# @(#) Test that all users are members of the Domain Users group.
# Note that this isn't necessarily true all the time but you have to
# explicitly move people out of that group so it should be OK for te

load_lib util-defs.exp
load_lib $srcdir/lib/nsswitch-config.exp

# Get list of users and stick usernames in a hash

set user_list [util_start "getent" "passwd" ""]

foreach { user } [split $user_list "\n"] {
    set user_elts [split $user ":"]
    set users([lindex $user_elts 0]) 1

# Get list of groups

set group_list [util_start "getent" "group" ""]

foreach { group } [split $group_list "\n"] {
    set group_elts [split $group ":"]

    # Look for domain users group

    if { ![regexp "Domain Users" [lindex $group_elts 0]] } {

    # Check each member of group was found in getent passwd

    foreach { mem } [split [lindex $group_elts 3] ","] {
        set mems($mem) 1