/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. test suite for wkssvc rpc operations Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2003 Copyright (C) Günther Deschner 2007 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "torture/torture.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_wkssvc_c.h" #include "torture/rpc/rpc.h" #include "lib/cmdline/popt_common.h" #include "param/param.h" #include "../lib/crypto/crypto.h" #include "libcli/auth/libcli_auth.h" #define SMBTORTURE_MACHINE_NAME "smbtrt_name" #define SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME "smbtrt_altname" #define SMBTORTURE_TRANSPORT_NAME "\\Device\\smbtrt_transport_name" #define SMBTORTURE_USE_NAME "S:" #define SMBTORTURE_MESSAGE "You are currently tortured by Samba" static bool test_NetWkstaGetInfo(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaGetInfo r; union wkssvc_NetWkstaInfo info; uint16_t levels[] = {100, 101, 102, 502}; int i; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.out.info = &info; for (i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels);i++) { r.in.level = levels[i]; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetWkstaGetInfo level %u\n", r.in.level); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetWkstaGetInfo(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, talloc_asprintf(tctx, "NetWkstaGetInfo level %u failed", r.in.level)); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, talloc_asprintf(tctx, "NetWkstaGetInfo level %u failed", r.in.level)); } return true; } static bool test_NetWkstaTransportEnum(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportEnum r; uint32_t resume_handle = 0; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportInfo info; union wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportCtr ctr; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportCtr0 ctr0; uint32_t total_entries = 0; ZERO_STRUCT(ctr0); ctr.ctr0 = &ctr0; info.level = 0; info.ctr = ctr; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.info = &info; r.in.max_buffer = (uint32_t)-1; r.in.resume_handle = &resume_handle; r.out.total_entries = &total_entries; r.out.info = &info; r.out.resume_handle = &resume_handle; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetWkstaTransportEnum level 0\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportEnum(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetWkstaTransportEnum failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, talloc_asprintf(tctx, "NetWkstaTransportEnum level %u failed", info.level)); return true; } static bool test_NetrWkstaTransportAdd(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrWkstaTransportAdd r; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaTransportInfo0 info0; uint32_t parm_err = 0; ZERO_STRUCT(info0); info0.quality_of_service = 0xffff; info0.vc_count = 0; info0.name = SMBTORTURE_TRANSPORT_NAME; info0.address = "000000000000"; info0.wan_link = 0x400; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.level = 0; r.in.info0 = &info0; r.in.parm_err = r.out.parm_err = &parm_err; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrWkstaTransportAdd level 0\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrWkstaTransportAdd(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrWkstaTransportAdd failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_INVALID_PARAM, "NetrWkstaTransportAdd level 0 failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrWkstaTransportDel(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrWkstaTransportDel r; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.transport_name = SMBTORTURE_TRANSPORT_NAME; r.in.unknown3 = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrWkstaTransportDel\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrWkstaTransportDel(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrWkstaTransportDel failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrWkstaTransportDel"); return true; } static bool test_NetWkstaEnumUsers(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsers r; uint32_t handle = 0; uint32_t entries_read = 0; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersInfo info; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr0 *user0; struct wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr1 *user1; uint32_t levels[] = { 0, 1 }; int i; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) { ZERO_STRUCT(info); info.level = levels[i]; switch (info.level) { case 0: user0 = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr0); info.ctr.user0 = user0; break; case 1: user1 = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsersCtr1); info.ctr.user1 = user1; break; default: break; } r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.prefmaxlen = (uint32_t)-1; r.in.info = r.out.info = &info; r.in.resume_handle = r.out.resume_handle = &handle; r.out.entries_read = &entries_read; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetWkstaEnumUsers level %u\n", levels[i]); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetWkstaEnumUsers(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetWkstaEnumUsers failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetWkstaEnumUsers failed"); } return true; } static bool test_NetrWkstaUserGetInfo(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserGetInfo r; union wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserInfo info; const char *dom = lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx); struct cli_credentials *creds = cmdline_credentials; const char *user = cli_credentials_get_username(creds); int i; const struct { const char *unknown; uint32_t level; WERROR result; } tests[] = { { NULL, 0, WERR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION }, { NULL, 1, WERR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION }, { NULL, 1101, WERR_OK }, { dom, 0, WERR_INVALID_PARAM }, { dom, 1, WERR_INVALID_PARAM }, { dom, 1101, WERR_INVALID_PARAM }, { user, 0, WERR_INVALID_PARAM }, { user, 1, WERR_INVALID_PARAM }, { user, 1101, WERR_INVALID_PARAM }, }; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(tests); i++) { r.in.unknown = tests[i].unknown; r.in.level = tests[i].level; r.out.info = &info; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrWkstaUserGetInfo level %u\n", r.in.level); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrWkstaUserGetInfo(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrWkstaUserGetInfo failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, tests[i].result, "NetrWkstaUserGetInfo failed"); } return true; } static bool test_NetrUseEnum(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnum r; uint32_t handle = 0; uint32_t entries_read = 0; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumInfo info; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr0 *use0; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr1 *use1; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr2 *use2; uint32_t levels[] = { 0, 1, 2 }; int i; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) { ZERO_STRUCT(info); info.level = levels[i]; switch (info.level) { case 0: use0 = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr0); info.ctr.ctr0 = use0; break; case 1: use1 = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr1); info.ctr.ctr1 = use1; break; case 2: use2 = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr2); info.ctr.ctr2 = use2; break; default: break; } r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.prefmaxlen = (uint32_t)-1; r.in.info = r.out.info = &info; r.in.resume_handle = r.out.resume_handle = &handle; r.out.entries_read = &entries_read; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrUseEnum level %u\n", levels[i]); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUseEnum(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUseEnum failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrUseEnum failed"); } return true; } static bool test_NetrUseAdd(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrUseAdd r; struct wkssvc_NetrUseInfo0 info0; struct wkssvc_NetrUseInfo1 info1; union wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfoCtr *ctr; uint32_t parm_err = 0; ctr = talloc(tctx, union wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfoCtr); ZERO_STRUCT(info0); info0.local = SMBTORTURE_USE_NAME; info0.remote = "\\\\localhost\\c$"; ctr->info0 = &info0; r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.level = 0; r.in.ctr = ctr; r.in.parm_err = r.out.parm_err = &parm_err; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrUseAdd level %u\n", r.in.level); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUseAdd(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUseAdd failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_UNKNOWN_LEVEL, "NetrUseAdd failed"); ZERO_STRUCT(r); ZERO_STRUCT(info1); info1.local = SMBTORTURE_USE_NAME; info1.remote = "\\\\localhost\\sysvol"; info1.password = NULL; ctr->info1 = &info1; r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.level = 1; r.in.ctr = ctr; r.in.parm_err = r.out.parm_err = &parm_err; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrUseAdd level %u\n", r.in.level); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUseAdd(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUseAdd failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrUseAdd failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrUseDel(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrUseDel r; r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.use_name = SMBTORTURE_USE_NAME; r.in.force_cond = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrUseDel\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUseDel(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUseDel failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrUseDel failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrUseGetInfo_level(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, const char *use_name, uint32_t level, WERROR werr) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfo r; union wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfoCtr ctr; ZERO_STRUCT(ctr); r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.use_name = use_name; r.in.level = level; r.out.ctr = &ctr; status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUseGetInfo(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUseGetInfo failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, werr, "NetrUseGetInfo failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrUseGetInfo(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnum r; uint32_t handle = 0; uint32_t entries_read = 0; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumInfo info; struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr0 *use0; uint32_t levels[] = { 0, 1, 2 }; const char *use_name = NULL; int i, k; ZERO_STRUCT(info); info.level = 0; use0 = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_NetrUseEnumCtr0); info.ctr.ctr0 = use0; r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.prefmaxlen = (uint32_t)-1; r.in.info = r.out.info = &info; r.in.resume_handle = r.out.resume_handle = &handle; r.out.entries_read = &entries_read; status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUseEnum(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUseEnum failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrUseEnum failed"); for (k=0; k < r.out.info->ctr.ctr0->count; k++) { use_name = r.out.info->ctr.ctr0->array[k].local; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) { if (!test_NetrUseGetInfo_level(tctx, p, use_name, levels[i], WERR_OK)) { if (levels[i] != 0) { return false; } } } use_name = r.out.info->ctr.ctr0->array[k].remote; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) { if (!test_NetrUseGetInfo_level(tctx, p, use_name, levels[i], WERR_NOT_CONNECTED)) { if (levels[i] != 0) { return false; } } } } return true; } static bool test_NetrLogonDomainNameAdd(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrLogonDomainNameAdd r; r.in.domain_name = lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx); torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrLogonDomainNameAdd\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrLogonDomainNameAdd(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrLogonDomainNameAdd failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "NetrLogonDomainNameAdd failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrLogonDomainNameDel(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrLogonDomainNameDel r; r.in.domain_name = lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx); torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrLogonDomainNameDel\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrLogonDomainNameDel(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrLogonDomainNameDel failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "NetrLogonDomainNameDel failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, uint16_t level, const char ***names, int *num_names) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrEnumerateComputerNames r; struct wkssvc_ComputerNamesCtr *ctr; int i; ctr = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_ComputerNamesCtr); r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.name_type = level; r.in.Reserved = 0; r.out.ctr = &ctr; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrEnumerateComputerNames level %u\n", r.in.name_type); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrEnumerateComputerNames(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrEnumerateComputerNames failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrEnumerateComputerNames failed"); if ((level == NetPrimaryComputerName) && ctr->count != 1) { torture_comment(tctx, "NetrEnumerateComputerNames did not return one " "name but %u\n", ctr->count); return false; } if (names && num_names) { *num_names = 0; *names = NULL; for (i=0; i<ctr->count; i++) { if (!add_string_to_array(tctx, ctr->computer_name[i].string, names, num_names)) { return false; } } } return true; } static bool test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { uint16_t levels[] = {0,1,2}; int i; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) { if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, levels[i], NULL, NULL)) { return false; } } return true; } static bool test_NetrValidateName(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrValidateName r; uint16_t levels[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; int i; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) { r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.name = lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx); r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.Password = NULL; r.in.name_type = levels[i]; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrValidateName level %u\n", r.in.name_type); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrValidateName(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrValidateName failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "NetrValidateName failed"); } return true; } static bool test_NetrValidateName2(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrValidateName2 r; uint16_t levels[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}; int i; for (i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(levels); i++) { r.in.server_name = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", dcerpc_server_name(p)); r.in.name = lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx); r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.EncryptedPassword = NULL; r.in.name_type = levels[i]; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrValidateName2 level %u\n", r.in.name_type); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrValidateName2(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrValidateName2 failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_RPC_E_REMOTE_DISABLED, "NetrValidateName2 failed"); } return true; } static bool test_NetrAddAlternateComputerName(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrAddAlternateComputerName r; const char **names = NULL; int num_names = 0; int i; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.NewAlternateMachineName = SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME; r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.EncryptedPassword = NULL; r.in.Reserved = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrAddAlternateComputerName\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrAddAlternateComputerName(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrAddAlternateComputerName failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrAddAlternateComputerName failed"); if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, NetAlternateComputerNames, &names, &num_names)) { return false; } for (i=0; i<num_names; i++) { if (strequal(names[i], SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME)) { return true; } } torture_comment(tctx, "new alternate name not set\n"); return false; } static bool test_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName r; const char **names = NULL; int num_names = 0; int i; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.AlternateMachineNameToRemove = SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME; r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.EncryptedPassword = NULL; r.in.Reserved = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName failed"); if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, NetAlternateComputerNames, &names, &num_names)) { return false; } for (i=0; i<num_names; i++) { if (strequal(names[i], SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME)) { return false; } } return true; } static bool test_NetrSetPrimaryComputername_name(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, const char *name) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrSetPrimaryComputername r; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.primary_name = name; r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.EncryptedPassword = NULL; r.in.Reserved = 0; status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrSetPrimaryComputername(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrSetPrimaryComputername failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrSetPrimaryComputername failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrSetPrimaryComputername(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { /* add alternate, check if there store old primary set new primary (alternate) check if there later: check if del is possible set primary back to origin check if there del alternate */ const char **names_o = NULL, **names = NULL; int num_names_o = 0, num_names = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrSetPrimaryComputername\n"); if (!test_NetrAddAlternateComputerName(tctx, p)) { return false; } if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, NetPrimaryComputerName, &names_o, &num_names_o)) { return false; } if (num_names_o != 1) { return false; } if (!test_NetrSetPrimaryComputername_name(tctx, p, SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME)) { return false; } if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, NetPrimaryComputerName, &names, &num_names)) { return false; } if (num_names != 1) { return false; } if (!strequal(names[0], SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME)) { torture_comment(tctx, "name mismatch (%s != %s) after NetrSetPrimaryComputername!\n", names[0], SMBTORTURE_ALTERNATE_NAME); /*return false */; } if (!test_NetrSetPrimaryComputername_name(tctx, p, names_o[0])) { return false; } if (!test_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName(tctx, p)) { return false; } return true; } static bool test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain r; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.NewMachineName = SMBTORTURE_MACHINE_NAME; r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.password = NULL; r.in.RenameOptions = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrRenameMachineInDomain\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrRenameMachineInDomain failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "NetrRenameMachineInDomain failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2_name(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, const char *new_name) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2 r; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.NewMachineName = new_name; r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.EncryptedPassword = NULL; r.in.RenameOptions = 0; status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrRenameMachineInDomain2 failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrRenameMachineInDomain2 failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { const char **names_o = NULL, **names = NULL; int num_names_o = 0, num_names = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrRenameMachineInDomain2\n"); if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, NetPrimaryComputerName, &names_o, &num_names_o)) { return false; } if (num_names_o != 1) { return false; } if (!test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2_name(tctx, p, SMBTORTURE_MACHINE_NAME)) { return false; } if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, NetPrimaryComputerName, &names, &num_names)) { return false; } if (num_names != 1) { return false; } if (strequal(names[0], names_o[0])) { test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2_name(tctx, p, names_o[0]); return false; } if (!strequal(names[0], SMBTORTURE_MACHINE_NAME)) { test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2_name(tctx, p, names_o[0]); return false; } if (!test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2_name(tctx, p, names_o[0])) { return false; } if (!test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames_level(tctx, p, NetPrimaryComputerName, &names, &num_names)) { return false; } if (num_names != 1) { return false; } if (!strequal(names[0], names_o[0])) { return false; } return true; } static bool test_NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet r; struct wkssvc_NetrWorkstationStatistics *info; ZERO_STRUCT(r); info = talloc_zero(tctx, struct wkssvc_NetrWorkstationStatistics); r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.out.info = &info; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet failed"); return true; } /* only succeeds as long as the local messenger service is running - Guenther */ static bool test_NetrMessageBufferSend(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrMessageBufferSend r; const char *message = SMBTORTURE_MESSAGE; size_t size; uint8_t *msg; size = push_ucs2_talloc(tctx, (void **)&msg, message); r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.message_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.message_sender_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.message_buffer = msg; r.in.message_size = size; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrMessageBufferSend\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrMessageBufferSend(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrMessageBufferSend failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrMessageBufferSend failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrGetJoinInformation(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrGetJoinInformation r; enum wkssvc_NetJoinStatus join_status; const char *name_buffer = ""; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.name_buffer = r.out.name_buffer = &name_buffer; r.out.name_type = &join_status; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrGetJoinInformation\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrGetJoinInformation(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrGetJoinInformation failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrGetJoinInformation failed"); return true; } static bool test_GetJoinInformation(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, enum wkssvc_NetJoinStatus *join_status_p, const char **name) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrGetJoinInformation r; enum wkssvc_NetJoinStatus join_status; const char *name_buffer = ""; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.name_buffer = r.out.name_buffer = &name_buffer; r.out.name_type = &join_status; status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrGetJoinInformation(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrGetJoinInformation failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "NetrGetJoinInformation failed"); if (join_status_p) { *join_status_p = join_status; } if (*name) { *name = talloc_strdup(tctx, name_buffer); } return true; } static bool test_NetrGetJoinableOus(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrGetJoinableOus r; uint32_t num_ous = 0; const char **ous = NULL; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.domain_name = lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx); r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.unknown = NULL; r.in.num_ous = r.out.num_ous = &num_ous; r.out.ous = &ous; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrGetJoinableOus\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrGetJoinableOus(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrGetJoinableOus failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "NetrGetJoinableOus failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrGetJoinableOus2(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrGetJoinableOus2 r; uint32_t num_ous = 0; const char **ous = NULL; r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.domain_name = lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx); r.in.Account = NULL; r.in.EncryptedPassword = NULL; r.in.num_ous = r.out.num_ous = &num_ous; r.out.ous = &ous; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrGetJoinableOus2\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrGetJoinableOus2(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrGetJoinableOus2 failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_RPC_E_REMOTE_DISABLED, "NetrGetJoinableOus2 failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrUnjoinDomain(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain r; struct cli_credentials *creds = cmdline_credentials; const char *user = cli_credentials_get_username(creds); const char *admin_account = NULL; admin_account = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "%s\\%s", lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx), user); r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.Account = admin_account; r.in.password = NULL; r.in.unjoin_flags = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrUnjoinDomain\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUnjoinDomain failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "NetrUnjoinDomain failed"); return true; } static bool test_NetrJoinDomain(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain r; struct cli_credentials *creds = cmdline_credentials; const char *user = cli_credentials_get_username(creds); const char *admin_account = NULL; admin_account = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "%s\\%s", lp_workgroup(tctx->lp_ctx), user); r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.domain_name = lp_realm(tctx->lp_ctx); r.in.account_ou = NULL; r.in.Account = admin_account; r.in.password = NULL; r.in.join_flags = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrJoinDomain\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrJoinDomain failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, WERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "NetrJoinDomain failed"); return true; } /* encode a wkssvc_PasswordBuffer for remote joining/unjoining: * * similar to samr_CryptPasswordEx. Different: 8byte confounder (instead of * 16byte), confounder in front of the 516 byte buffer (instead of after that * buffer), calling MD5Update() first with session_key and then with confounder * (vice versa in samr) - Guenther */ static void encode_wkssvc_join_password_buffer(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *pwd, DATA_BLOB *session_key, struct wkssvc_PasswordBuffer *pwd_buf) { uint8_t buffer[516]; struct MD5Context ctx; DATA_BLOB confounded_session_key = data_blob_talloc(mem_ctx, NULL, 16); int confounder_len = 8; uint8_t confounder[8]; encode_pw_buffer(buffer, pwd, STR_UNICODE); generate_random_buffer((uint8_t *)confounder, confounder_len); MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, session_key->data, session_key->length); MD5Update(&ctx, confounder, confounder_len); MD5Final(confounded_session_key.data, &ctx); arcfour_crypt_blob(buffer, 516, &confounded_session_key); memcpy(&pwd_buf->data[0], confounder, confounder_len); memcpy(&pwd_buf->data[8], buffer, 516); data_blob_free(&confounded_session_key); } /* * prerequisites for remotely joining an unjoined XP SP2 workstation: * - firewall needs to be disabled (or open for ncacn_np access) * - HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\forceguest needs to 0 * see also: * http://support.microsoft.com/kb/294355/EN-US/ and * http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290403/EN-US/ */ static bool test_NetrJoinDomain2(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain2 r; const char *domain_admin_account = NULL; const char *domain_admin_password = NULL; const char *domain_name = NULL; struct wkssvc_PasswordBuffer pwd_buf; enum wkssvc_NetJoinStatus join_status; const char *join_name = NULL; WERROR expected_err; DATA_BLOB session_key; /* FIXME: this test assumes to join workstations / servers and does not * handle DCs (WERR_SETUP_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER) */ if (!test_GetJoinInformation(tctx, p, &join_status, &join_name)) { return false; } switch (join_status) { case NET_SETUP_DOMAIN_NAME: expected_err = WERR_SETUP_ALREADY_JOINED; break; case NET_SETUP_UNKNOWN_STATUS: case NET_SETUP_UNJOINED: case NET_SETUP_WORKGROUP_NAME: default: expected_err = WERR_OK; break; } domain_admin_account = torture_setting_string(tctx, "domain_admin_account", NULL); domain_admin_password = torture_setting_string(tctx, "domain_admin_password", NULL); domain_name = torture_setting_string(tctx, "domain_name", NULL); if ((domain_admin_account == NULL) || (domain_admin_password == NULL) || (domain_name == NULL)) { torture_comment(tctx, "not enough input parameter\n"); return false; } status = dcerpc_fetch_session_key(p, &session_key); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { return false; } encode_wkssvc_join_password_buffer(tctx, domain_admin_password, &session_key, &pwd_buf); r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.domain_name = domain_name; r.in.account_ou = NULL; r.in.admin_account = domain_admin_account; r.in.encrypted_password = &pwd_buf; r.in.join_flags = WKSSVC_JOIN_FLAGS_JOIN_TYPE | WKSSVC_JOIN_FLAGS_ACCOUNT_CREATE; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrJoinDomain2 (assuming non-DC)\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrJoinDomain2(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrJoinDomain2 failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, expected_err, "NetrJoinDomain2 failed"); if (!test_GetJoinInformation(tctx, p, &join_status, &join_name)) { return false; } if (join_status != NET_SETUP_DOMAIN_NAME) { torture_comment(tctx, "Join verify failed: got %d\n", join_status); return false; } return true; } static bool test_NetrUnjoinDomain2(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p) { NTSTATUS status; struct wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain2 r; const char *domain_admin_account = NULL; const char *domain_admin_password = NULL; struct wkssvc_PasswordBuffer pwd_buf; enum wkssvc_NetJoinStatus join_status; const char *join_name = NULL; WERROR expected_err; DATA_BLOB session_key; /* FIXME: this test assumes to join workstations / servers and does not * handle DCs (WERR_SETUP_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER) */ if (!test_GetJoinInformation(tctx, p, &join_status, &join_name)) { return false; } switch (join_status) { case NET_SETUP_UNJOINED: expected_err = WERR_SETUP_NOT_JOINED; break; case NET_SETUP_DOMAIN_NAME: case NET_SETUP_UNKNOWN_STATUS: case NET_SETUP_WORKGROUP_NAME: default: expected_err = WERR_OK; break; } domain_admin_account = torture_setting_string(tctx, "domain_admin_account", NULL); domain_admin_password = torture_setting_string(tctx, "domain_admin_password", NULL); if ((domain_admin_account == NULL) || (domain_admin_password == NULL)) { torture_comment(tctx, "not enough input parameter\n"); return false; } status = dcerpc_fetch_session_key(p, &session_key); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { return false; } encode_wkssvc_join_password_buffer(tctx, domain_admin_password, &session_key, &pwd_buf); r.in.server_name = dcerpc_server_name(p); r.in.account = domain_admin_account; r.in.encrypted_password = &pwd_buf; r.in.unjoin_flags = 0; torture_comment(tctx, "testing NetrUnjoinDomain2 (assuming non-DC)\n"); status = dcerpc_wkssvc_NetrUnjoinDomain2(p, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok(tctx, status, "NetrUnjoinDomain2 failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, expected_err, "NetrUnjoinDomain2 failed"); if (!test_GetJoinInformation(tctx, p, &join_status, &join_name)) { return false; } switch (join_status) { case NET_SETUP_UNJOINED: case NET_SETUP_WORKGROUP_NAME: break; case NET_SETUP_UNKNOWN_STATUS: case NET_SETUP_DOMAIN_NAME: default: torture_comment(tctx, "Unjoin verify failed: got %d\n", join_status); return false; } return true; } struct torture_suite *torture_rpc_wkssvc(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx) { struct torture_suite *suite; struct torture_rpc_tcase *tcase; struct torture_test *test; suite = torture_suite_create(mem_ctx, "WKSSVC"); tcase = torture_suite_add_rpc_iface_tcase(suite, "wkssvc", &ndr_table_wkssvc); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetWkstaGetInfo", test_NetWkstaGetInfo); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetWkstaTransportEnum", test_NetWkstaTransportEnum); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrWkstaTransportDel", test_NetrWkstaTransportDel); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrWkstaTransportAdd", test_NetrWkstaTransportAdd); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetWkstaEnumUsers", test_NetWkstaEnumUsers); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrWkstaUserGetInfo", test_NetrWkstaUserGetInfo); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrUseDel", test_NetrUseDel); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrUseGetInfo", test_NetrUseGetInfo); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrUseEnum", test_NetrUseEnum); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrUseAdd", test_NetrUseAdd); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrValidateName", test_NetrValidateName); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrValidateName2", test_NetrValidateName2); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrLogonDomainNameDel", test_NetrLogonDomainNameDel); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrLogonDomainNameAdd", test_NetrLogonDomainNameAdd); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName", test_NetrRemoveAlternateComputerName); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrAddAlternateComputerName", test_NetrAddAlternateComputerName); test = torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrSetPrimaryComputername", test_NetrSetPrimaryComputername); test->dangerous = true; test = torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrRenameMachineInDomain", test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain); test->dangerous = true; test = torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrRenameMachineInDomain2", test_NetrRenameMachineInDomain2); test->dangerous = true; torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrEnumerateComputerNames", test_NetrEnumerateComputerNames); test = torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrJoinDomain2", test_NetrJoinDomain2); test->dangerous = true; test = torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrUnjoinDomain2", test_NetrUnjoinDomain2); test->dangerous = true; torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrJoinDomain", test_NetrJoinDomain); test->dangerous = true; torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrUnjoinDomain", test_NetrUnjoinDomain); test->dangerous = true; torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrGetJoinInformation", test_NetrGetJoinInformation); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrGetJoinableOus", test_NetrGetJoinableOus); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrGetJoinableOus2", test_NetrGetJoinableOus2); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet", test_NetrWorkstationStatisticsGet); torture_rpc_tcase_add_test(tcase, "NetrMessageBufferSend", test_NetrMessageBufferSend); return suite; }