Samba4 unixAuth test


<% /* if its a post then the user has filled in the form, so report the values */ if (request['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { /* if they cancelled then take them back to the list of tests */ if (form['submit'] == "Cancel") { redirect("index.esp"); } username = form['Username']; password = form['Password']; if (form['submit'] == "Logout") { res = unixAuth("logout", "logout"); } if (form['submit'] == "Login") { res = unixAuth(username, password); if (res != 0) { write ("
Unsuccessful authentication\n"); } else { write ("
Successfully authenticated\n"); } } } write ("
AUTHENTICATED = " + session['AUTHENTICATED'] + "\n"); write ("
USERNAME = " + session['USERNAME'] + "\n"); write ("
PRIVILEGE = " + session['PRIVILEGE'] + "\n"); %>