# @(#) Test reverse lookup of user ids from getent match getpwuid() output

load_lib util-defs.exp
load_lib "$srcdir/config/env.exp"
load_lib "$srcdir/config/default-nt-names.exp"

# Compile getpwuid.c

set output [target_compile "$srcdir/$subdir/getpwuid.c" \
        "$srcdir/$subdir/getpwuid" executable {additional_flags="-g"}]

if {$output != ""} {
    perror "compile getpwuid"
    puts $output

# Get list of uids using getent

set output [util_start "getent" "passwd" ""]
set got_entries 0

foreach {line} [split $output "\n"] {

    # Process user

    set pwd_entry [split $line ":"]
    set user [lindex $pwd_entry 0]

    if {[regexp "^($domain)/" $user]} {

        set got_entries 1

        # Only lookup winbindd users

        set uid [lindex $pwd_entry 2]
        set gid [lindex $pwd_entry 3]

        # Test lookup of uid succeeds

        set output [util_start "$srcdir/$subdir/getpwuid" "$uid" ""]
        if {[regexp "PASS:" $output]} {
            pass "getpwuid $uid ($user)"
        } else {
            fail "getpwuid $uid ($user)"

if {!$got_entries} {
    perror "No domain users returned from getent"