Welcome to SWAT!

This is a online demonstration of the current version of the Samba Web Administration Tool. This tool is still being written so you'll find it looks very rough at this stage.

Normally this opening page would contain the (as yet unwritten) welcome blurb for SWAT, giving basic instructions on how to use it. I've put this bit of waffle in its place for the moment.

Also note that SWAT normally demands authentication before showing you this page, otherwise anyone could modify your smb.conf! I've disabled that for this demo.


Here are some of the features we want to eventually incorporate.

There are also some obvious flaws with what has already been done: On the positive side, here are some good features of SWAT:


Before you install SWAT you need to realise that it is still work in progress. It does work but don't be totally surprised if you hit problems. Also make sure you are prepared to give us some feedback.

If you still want to install it then you will need to fetch the latest version of Samba via anonymous CVS. See http://samba.anu.edu.au/cvs.html. Then build and install Samba as usual and read the swat/README file that comes with the source.


Join the samba-technical mailing list if you want to discuss SWAT. --

Andrew Tridgell