/* ************************************************************************ qooxdoo - the new era of web development http://qooxdoo.org Copyright: 2004-2006 by 1&1 Internet AG, Germany, http://www.1and1.org License: LGPL 2.1: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html Authors: * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti) * Andreas Ecker (ecker) ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ */ qx.OO.defineClass("qx.dom.ElementFromPoint"); qx.dom.ElementFromPoint.getElementFromPoint = function(x, y) { return qx.dom.ElementFromPoint.getElementFromPointHandler(document.body, x, y); } qx.dom.ElementFromPoint.getElementFromPointHandler = function(node, x, y, recursive) { var ch = node.childNodes; var chl = ch.length-1; if (chl < 0) { return null; } var chc, subres, ret; do { chc = ch[chl]; ret = qx.dom.ElementFromPoint.getElementFromPointChecker(chc, x, y); if (ret) { if (typeof recursive === "boolean" && recursive == false) { return chc; } else { subres = qx.dom.ElementFromPoint.getElementFromPointHandler(chc, x-ret[0]-qx.dom.Style.getBorderLeft(chc), y-ret[2]-qx.dom.Style.getBorderTop(chc)); return subres ? subres : chc; } } } while(chl--); return null; } qx.dom.ElementFromPoint.getElementFromPointChecker = function(chc, x, y) { var xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop; if (chc.nodeType != 1) { return false; } xstart = qx.dom.Offset.getLeft(chc); if (x > xstart) { ystart = qx.dom.Offset.getTop(chc); if (y > ystart) { xstop = xstart + chc.offsetWidth; if (x < xstop) { ystop = ystart + chc.offsetHeight; if (y < ystop) { return [ xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop ]; } } } } return false; } qx.dom.ElementFromPoint.getElementAbsolutePointChecker = function(chc, x, y) { var xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop; if (!chc || chc.nodeType != 1) { return false; } xstart = qx.dom.Location.getPageBoxLeft(chc); if (x > xstart) { ystart = qx.dom.Location.getPageBoxTop(chc); if (y > ystart) { xstop = xstart + chc.offsetWidth; if (x < xstop) { ystop = ystart + chc.offsetHeight; if (y < ystop) { return [ xstart, xstop, ystart, ystop ]; } } } } return false; }