# Utilities for driving smbclient

# Variables

set smb_prompt "smb: \\\\>"

# Spawn smbclient and wait for a prompt

proc spawn_smbclient { args } {
    set result 0
    global smb_prompt
    global spawn_id

    # Spawn smbclient

    spawn smbclient [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] \
	    [lindex $args 3] [lindex $args 4] [lindex $args 5] \
	    [lindex $args 6]

    # Wait for prompt

    expect {
	$smb_prompt   { set result 1 }
	timeout       { perror "timed out spawning smbclient" }
	eof           { perror "end of file spawning smbclient" }

    return $result

# Run a command and wait for a prompt

proc do_smbclient { args } {
    set action [lindex $args 0]
    set description [lindex $args 1]
    global smb_prompt

    # Send command

    verbose $action

    send $action

    expect {
	$smb_prompt     {}
	timeout         { perror "timed out $description"; return -1}
	eof             { perror "end of file description"; return -1 }

    verbose $expect_out(buffer)
    return $expect_out(buffer)