/* ************************************************************************ qooxdoo - the new era of web development http://qooxdoo.org Copyright: 2004-2006 by 1&1 Internet AG, Germany, http://www.1and1.org License: LGPL 2.1: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html Authors: * Sebastian Werner (wpbasti) * Andreas Ecker (ecker) ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ #module(theme_color) ************************************************************************ */ qx.OO.defineClass("qx.theme.color.WindowsLunaSilver", qx.renderer.theme.ColorTheme, function() { qx.renderer.theme.ColorTheme.call(this, "Windows Luna Silver"); }); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE COLORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.Proto._colors = qx.lang.Object.carefullyMergeWith({ activeborder : [ 212,208,200 ], activecaption : [ 192,192,192 ], appworkspace : [ 128,128,128 ], background : [ 88,87,104 ], buttonface : [ 224,223,227 ], buttonhighlight : [ 255,255,255 ], buttonshadow : [ 157,157,161 ], buttontext : [ 0,0,0 ], captiontext : [ 14,16,16 ], graytext : [ 172,168,153 ], highlight : [ 178,180,191 ], highlighttext : [ 0,0,0 ], inactiveborder : [ 212,208,200 ], inactivecaption : [ 255,255,255 ], inactivecaptiontext : [ 162,161,161 ], infobackground : [ 255,255,225 ], infotext : [ 0,0,0 ], menu : [ 255,255,255 ], menutext : [ 0,0,0 ], scrollbar : [ 212,208,200 ], threeddarkshadow : [ 113,111,100 ], threedface : [ 224,223,227 ], threedhighlight : [ 255,255,255 ], threedlightshadow : [ 241,239,226 ], threedshadow : [ 157,157,161 ], window : [ 255,255,255 ], windowframe : [ 0,0,0 ], windowtext : [ 0,0,0 ] }, qx.Super.prototype._colors); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFER SINGLETON INSTANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Singleton Instance Getter */ qx.Class.getInstance = qx.util.Return.returnInstance; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTER TO MANAGER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ qx.manager.object.ColorManager.getInstance().registerColorTheme(qx.Class);