/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. Implements functions offered by repadmin.exe tool under Windows Copyright (C) Kamen Mazdrashki <kamen.mazdrashki@postpath.com> 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "utils/net/net.h" #include "net_drs.h" #include "lib/ldb/include/ldb.h" #include "dsdb/samdb/samdb.h" #include "lib/util/util_ldb.h" /** * Parses NTDS Settings DN to find out: * - DC name * - Site name * - Domain DNS name */ static bool net_drs_parse_ntds_dn(struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char **_dc_name, const char **_site_name, const char **_domain_dns_name) { struct ldb_dn *dn = NULL; const struct ldb_val *val; dn = ldb_dn_copy(mem_ctx, ntds_dn); NET_DRS_NOMEM_GOTO(dn, failed); /* remove NTDS Settings component */ ldb_dn_remove_child_components(dn, 1); if (_dc_name) { val = ldb_dn_get_rdn_val(dn); *_dc_name = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, (const char *)val->data); } /* remove DC and Servers components */ ldb_dn_remove_child_components(dn, 2); if (_site_name) { val = ldb_dn_get_rdn_val(dn); *_site_name = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, (const char *)val->data); } if (_domain_dns_name) { char *pstr; char *dns_name; dns_name = ldb_dn_canonical_string(mem_ctx, dn); NET_DRS_NOMEM_GOTO(dns_name, failed); pstr = strchr(dns_name, '/'); if (pstr) { *pstr = '\0'; } *_domain_dns_name = dns_name; } talloc_free(dn); return true; failed: talloc_free(dn); return false; } static char * net_drs_dc_canonical_string(struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx) { const char *dc_name; const char *site_name; char *canonical_name; if (!net_drs_parse_ntds_dn(ntds_dn, mem_ctx, &dc_name, &site_name, NULL)) { return NULL; } canonical_name = talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s\\%s", site_name, dc_name); talloc_free(discard_const(dc_name)); talloc_free(discard_const(site_name)); return canonical_name; } /** * Prints DC information for showrepl command */ static bool net_drs_showrepl_print_dc_info(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx) { int ret; const char *dc_name; const char *site_name; struct ldb_dn *dn; struct ldb_message **ntds_msgs; struct ldb_message **site_msgs; uint32_t options; struct GUID guid; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; const char *ntds_attr[] = {"options", "objectGuid", "invocationId", NULL}; const char *site_ntds_attr[] = {"options", "whenChanged", NULL}; mem_ctx = talloc_new(drs_ctx); /* Get NTDS Settings DN string for the DC */ dn = samdb_result_dn(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, mem_ctx, drs_ctx->ldap.rootdse, "dsServiceName", NULL); NET_DRS_CHECK_GOTO(dn, failed, "No dsServiceName value in RootDSE!\n"); /* parse NTDS Settings DN */ if (!net_drs_parse_ntds_dn(dn, mem_ctx, &dc_name, &site_name, NULL)) { d_printf("Unexptected: Failed to parse %s DN!\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(dn)); goto failed; } /* Query DC record for DSA's NTDS Settings DN */ ret = gendb_search_dn(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, mem_ctx, dn, &ntds_msgs, ntds_attr); if (ret != 1) { d_printf("Error while fetching %s, Possible error: %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(dn), ldb_errstring(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb)); goto failed; } /* find out NTDS Site Settings DN */ if (!ldb_dn_remove_child_components(dn, 3)) { d_printf("Unexpected: ldb_dn_remove_child_components() failed!\n"); goto failed; } if (!ldb_dn_add_child_fmt(dn, "CN=%s", "NTDS Site Settings")) { d_printf("Unexpected: ldb_dn_add_child_fmt() failed!\n"); goto failed; } /* Query Site record for DSA's NTDS Settings DN */ ret = gendb_search_dn(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, mem_ctx, dn, &site_msgs, site_ntds_attr); if (ret != 1) { d_printf("Error while fetching %s, Possible error: %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(dn), ldb_errstring(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb)); goto failed; } /* Site-name\DC-name */ d_printf("%s\\%s\n", site_name, dc_name); /* DSA Options */ options = samdb_result_uint(ntds_msgs[0], "options", 0); if (options) { /* TODO: Print options as string in IS_GC... etc form */ d_printf("DSA Options: 0x%08X\n", options); } else { d_printf("DSA Options: (none)\n"); } /* Site Options */ options = samdb_result_uint(site_msgs[0], "options", 0); if (options) { /* TODO: Print options in string */ d_printf("DSA Options: 0x%08X\n", options); } else { d_printf("Site Options: (none)\n"); } /* DSA GUID */ guid = samdb_result_guid(ntds_msgs[0], "objectGUID"); d_printf("DSA object GUID: %s\n", GUID_string(mem_ctx, &guid)); /* DSA invocationId */ guid = samdb_result_guid(ntds_msgs[0], "invocationId"); d_printf("DSA invocationID: %s\n", GUID_string(mem_ctx, &guid)); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return true; failed: talloc_free(mem_ctx); return false; } /** * Convenience function to call DsReplicaGetInfo */ static bool net_drs_exec_DsReplicaGetInfo(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx, enum drsuapi_DsReplicaInfoType info_type, union drsuapi_DsReplicaInfo *_replica_info) { NTSTATUS status; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaGetInfo r; union drsuapi_DsReplicaGetInfoRequest req; enum drsuapi_DsReplicaInfoType info_type_got; struct net_drs_connection *drs_conn = drs_ctx->drs_conn; ZERO_STRUCT(req); req.req1.info_type = info_type; r.in.bind_handle = &drs_conn->bind_handle; r.in.level = 1; r.in.req = &req; r.out.info = _replica_info; r.out.info_type = &info_type_got; status = dcerpc_drsuapi_DsReplicaGetInfo_r(drs_conn->drs_handle, drs_ctx, &r); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { const char *errstr = nt_errstr(status); d_printf("DsReplicaGetInfo failed - %s.\n", errstr); return false; } else if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(r.out.result)) { d_printf("DsReplicaGetInfo failed - %s.\n", win_errstr(r.out.result)); return false; } if (info_type != info_type_got) { d_printf("DsReplicaGetInfo: Error requested info %d, got info %d", info_type, info_type_got); return false; } return true; } /** * Return transport type string for given transport object DN. * Currently always return 'RPC'. * * TODO: Implement getting transport type for all kind of transports */ static const char * net_drs_transport_type_str(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx, const char *transport_obj_dn) { return "RPC"; } /** * Prints most of the info we got about * a replication partner */ static bool net_drs_showrepl_print_heighbor(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx, struct drsuapi_DsReplicaNeighbour *neighbor) { struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; mem_ctx = talloc_new(drs_ctx); ntds_dn = ldb_dn_new(drs_ctx, drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, neighbor->source_dsa_obj_dn); NET_DRS_NOMEM_GOTO(ntds_dn, failed); d_printf("%s\n", neighbor->naming_context_dn); /* TODO: Determine connection type */ d_printf("\t%s via %s\n", net_drs_dc_canonical_string(ntds_dn, mem_ctx), net_drs_transport_type_str(drs_ctx, neighbor->transport_obj_dn)); d_printf("\t\tDSA object GUID: %s\n", GUID_string(mem_ctx, &neighbor->source_dsa_obj_guid)); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(neighbor->result_last_attempt)) { d_printf("\t\tLast attempt @ %s was successful.\n", nt_time_string(mem_ctx, neighbor->last_attempt)); } else { d_printf("\t\tLast attempt @ %s failed, result %d (%s):\n", nt_time_string(mem_ctx, neighbor->last_attempt), W_ERROR_V(neighbor->result_last_attempt), win_errstr(neighbor->result_last_attempt)); d_printf("\t\t\t%s\n", get_friendly_werror_msg(neighbor->result_last_attempt)); } d_printf("\t\t%d consecutive failure(s).\n", neighbor->consecutive_sync_failures); d_printf("\t\tLast success @ %s\n", nt_time_string(mem_ctx, neighbor->last_success)); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return true; failed: talloc_free(mem_ctx); return false; } /** * Prints list of all servers that target DC * replicates from */ static bool net_drs_showrepl_print_inbound_neihbors(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx) { int i; bool bret; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaNeighbourCtr *reps_from; union drsuapi_DsReplicaInfo replica_info; d_printf("\n==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ====\n"); bret = net_drs_exec_DsReplicaGetInfo(drs_ctx, DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_NEIGHBORS, &replica_info); if (!bret) { d_printf("DsReplicaGetInfo() failed for DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_KCC_DSA_CONNECT_FAILURES"); return false; } reps_from = replica_info.neighbours; for (i = 0; i < reps_from->count; i++) { d_printf("\n"); net_drs_showrepl_print_heighbor(drs_ctx, &reps_from->array[i]); } return true; } /** * Prints list of all servers that target DC * notifies for changes */ static bool net_drs_showrepl_print_outbound_neihbors(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx) { int i; bool bret; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaNeighbourCtr *reps_to; union drsuapi_DsReplicaInfo replica_info; d_printf("\n==== OUTBOUND NEIGHBORS ====\n"); bret = net_drs_exec_DsReplicaGetInfo(drs_ctx, DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_REPSTO, &replica_info); if (!bret) { d_printf("DsReplicaGetInfo() failed for DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_KCC_DSA_CONNECT_FAILURES"); return false; } reps_to = replica_info.repsto; for (i = 0; i < reps_to->count; i++) { d_printf("\n"); net_drs_showrepl_print_heighbor(drs_ctx, &reps_to->array[i]); } return true; } /** * Prints all connections under * NTDS Settings for target DC. * * NOTE: All connections are printed * no matter what their status is */ static bool net_drs_showrepl_print_connection_objects(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx) { int i; int conn_count; struct ldb_message **conn_msgs; struct ldb_dn *dn; uint32_t options; struct GUID guid; const char *dc_dns_name; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; const char *conn_attr[] = { "enabledConnection", "fromServer", "mS-DS-ReplicatesNCReason", "options", "schedule", "transportType", "whenChanged", "whenCreated", NULL }; mem_ctx = talloc_new(drs_ctx); d_printf("\n==== KCC CONNECTION OBJECTS ====\n"); /* Get NTDS Settings DN string for the DC */ dn = samdb_result_dn(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, mem_ctx, drs_ctx->ldap.rootdse, "dsServiceName", NULL); NET_DRS_CHECK_GOTO(dn, failed, "No dsServiceName value in RootDSE!\n"); /* DNS host name for target DC */ dc_dns_name = samdb_result_string(drs_ctx->ldap.rootdse , "dnsHostName", NULL); NET_DRS_CHECK_GOTO(dc_dns_name, failed, "No dsServiceName value in dnsHostName!\n"); /* Enum. Connection objects under NTDS Settings */ conn_count = gendb_search(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, mem_ctx, dn, &conn_msgs, conn_attr, "(objectClass=nTDSConnection)"); if (conn_count == -1) { d_printf("Error searching Connections for %s, Possible error: %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(dn), ldb_errstring(drs_ctx->ldap.ldb)); goto failed; } for (i = 0; i < conn_count; i++) { int k; const char *transport_type; struct ldb_message_element *msg_elem; struct ldb_message *conn_msg = conn_msgs[i]; d_printf("Connection --\n"); guid = samdb_result_guid(conn_msg, "name"); d_printf("\tConnection name : %s\n", GUID_string(mem_ctx, &guid)); d_printf("\tEnabled : %s\n", samdb_result_string(conn_msg, "enabledConnection", "TRUE")); d_printf("\tServer DNS name : %s\n", dc_dns_name); d_printf("\tServer DN name : %s\n", samdb_result_string(conn_msg, "fromServer", NULL)); transport_type = samdb_result_string(conn_msg, "transportType", NULL); d_printf("\t\tTransportType: %s\n", net_drs_transport_type_str(drs_ctx, transport_type)); /* TODO: print Connection options in friendly format */ options = samdb_result_uint(conn_msg, "options", 0); d_printf("\t\toptions: 0x%08X\n", options); /* print replicated NCs for this connection */ msg_elem = ldb_msg_find_element(conn_msg, "mS-DS-ReplicatesNCReason"); if (!msg_elem) { d_printf("Warning: No NC replicated for Connection!\n"); continue; } for (k = 0; k < msg_elem->num_values; k++) { struct dsdb_dn *bin_dn; bin_dn = dsdb_dn_parse(mem_ctx, drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, &msg_elem->values[k], DSDB_SYNTAX_BINARY_DN); if (!bin_dn) { d_printf("Unexpected: Failed to parse DN - %s\n", msg_elem->values[k].data); } d_printf("\t\tReplicatesNC: %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(bin_dn->dn)); /* TODO: print Reason flags in friendly format */ options = RIVAL(bin_dn->extra_part.data, 0); d_printf("\t\tReason: 0x%08X\n", options); d_printf("\t\t\tReplica link has been added.\n"); } } talloc_free(mem_ctx); return true; failed: talloc_free(mem_ctx); return false; } /** * Prints all DC's connections failure. * * NOTE: Still don't know exactly what * this information means */ static bool net_drs_showrepl_print_connect_failures(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx) { int i; bool bret; struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaKccDsaFailure *failure; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaKccDsaFailuresCtr *connect_failures; union drsuapi_DsReplicaInfo replica_info; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; d_printf("\n==== CONNECION FAILURES ====\n"); bret = net_drs_exec_DsReplicaGetInfo(drs_ctx, DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_KCC_DSA_CONNECT_FAILURES, &replica_info); if (!bret) { d_printf("DsReplicaGetInfo() failed for DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_KCC_DSA_CONNECT_FAILURES"); return false; } connect_failures = replica_info.connectfailures; mem_ctx = talloc_new(drs_ctx); for (i = 0; i < connect_failures->count; i++) { failure = &connect_failures->array[i]; ntds_dn = ldb_dn_new(mem_ctx, drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, failure->dsa_obj_dn); d_printf("Source: %s\n", net_drs_dc_canonical_string(ntds_dn, mem_ctx)); d_printf("******* %d CONSECUTIVE FAILURES since %s\n", failure->num_failures, nt_time_string(mem_ctx, failure->first_failure)); d_printf("Last error: %d (%s):", W_ERROR_V(failure->last_result), win_errstr(failure->last_result)); d_printf("\t\t\t%s\n", get_friendly_werror_msg(failure->last_result)); } talloc_free(mem_ctx); return true; } /** * Prints all DC's link failures */ static bool net_drs_showrepl_print_link_failures(struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx) { int i; bool bret; struct ldb_dn *ntds_dn; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaKccDsaFailure *failure; struct drsuapi_DsReplicaKccDsaFailuresCtr *link_failures; union drsuapi_DsReplicaInfo replica_info; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; d_printf("\n==== LINK FAILURES ====\n"); bret = net_drs_exec_DsReplicaGetInfo(drs_ctx, DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_KCC_DSA_LINK_FAILURES, &replica_info); if (!bret) { d_printf("DsReplicaGetInfo() failed for DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_INFO_KCC_DSA_CONNECT_FAILURES"); return false; } link_failures = replica_info.linkfailures; mem_ctx = talloc_new(drs_ctx); for (i = 0; i < link_failures->count; i++) { failure = &link_failures->array[i]; ntds_dn = ldb_dn_new(mem_ctx, drs_ctx->ldap.ldb, failure->dsa_obj_dn); d_printf("Source: %s\n", net_drs_dc_canonical_string(ntds_dn, mem_ctx)); d_printf("******* %d CONSECUTIVE FAILURES since %s\n", failure->num_failures, nt_time_string(mem_ctx, failure->first_failure)); d_printf("Last error: %d (%s):\n", W_ERROR_V(failure->last_result), win_errstr(failure->last_result)); d_printf("\t\t\t%s\n", get_friendly_werror_msg(failure->last_result)); } talloc_free(mem_ctx); return true; } /** * 'net drs showrepl' command entry point */ int net_drs_showrepl_cmd(struct net_context *ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { const char *dc_name; struct net_drs_context *drs_ctx = NULL; /* only one arg expected */ if (argc != 1) { return net_drs_showrepl_usage(ctx, argc, argv); } dc_name = argv[0]; if (!net_drs_create_context(ctx, dc_name, &drs_ctx)) { goto failed; } /* Print DC and Site info */ if (!net_drs_showrepl_print_dc_info(drs_ctx)) { goto failed; } /* INBOUND Neighbors */ if (!net_drs_showrepl_print_inbound_neihbors(drs_ctx)) { goto failed; } /* OUTBOUND Neighbors */ if (!net_drs_showrepl_print_outbound_neihbors(drs_ctx)) { goto failed; } /* Connection objects for DC */ if (!net_drs_showrepl_print_connection_objects(drs_ctx)) { goto failed; } /* Connection failures */ if (!net_drs_showrepl_print_connect_failures(drs_ctx)) { goto failed; } /* Link failures */ if (!net_drs_showrepl_print_link_failures(drs_ctx)) { goto failed; } talloc_free(drs_ctx); return 0; failed: talloc_free(drs_ctx); return -1; } /** * 'net drs showrepl' usage */ int net_drs_showrepl_usage(struct net_context *ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { d_printf("net drs showrepl <DC_NAME>\n"); return 0; }