/* demonstrate access to rpc calls from ejs */ function irpcObj() { var o = new Object(); o.in = new Object(); return o; } function test_AddOne(binding) { var status; var conn = new Object(); var io = irpcObj(); status = rpc_connect(conn, binding, "rpcecho"); if (status.is_ok != true) { print("Failed to connect to " + binding + " - " + status.errstr + "\n"); return; } for (i=0;i<10;i++) { io.in.in_data = i; status = dcerpc_echo_AddOne(conn, io); print("AddOne(" + i + ")=" + io.out.out_data + "\n"); } } if (ARGV.length == 0) { print("Usage: echo.js \n"); exit(0); } var binding = ARGV[0]; test_AddOne(binding);