fnum; fnum = fnum2; sfinfo.disposition_info.in.delete_on_close = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(DISPOSITION_INFO, NT_STATUS_OK); fnum = fnum_saved; printf("Trying rename with dest file open and delete_on_close\n"); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum2); CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname); printf("Trying rename with source file open twice\n"); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname); fnum2 = create_complex_file(cli, torture, fnum_fname); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname_new); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum2); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_fname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 1; CHECK_CALL_PATH(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_fname_new); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_fname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; CHECK_CALL_PATH(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_fname); printf("Trying rename with a root fid\n"); status = create_directory_handle(cli->tree, BASEDIR, &d_fnum); CHECK_STATUS(status, NT_STATUS_OK); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = fnum_fname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.root_fid = d_fnum; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, fnum_fname); smbcli_close(cli->tree, d_fnum); printf("Trying rename directory\n"); if (!torture_setup_dir(cli, path_dname)) { ret = false; goto done; } saved_name = path_fname; saved_name_new = path_fname_new; path_fname = path_dname; path_fname_new = path_dname_new; sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_dname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 0; sfinfo.rename_information.in.root_fid = 0; CHECK_CALL_PATH(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_dname_new); path_fname = saved_name; path_fname_new = saved_name_new; if (torture_setting_bool(torture, "samba3", false)) { printf("SKIP: Trying rename directory with a handle\n"); printf("SKIP: Trying rename by path while a handle is open\n"); printf("SKIP: Trying rename directory by path while a handle is open\n"); goto done; } printf("Trying rename directory with a handle\n"); status = create_directory_handle(cli->tree, path_dname_new, &d_fnum); fnum_saved = fnum; fnum = d_fnum; saved_name = fnum_fname; saved_name_new = fnum_fname_new; fnum_fname = path_dname; fnum_fname_new = path_dname_new; sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_dname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 0; sfinfo.rename_information.in.root_fid = 0; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_dname); smbcli_close(cli->tree, d_fnum); fnum = fnum_saved; fnum_fname = saved_name; fnum_fname_new = saved_name_new; printf("Trying rename by path while a handle is open\n"); fnum_saved = fnum; fnum = create_complex_file(cli, torture, path_fname); sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_fname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 0; sfinfo.rename_information.in.root_fid = 0; CHECK_CALL_PATH(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_fname_new); /* check that the handle returns the same name */ check_fnum = true; CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_fname_new); /* rename it back on the handle */ sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_fname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_fname); check_fnum = false; CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_fname); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); fnum = fnum_saved; printf("Trying rename directory by path while a handle is open\n"); status = create_directory_handle(cli->tree, path_dname, &d_fnum); fnum_saved = fnum; fnum = d_fnum; saved_name = path_fname; saved_name_new = path_fname_new; path_fname = path_dname; path_fname_new = path_dname_new; sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_dname_new+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; sfinfo.rename_information.in.overwrite = 0; sfinfo.rename_information.in.root_fid = 0; CHECK_CALL_PATH(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_dname_new); path_fname = saved_name; path_fname_new = saved_name_new; saved_name = fnum_fname; saved_name_new = fnum_fname_new; fnum_fname = path_dname; fnum_fname_new = path_dname_new; /* check that the handle returns the same name */ check_fnum = true; CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_dname_new); /* rename it back on the handle */ sfinfo.rename_information.in.new_name = path_dname+strlen(BASEDIR)+1; CHECK_CALL_FNUM(RENAME_INFORMATION, NT_STATUS_OK); CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_dname); fnum_fname = saved_name; fnum_fname_new = saved_name_new; saved_name = path_fname; saved_name_new = path_fname_new; path_fname = path_dname; path_fname_new = path_dname_new; check_fnum = false; CHECK_STR(NAME_INFO, name_info, fname.s, path_dname); smbcli_close(cli->tree, d_fnum); fnum = fnum_saved; path_fname = saved_name; path_fname_new = saved_name_new; done: smb_raw_exit(cli->session); smbcli_deltree(cli->tree, BASEDIR); return ret; } /* look for the w2k3 setpathinfo STANDARD bug */ static bool torture_raw_sfileinfo_bug(struct torture_context *torture, struct smbcli_state *cli) { const char *fname = "\\bug3.txt"; union smb_setfileinfo sfinfo; NTSTATUS status; int fnum; if (!torture_setting_bool(torture, "dangerous", false)) torture_skip(torture, "torture_raw_sfileinfo_bug disabled - enable dangerous tests to use\n"); fnum = create_complex_file(cli, torture, fname); smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); sfinfo.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_STANDARD; sfinfo.generic.in.file.path = fname; sfinfo.standard.in.create_time = 0; sfinfo.standard.in.access_time = 0; sfinfo.standard.in.write_time = 0; status = smb_raw_setpathinfo(cli->tree, &sfinfo); printf("%s - %s\n", fname, nt_errstr(status)); printf("now try and delete %s\n", fname); return true; } /** * Test both the snia cifs RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFO and the undocumented * pass-through RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION in the context of * trans2setpathinfo. */ static bool torture_raw_sfileinfo_eof(struct torture_context *tctx, struct smbcli_state *cli1, struct smbcli_state *cli2) { const char *fname = BASEDIR "\\test_sfileinfo_end_of_file.dat"; NTSTATUS status; bool ret = true; union smb_open io; union smb_setfileinfo sfi; union smb_fileinfo qfi; uint16_t fnum = 0; if (!torture_setup_dir(cli1, BASEDIR)) { return false; } /* cleanup */ smbcli_unlink(cli1->tree, fname); io.generic.level = RAW_OPEN_NTCREATEX; io.ntcreatex.in.root_fid.fnum = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.access_mask = SEC_RIGHTS_FILE_ALL; io.ntcreatex.in.alloc_size = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.file_attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; io.ntcreatex.in.share_access = NTCREATEX_SHARE_ACCESS_NONE; io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN_IF; io.ntcreatex.in.create_options = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.impersonation = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_ANONYMOUS; io.ntcreatex.in.security_flags = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.fname = fname; io.ntcreatex.in.flags = 0; /* Open the file sharing none. */ status = smb_raw_open(cli1->tree, tctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); fnum = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; /* Try to sfileinfo to extend the file. */ ZERO_STRUCT(sfi); sfi.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFO; sfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; sfi.end_of_file_info.in.size = 100; status = smb_raw_setpathinfo(cli2->tree, &sfi); /* There should be share mode contention in this case. */ torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION, ret, done, "Status should be " "SHARING_VIOLATION"); /* Make sure the size is still 0. */ ZERO_STRUCT(qfi); qfi.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_STANDARD_INFO; qfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; status = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli2->tree, tctx, &qfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); torture_assert_u64_equal(tctx, qfi.standard_info.out.size, 0, "alloc_size should be 0 since the setpathinfo failed."); /* Try again with the pass through instead of documented version. */ ZERO_STRUCT(sfi); sfi.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION; sfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; sfi.end_of_file_info.in.size = 100; status = smb_raw_setpathinfo(cli2->tree, &sfi); /* * Looks like a windows bug: * http://lists.samba.org/archive/cifs-protocol/2009-November/001130.html */ if (TARGET_IS_W2K8(tctx) || TARGET_IS_WIN7(tctx)) { /* It succeeds! This is just weird! */ torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); /* Verify that the file was actually extended to 100. */ ZERO_STRUCT(qfi); qfi.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_STANDARD_INFO; qfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; status = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli2->tree, tctx, &qfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); torture_assert_u64_equal(tctx, qfi.standard_info.out.size, 100, "alloc_size should be 100 since the setpathinfo " "succeeded."); } else { torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION, ret, done, "Status should be " "SHARING_VIOLATION"); } /* close the first file. */ smbcli_close(cli1->tree, fnum); fnum = 0; /* Try to sfileinfo to extend the file again (non-pass-through). */ ZERO_STRUCT(sfi); sfi.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFO; sfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; sfi.end_of_file_info.in.size = 200; status = smb_raw_setpathinfo(cli2->tree, &sfi); /* This should cause the client to retun invalid level. */ if (TARGET_IS_W2K8(tctx) || TARGET_IS_WIN7(tctx)) { /* * Windows sends back an invalid packet that smbclient sees * and returns INTERNAL_ERROR. */ torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, ret, done, "Status should be " "INTERNAL_ERROR"); } else { torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_INVALID_LEVEL, ret, done, "Status should be " "INVALID_LEVEL"); } /* Try to extend the file now with the passthrough level. */ sfi.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION; status = smb_raw_setpathinfo(cli2->tree, &sfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); /* Verify that the file was actually extended to 200. */ ZERO_STRUCT(qfi); qfi.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_STANDARD_INFO; qfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; status = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli2->tree, tctx, &qfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); torture_assert_u64_equal(tctx, qfi.standard_info.out.size, 200, "alloc_size should be 200 since the setpathinfo succeeded."); /* Open the file so end of file can be set by handle. */ io.ntcreatex.in.access_mask = SEC_RIGHTS_FILE_WRITE; status = smb_raw_open(cli1->tree, tctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); fnum = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; /* Try sfileinfo to extend the file by handle (non-pass-through). */ ZERO_STRUCT(sfi); sfi.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFO; sfi.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; sfi.end_of_file_info.in.size = 300; status = smb_raw_setfileinfo(cli1->tree, &sfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); /* Verify that the file was actually extended to 300. */ ZERO_STRUCT(qfi); qfi.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_STANDARD_INFO; qfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; status = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli1->tree, tctx, &qfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); torture_assert_u64_equal(tctx, qfi.standard_info.out.size, 300, "alloc_size should be 300 since the setpathinfo succeeded."); /* Try sfileinfo to extend the file by handle (pass-through). */ ZERO_STRUCT(sfi); sfi.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION; sfi.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; sfi.end_of_file_info.in.size = 400; status = smb_raw_setfileinfo(cli1->tree, &sfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); /* Verify that the file was actually extended to 300. */ ZERO_STRUCT(qfi); qfi.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_STANDARD_INFO; qfi.generic.in.file.path = fname; status = smb_raw_pathinfo(cli1->tree, tctx, &qfi); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "Status should be OK"); torture_assert_u64_equal(tctx, qfi.standard_info.out.size, 400, "alloc_size should be 400 since the setpathinfo succeeded."); done: if (fnum > 0) { smbcli_close(cli1->tree, fnum); fnum = 0; } smb_raw_exit(cli1->session); smb_raw_exit(cli2->session); smbcli_deltree(cli1->tree, BASEDIR); return ret; } static bool torture_raw_sfileinfo_eof_access(struct torture_context *tctx, struct smbcli_state *cli1, struct smbcli_state *cli2) { const char *fname = BASEDIR "\\test_exclusive3.dat"; NTSTATUS status, expected_status; bool ret = true; union smb_open io; union smb_setfileinfo sfi; uint16_t fnum=0; uint32_t access_mask = 0; if (!torture_setup_dir(cli1, BASEDIR)) { return false; } /* cleanup */ smbcli_unlink(cli1->tree, fname); /* * base ntcreatex parms */ io.generic.level = RAW_OPEN_NTCREATEX; io.ntcreatex.in.root_fid.fnum = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.alloc_size = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.file_attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; io.ntcreatex.in.share_access = NTCREATEX_SHARE_ACCESS_NONE; io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OVERWRITE_IF; io.ntcreatex.in.create_options = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.impersonation = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_ANONYMOUS; io.ntcreatex.in.security_flags = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.fname = fname; io.ntcreatex.in.flags = 0; for (access_mask = 1; access_mask <= 0x00001FF; access_mask++) { io.ntcreatex.in.access_mask = access_mask; status = smb_raw_open(cli1->tree, tctx, &io); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { continue; } fnum = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; ZERO_STRUCT(sfi); sfi.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_END_OF_FILE_INFO; sfi.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; sfi.end_of_file_info.in.size = 100; status = smb_raw_setfileinfo(cli1->tree, &sfi); expected_status = (access_mask & SEC_FILE_WRITE_DATA) ? NT_STATUS_OK : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; if (!NT_STATUS_EQUAL(expected_status, status)) { torture_comment(tctx, "0x%x wrong\n", access_mask); } torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, expected_status, ret, done, "Status Wrong"); smbcli_close(cli1->tree, fnum); } done: smb_raw_exit(cli1->session); smb_raw_exit(cli2->session); smbcli_deltree(cli1->tree, BASEDIR); return ret; } static bool torture_raw_sfileinfo_archive(struct torture_context *tctx, struct smbcli_state *cli) { const char *fname = BASEDIR "\\test_archive.dat"; NTSTATUS status; bool ret = true; union smb_open io; union smb_setfileinfo sfinfo; union smb_fileinfo finfo; uint16_t fnum=0; if (!torture_setup_dir(cli, BASEDIR)) { return false; } /* cleanup */ smbcli_unlink(cli->tree, fname); /* * create a normal file, verify archive bit */ io.generic.level = RAW_OPEN_NTCREATEX; io.ntcreatex.in.root_fid.fnum = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.access_mask = SEC_RIGHTS_FILE_ALL; io.ntcreatex.in.alloc_size = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.file_attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; io.ntcreatex.in.share_access = NTCREATEX_SHARE_ACCESS_NONE; io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_CREATE; io.ntcreatex.in.create_options = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.impersonation = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_ANONYMOUS; io.ntcreatex.in.security_flags = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.fname = fname; io.ntcreatex.in.flags = 0; status = smb_raw_open(cli->tree, tctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "open failed"); fnum = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; torture_assert_int_equal(tctx, io.ntcreatex.out.attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONINDEXED, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, "archive bit not set"); /* * try to turn off archive bit */ ZERO_STRUCT(sfinfo); sfinfo.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_BASIC_INFO; sfinfo.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; status = smb_raw_setfileinfo(cli->tree, &sfinfo); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "setfileinfo failed"); finfo.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_ALL_INFO; finfo.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; status = smb_raw_fileinfo(cli->tree, tctx, &finfo); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "fileinfo failed"); torture_assert_int_equal(tctx, finfo.all_info.out.attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONINDEXED, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, "archive bit set"); status = smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "close failed"); status = smbcli_unlink(cli->tree, fname); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "unlink failed"); /* * create a directory, verify no archive bit */ io.generic.level = RAW_OPEN_NTCREATEX; io.ntcreatex.in.root_fid.fnum = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.access_mask = SEC_RIGHTS_DIR_ALL; io.ntcreatex.in.alloc_size = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.file_attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; io.ntcreatex.in.share_access = NTCREATEX_SHARE_ACCESS_NONE; io.ntcreatex.in.open_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_CREATE; io.ntcreatex.in.create_options = NTCREATEX_OPTIONS_DIRECTORY; io.ntcreatex.in.impersonation = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_ANONYMOUS; io.ntcreatex.in.security_flags = 0; io.ntcreatex.in.fname = fname; io.ntcreatex.in.flags = 0; status = smb_raw_open(cli->tree, tctx, &io); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "directory open failed"); fnum = io.ntcreatex.out.file.fnum; torture_assert_int_equal(tctx, io.ntcreatex.out.attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONINDEXED, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, "archive bit set"); /* * verify you can turn on archive bit */ sfinfo.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_BASIC_INFO; sfinfo.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; status = smb_raw_setfileinfo(cli->tree, &sfinfo); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "setfileinfo failed"); finfo.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_ALL_INFO; finfo.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; status = smb_raw_fileinfo(cli->tree, tctx, &finfo); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "fileinfo failed"); torture_assert_int_equal(tctx, finfo.all_info.out.attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONINDEXED, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, "archive bit not set"); /* * and try to turn it back off */ sfinfo.generic.level = RAW_SFILEINFO_BASIC_INFO; sfinfo.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; sfinfo.basic_info.in.attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; status = smb_raw_setfileinfo(cli->tree, &sfinfo); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "setfileinfo failed"); finfo.generic.level = RAW_FILEINFO_ALL_INFO; finfo.generic.in.file.fnum = fnum; status = smb_raw_fileinfo(cli->tree, tctx, &finfo); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "fileinfo failed"); torture_assert_int_equal(tctx, finfo.all_info.out.attrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONINDEXED, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, "archive bit set"); status = smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OK, ret, done, "close failed"); done: smbcli_close(cli->tree, fnum); smbcli_deltree(cli->tree, BASEDIR); return ret; } struct torture_suite *torture_raw_sfileinfo(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx) { struct torture_suite *suite = torture_suite_create(mem_ctx, "sfileinfo"); torture_suite_add_1smb_test(suite, "base", torture_raw_sfileinfo_base); torture_suite_add_1smb_test(suite, "rename", torture_raw_sfileinfo_rename); torture_suite_add_1smb_test(suite, "bug", torture_raw_sfileinfo_bug); torture_suite_add_2smb_test(suite, "end-of-file", torture_raw_sfileinfo_eof); torture_suite_add_2smb_test(suite, "end-of-file-access", torture_raw_sfileinfo_eof_access); torture_suite_add_1smb_test(suite, "archive", torture_raw_sfileinfo_archive); return suite; }