/* ************************************************************************ qooxdoo - the new era of web development http://qooxdoo.org Copyright: 2006 by STZ-IDA, Germany, http://www.stz-ida.de License: LGPL 2.1: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html Authors: * Til Schneider (til132) ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ #module(ui_table) ************************************************************************ */ /** * A selection model. * * @event changeSelection {qx.event.type.Event} Fired when the selection has * changed. */ qx.OO.defineClass("qx.ui.table.SelectionModel", qx.core.Target, function() { qx.core.Target.call(this); this._selectedRangeArr = []; this._anchorSelectionIndex = -1; this._leadSelectionIndex = -1; this.hasBatchModeRefCount = 0; this._hadChangeEventInBatchMode = false; }); /** {int} The selection mode "none". Nothing can ever be selected. */ qx.Class.NO_SELECTION = 1; /** {int} The selection mode "single". This mode only allows one selected item. */ qx.Class.SINGLE_SELECTION = 2; /** * (int) The selection mode "single interval". This mode only allows one * continuous interval of selected items. */ qx.Class.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION = 3; /** * (int) The selection mode "multiple interval". This mode only allows any * selection. */ qx.Class.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION = 4; /** * (int) the selection mode. */ qx.OO.addProperty({ name:"selectionMode", type:"number", defaultValue:qx.Class.SINGLE_SELECTION, allowNull:false, possibleValues:[ qx.Class.NO_SELECTION, qx.Class.SINGLE_SELECTION, qx.Class.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION, qx.Class.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ] }); // selectionMode property modifier qx.Proto._modifySelectionMode = function(selectionMode) { if (selectionMode == qx.ui.table.SelectionModel.NO_SELECTION) { this.clearSelection(); } return true; } /** *

Activates / Deactivates batch mode. In batch mode, no change events will be thrown but * will be collected instead. When batch mode is turned off again and any events have * been collected, one event is thrown to inform the listeners.

* *

This method supports nested calling, i. e. batch mode can be turned more than once. * In this case, batch mode will not end until it has been turned off once for each * turning on.

* * @param batchMode {boolean} true to activate batch mode, false to deactivate * @return {boolean} true if batch mode is active, false otherwise * @throws Error if batch mode is turned off once more than it has been turned on */ qx.Proto.setBatchMode = function(batchMode) { if (batchMode){ this.hasBatchModeRefCount += 1; } else { if (this.hasBatchModeRefCount == 0){ throw new Error("Try to turn off batch mode althoug it was not turned on.") } this.hasBatchModeRefCount -= 1; if (this._hadChangeEventInBatchMode){ this._hadChangeEventInBatchMode = false; this._fireChangeSelection(); } } return this.hasBatchMode(); } /** *

Returns whether batch mode is active. See setter for a description of batch mode.

* * @return {boolean} true if batch mode is active, false otherwise */ qx.Proto.hasBatchMode = function() { return this.hasBatchModeRefCount > 0; } /** * Returns the first argument of the last call to {@link #setSelectionInterval()}, * {@link #addSelectionInterval()} or {@link #removeSelectionInterval()}. * * @return {int} the ancor selection index. */ qx.Proto.getAnchorSelectionIndex = function() { return this._anchorSelectionIndex; } /** * Returns the second argument of the last call to {@link #setSelectionInterval()}, * {@link #addSelectionInterval()} or {@link #removeSelectionInterval()}. * * @return {int} the lead selection index. */ qx.Proto.getLeadSelectionIndex = function() { return this._leadSelectionIndex; } /** * Clears the selection. */ qx.Proto.clearSelection = function() { if (! this.isSelectionEmpty()) { this._clearSelection(); this._fireChangeSelection(); } } /** * Returns whether the selection is empty. * * @return {boolean} whether the selection is empty. */ qx.Proto.isSelectionEmpty = function() { return this._selectedRangeArr.length == 0; } /** * Returns the number of selected items. * * @return {int} the number of selected items. */ qx.Proto.getSelectedCount = function() { var selectedCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedRangeArr.length; i++) { var range = this._selectedRangeArr[i]; selectedCount += range.maxIndex - range.minIndex + 1; } return selectedCount; } /** * Returns whether a index is selected. * * @param index {int} the index to check. * @return {boolean} whether the index is selected. */ qx.Proto.isSelectedIndex = function(index) { for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedRangeArr.length; i++) { var range = this._selectedRangeArr[i]; if (index >= range.minIndex && index <= range.maxIndex) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the selected ranges as an array. Each array element has a * minIndex and a maxIndex property. * * @return {Map[]} the selected ranges. */ qx.Proto.getSelectedRanges = function() { // clone the selection array and the individual elements - this prevents the // caller from messing with the internal model var retVal = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedRangeArr.length; i++) { retVal.push({minIndex: this._selectedRangeArr[i].minIndex, maxIndex: this._selectedRangeArr[i].maxIndex}); } return retVal; } /** * Calls a iterator function for each selected index. *

* Usage Example: *

 * var selectedRowData = [];
 * mySelectionModel.iterateSelection(function(index) {
 *   selectedRowData.push(myTableModel.getRowData(index));
 * });
* * @param iterator {Function} the function to call for each selected index. * Gets the current index as parameter. * @param object {var ? null} the object to use when calling the handler. * (this object will be available via "this" in the iterator) */ qx.Proto.iterateSelection = function(iterator, object) { for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedRangeArr.length; i++) { for (var j = this._selectedRangeArr[i].minIndex; j <= this._selectedRangeArr[i].maxIndex; j++) { iterator.call(object, j); } } }; /** * Sets the selected interval. This will clear the former selection. * * @param fromIndex {int} the first index of the selection (including). * @param toIndex {int} the last index of the selection (including). */ qx.Proto.setSelectionInterval = function(fromIndex, toIndex) { var SelectionModel = qx.ui.table.SelectionModel; switch(this.getSelectionMode()) { case SelectionModel.NO_SELECTION: return; case SelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION: fromIndex = toIndex; break; } this._clearSelection(); this._addSelectionInterval(fromIndex, toIndex); this._fireChangeSelection(); } /** * Adds a selection interval to the current selection. * * @param fromIndex {int} the first index of the selection (including). * @param toIndex {int} the last index of the selection (including). */ qx.Proto.addSelectionInterval = function(fromIndex, toIndex) { var SelectionModel = qx.ui.table.SelectionModel; switch (this.getSelectionMode()) { case SelectionModel.NO_SELECTION: return; case SelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION: this._addSelectionInterval(fromIndex, toIndex); this._fireChangeSelection(); break; default: this.setSelectionInterval(fromIndex, toIndex); break; } } /** * Removes a interval from the current selection. * * @param fromIndex {int} the first index of the interval (including). * @param toIndex {int} the last index of the interval (including). */ qx.Proto.removeSelectionInterval = function(fromIndex, toIndex) { this._anchorSelectionIndex = fromIndex; this._leadSelectionIndex = toIndex; var minIndex = Math.min(fromIndex, toIndex); var maxIndex = Math.max(fromIndex, toIndex); // Crop the affected ranges for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedRangeArr.length; i++) { var range = this._selectedRangeArr[i]; if (range.minIndex > maxIndex) { // We are done break; } else if (range.maxIndex >= minIndex) { // This range is affected var minIsIn = (range.minIndex >= minIndex) && (range.minIndex <= maxIndex); var maxIsIn = (range.maxIndex >= minIndex) && (range.maxIndex <= maxIndex); if (minIsIn && maxIsIn) { // This range is removed completely this._selectedRangeArr.splice(i, 1); // Check this index another time i--; } else if (minIsIn) { // The range is cropped from the left range.minIndex = maxIndex + 1; } else if (maxIsIn) { // The range is cropped from the right range.maxIndex = minIndex - 1; } else { // The range is split var newRange = { minIndex:maxIndex + 1, maxIndex:range.maxIndex } this._selectedRangeArr.splice(i + 1, 0, newRange); range.maxIndex = minIndex - 1; // We are done break; } } } //this._dumpRanges(); this._fireChangeSelection(); } /** * Clears the selection, but doesn't inform the listeners. */ qx.Proto._clearSelection = function() { this._selectedRangeArr = []; } /** * Adds a selection interval to the current selection, but doesn't inform * the listeners. * * @param fromIndex {int} the first index of the selection (including). * @param toIndex {int} the last index of the selection (including). */ qx.Proto._addSelectionInterval = function(fromIndex, toIndex) { this._anchorSelectionIndex = fromIndex; this._leadSelectionIndex = toIndex; var minIndex = Math.min(fromIndex, toIndex); var maxIndex = Math.max(fromIndex, toIndex); // Find the index where the new range should be inserted var newRangeIndex = 0; for (; newRangeIndex < this._selectedRangeArr.length; newRangeIndex++) { var range = this._selectedRangeArr[newRangeIndex]; if (range.minIndex > minIndex) { break; } } // Add the new range this._selectedRangeArr.splice(newRangeIndex, 0, { minIndex:minIndex, maxIndex:maxIndex }); // Merge overlapping ranges var lastRange = this._selectedRangeArr[0]; for (var i = 1; i < this._selectedRangeArr.length; i++) { var range = this._selectedRangeArr[i]; if (lastRange.maxIndex + 1 >= range.minIndex) { // The ranges are overlapping -> merge them lastRange.maxIndex = Math.max(lastRange.maxIndex, range.maxIndex); // Remove the current range this._selectedRangeArr.splice(i, 1); // Check this index another time i--; } else { lastRange = range; } } //this._dumpRanges(); } /** * Logs the current ranges for debug perposes. */ qx.Proto._dumpRanges = function() { var text = "Ranges:"; for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedRangeArr.length; i++) { var range = this._selectedRangeArr[i]; text += " [" + range.minIndex + ".." + range.maxIndex + "]"; } this.debug(text); } /** * Fires the "changeSelection" event to all registered listeners. If the selection model * currently is in batch mode, only one event will be thrown when batch mode is ended. */ qx.Proto._fireChangeSelection = function() { //In batch mode, remember event but do not throw (yet) if (this.hasBatchMode()){ this._hadChangeEventInBatchMode = true; //If not in batch mode, throw event } else if (this.hasEventListeners("changeSelection")) { this.dispatchEvent(new qx.event.type.Event("changeSelection"), true); } }