#!/bin/sh if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then cat <<EOF Usage: test_ldb.sh PROTOCOL SERVER [OPTIONS] EOF exit 1; fi p=$1 SERVER=$2 PREFIX=$3 shift 2 options="$*" . `dirname $0`/subunit.sh check() { name="$1" shift cmdline="$*" echo "test: $name" $cmdline status=$? if [ x$status = x0 ]; then echo "success: $name" else echo "failure: $name" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi return $status } check "RootDSE" bin/ldbsearch $CONFIGURATION $options --basedn='' -H $p://$SERVER -s base DUMMY=x dnsHostName highestCommittedUSN || failed=`expr $failed + 1` echo "Getting defaultNamingContext" BASEDN=`bin/ldbsearch $CONFIGURATION $options --basedn='' -H $p://$SERVER -s base DUMMY=x defaultNamingContext | grep defaultNamingContext | awk '{print $2}'` echo "BASEDN is $BASEDN" check "Listing Users" bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER '(objectclass=user)' sAMAccountName || failed=`expr $failed + 1` check "Listing Users (sorted)" bin/ldbsearch -S $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER '(objectclass=user)' sAMAccountName || failed=`expr $failed + 1` check "Listing Groups" bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER '(objectclass=group)' sAMAccountName || failed=`expr $failed + 1` nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options -H $p://$SERVER $CONFIGURATION '(|(|(&(!(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=1))(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2147483648)(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=10))(samAccountType=805306368))(samAccountType=805306369))' sAMAccountName | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` echo "Found $nentries entries" if [ $nentries -lt 10 ]; then echo "Should have found at least 10 entries" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Check rootDSE for Controls" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER -s base -b "" '(objectclass=*)' | grep -i supportedControl | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 4 ]; then echo "Should have found at least 4 entries" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Test Paged Results Control" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=paged_results:1:5 '(objectclass=user)' | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Paged Results Control test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Test Server Sort Control" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=server_sort:1:0:sAMAccountName '(objectclass=user)' | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Server Sort Control test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Test Extended DN Control" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=extended_dn:1 '(objectclass=user)' | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Extended DN Control test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=extended_dn:1:0 '(objectclass=user)' | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Extended DN Control test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=extended_dn:1:1 '(objectclass=user)' | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Extended DN Control test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Test Domain scope Control" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=domain_scope:1 '(objectclass=user)' | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Extended Domain scope Control test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Test Attribute Scope Query Control" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=asq:1:member -s base -b "CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,$BASEDN" | grep sAMAccountName | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Attribute Scope Query test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Test Search Options Control" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=search_options:1:2 '(objectclass=crossRef)' | grep crossRef | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Search Options Control Query test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi echo "Test Search Options Control with Domain Scope Control" nentries=`bin/ldbsearch $options $CONFIGURATION -H $p://$SERVER --controls=search_options:1:2,domain_scope:1 '(objectclass=crossRef)' | grep crossRef | wc -l` if [ $nentries -lt 1 ]; then echo "Search Options Control Query test returned 0 items" failed=`expr $failed + 1` fi exit $failed