/* ************************************************************************ qooxdoo - the new era of web development http://qooxdoo.org Copyright: 2006 by STZ-IDA, Germany, http://www.stz-ida.de License: LGPL 2.1: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html Authors: * Til Schneider (til132) ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ */ /** * A formatter and parser for dates * * @param format {string} The format to use. If null, the * {@link #DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT} is used. */ qx.OO.defineClass("qx.util.format.DateFormat", qx.util.format.Format, function(format) { qx.util.format.Format.call(this); this._format = (format != null) ? format : qx.util.format.DateFormat.DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT; }); /** * Fills a number with leading zeros ("25" -> "0025"). * * @param number {int} the number to fill. * @param minSize {int} the minimum size the returned string should have. * @return {string} the filled number as string. */ qx.Proto._fillNumber = function(number, minSize) { var str = "" + number; while (str.length < minSize) { str = "0" + str; } return str; } /** * Returns the day in year of a date. * * @param date {Date} the date. * @return {int} the day in year. */ qx.Proto._getDayInYear = function(date) { var helpDate = new Date(date.getTime()); var day = helpDate.getDate(); while (helpDate.getMonth() != 0) { // Set the date to the last day of the previous month helpDate.setDate(-1); day += helpDate.getDate() + 1; } return day; } /** * Returns the thursday in the same week as the date. * * @param date {Date} the date to get the thursday of. * @return {Date} the thursday in the same week as the date. */ qx.Proto._thursdayOfSameWeek = function(date) { return new Date(date.getTime() + (3 - ((date.getDay() + 6) % 7)) * 86400000); } /** * Returns the week in year of a date. * * @param date {Date} the date to get the week in year of. * @return {int} the week in year. */ qx.Proto._getWeekInYear = function(date) { // This algorithm gets the correct calendar week after ISO 8601. // This standard is used in almost all european countries. // TODO: In the US week in year is calculated different! // See http://www.merlyn.demon.co.uk/weekinfo.htm // The following algorithm comes from http://www.salesianer.de/util/kalwoch.html // Get the thursday of the week the date belongs to var thursdayDate = this._thursdayOfSameWeek(date); // Get the year the thursday (and therefor the week) belongs to var weekYear = thursdayDate.getFullYear(); // Get the thursday of the week january 4th belongs to // (which defines week 1 of a year) var thursdayWeek1 = this._thursdayOfSameWeek(new Date(weekYear, 0, 4)); // Calculate the calendar week return Math.floor(1.5 + (thursdayDate.getTime() - thursdayWeek1.getTime()) / 86400000 / 7) } /** * Formats a date. *

* Uses the same syntax as * * the SimpleDateFormat class in Java. * * @param date {Date} The date to format. * @return {string} the formatted date. */ qx.Proto.format = function(date) { var DateFormat = qx.util.format.DateFormat; var fullYear = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth(); var dayOfMonth = date.getDate(); var dayOfWeek = date.getDay(); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = date.getMinutes(); var seconds = date.getSeconds(); var ms = date.getMilliseconds(); var timezone = date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; // Create the output this._initFormatTree(); var output = ""; for (var i = 0; i < this._formatTree.length; i++) { var currAtom = this._formatTree[i]; if (currAtom.type == "literal") { output += currAtom.text; } else { // This is a wildcard var wildcardChar = currAtom.character; var wildcardSize = currAtom.size; // Get its replacement var replacement = "?"; switch (wildcardChar) { // TODO: G - Era designator (e.g. AD). Problem: Not covered by JScript Date class // TODO: W - Week in month (e.g. 2) // TODO: F - Day of week in month (e.g. 2). Problem: What is this? case 'y': // Year if (wildcardSize == 2) { replacement = this._fillNumber(fullYear % 100, 2); } else if (wildcardSize == 4) { replacement = fullYear; } break; case 'D': // Day in year (e.g. 189) replacement = this._fillNumber(this._getDayInYear(date), wildcardSize); break; case 'd': // Day in month replacement = this._fillNumber(dayOfMonth, wildcardSize); break; case 'w': // Week in year (e.g. 27) replacement = this._fillNumber(this._getWeekInYear(date), wildcardSize); break; case 'E': // Day in week if (wildcardSize == 2) { replacement = DateFormat.SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAMES[dayOfWeek]; } else if (wildcardSize == 3) { replacement = DateFormat.MEDIUM_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAMES[dayOfWeek]; } else if (wildcardSize == 4) { replacement = DateFormat.FULL_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAMES[dayOfWeek]; } break; case 'M': // Month if (wildcardSize == 1 || wildcardSize == 2) { replacement = this._fillNumber(month + 1, wildcardSize); } else if (wildcardSize == 3) { replacement = DateFormat.SHORT_MONTH_NAMES[month]; } else if (wildcardSize == 4) { replacement = DateFormat.FULL_MONTH_NAMES[month]; } break; case 'a': // am/pm marker // NOTE: 0:00 is am, 12:00 is pm replacement = (hours < 12) ? DateFormat.AM_MARKER : DateFormat.PM_MARKER; break; case 'H': // Hour in day (0-23) replacement = this._fillNumber(hours, wildcardSize); break; case 'k': // Hour in day (1-24) replacement = this._fillNumber((hours == 0) ? 24 : hours, wildcardSize); break; case 'K': // Hour in am/pm (0-11) replacement = this._fillNumber(hours % 12, wildcardSize); break; case 'h': // Hour in am/pm (1-12) replacement = this._fillNumber(((hours % 12) == 0) ? 12 : (hours % 12), wildcardSize); break; case 'm': // Minute in hour replacement = this._fillNumber(minutes, wildcardSize); break; case 's': // Second in minute replacement = this._fillNumber(seconds, wildcardSize); break; case 'S': // Millisecond replacement = this._fillNumber(ms, wildcardSize); break; case 'z': // Time zone if (wildcardSize == 1) { replacement = "GMT" + ((timezone < 0) ? "-" : "+") + this._fillNumber(timezone) + ":00"; } else if (wildcardSize == 2) { replacement = DateFormat.MEDIUM_TIMEZONE_NAMES[timezone]; } else if (wildcardSize == 3) { replacement = DateFormat.FULL_TIMEZONE_NAMES[timezone]; } break; case 'Z': // RFC 822 time zone replacement = ((timezone < 0) ? "-" : "+") + this._fillNumber(timezone, 2) + "00"; } output += replacement; } } return output; } /** * Parses a date. *

* Uses the same syntax as * * the SimpleDateFormat class in Java. * * @param dateStr {string} the date to parse. * @return {Date} the parsed date. * @throws If the format is not well formed or if the date string does not * match to the format. */ qx.Proto.parse = function(dateStr) { this._initParseFeed(); // Apply the regex var hit = this._parseFeed.regex.exec(dateStr); if (hit == null) { throw new Error("Date string '" + dateStr + "' does not match the date format: " + this._format); } // Apply the rules var dateValues = { year:1970, month:0, day:1, hour:0, ispm:false, min:0, sec:0, ms:0 } var currGroup = 1; for (var i = 0; i < this._parseFeed.usedRules.length; i++) { var rule = this._parseFeed.usedRules[i]; var value = hit[currGroup]; if (rule.field != null) { dateValues[rule.field] = parseInt(value, 10); } else { rule.manipulator(dateValues, value); } currGroup += (rule.groups == null) ? 1 : rule.groups; } var date = new Date(dateValues.year, dateValues.month, dateValues.day, (dateValues.ispm) ? (dateValues.hour + 12) : dateValues.hour, dateValues.min, dateValues.sec, dateValues.ms); if (dateValues.month != date.getMonth() || dateValues.year != date.getFullYear()) { // TODO: check if this is also necessary for the time components throw new Error("Error parsing date '" + dateStr + "': the value for day or month is too large"); } return date; } /** * Helper method for {@link #format()} and {@link #parse()}. * Parses the date format. */ qx.Proto._initFormatTree = function() { if (this._formatTree != null) { return; } this._formatTree = []; var currWildcardChar; var currWildcardSize; var currLiteral = ""; var format = this._format; for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { var currChar = format.charAt(i); // Check whether we are currently in a wildcard if (currWildcardChar != null) { // Check whether the currChar belongs to that wildcard if (currChar == currWildcardChar) { // It does -> Raise the size currWildcardSize++; } else { // It does not -> The current wildcard is done this._formatTree.push({ type:"wildcard", character:currWildcardChar, size:currWildcardSize }); currWildcardChar = null; } } if (currWildcardChar == null) { // We are not (any more) in a wildcard -> Check what's starting here if ((currChar >= 'a' && currChar <= 'z') || (currChar >= 'A' && currChar <= 'Z')) { // This is a letter -> All letters are wildcards // Add the literal if (currLiteral.length > 0) { this._formatTree.push({ type:"literal", text:currLiteral }); currLiteral = ""; } // Start a new wildcard currWildcardChar = currChar; currWildcardSize = 1; } else { // This is a literal -> Add it to the current literal currLiteral += currChar; } } } // Add the last wildcard or literal if (currWildcardChar != null) { this._formatTree.push({ type:"wildcard", character:currWildcardChar, size:currWildcardSize }); } else if (currLiteral.length > 0) { this._formatTree.push({ type:"literal", text:currLiteral }); } } /** * Initializes the parse feed. *

* The parse contains everything needed for parsing: The regular expression * (in compiled and uncompiled form) and the used rules. * * @return {Map} the parse feed. */ qx.Proto._initParseFeed = function() { if (this._parseFeed != null) { // We already have the farse feed return; } var DateFormat = qx.util.format.DateFormat; // Initialize the rules this._initParseRules(); this._initFormatTree(); // Get the used rules and construct the regex pattern var usedRules = []; var pattern = "^"; for (var atomIdx = 0; atomIdx < this._formatTree.length; atomIdx++) { var currAtom = this._formatTree[atomIdx]; if (currAtom.type == "literal") { pattern += qx.lang.String.escapeRegexpChars(currAtom.text); } else { // This is a wildcard var wildcardChar = currAtom.character; var wildcardSize = currAtom.size; // Get the rule for this wildcard var wildcardRule; for (var ruleIdx = 0; ruleIdx < DateFormat._parseRules.length; ruleIdx++) { var rule = DateFormat._parseRules[ruleIdx]; if (wildcardChar == rule.pattern.charAt(0) && wildcardSize == rule.pattern.length) { // We found the right rule for the wildcard wildcardRule = rule; break; } } // Check the rule if (wildcardRule == null) { // We have no rule for that wildcard -> Malformed date format var wildcardStr = ""; for (var i = 0; i < wildcardSize; i++) { wildcardStr += wildcardChar; } throw new Error("Malformed date format: " + format + ". Wildcard " + wildcardStr + " is not supported"); } else { // Add the rule to the pattern usedRules.push(wildcardRule); pattern += wildcardRule.regex; } } } pattern += "$"; // Create the regex var regex; try { regex = new RegExp(pattern); } catch (exc) { throw new Error("Malformed date format: " + format); } // Create the this._parseFeed this._parseFeed = { regex:regex, "usedRules":usedRules, pattern:pattern } } /** * Initializes the static parse rules. */ qx.Proto._initParseRules = function() { var DateFormat = qx.util.format.DateFormat; if (DateFormat._parseRules != null) { // The parse rules are already initialized return; } DateFormat._parseRules = []; var yearManipulator = function(dateValues, value) { value = parseInt(value, 10); if (value < DateFormat.ASSUME_YEAR_2000_THRESHOLD) { value += 2000; } else if (value < 100) { value += 1900; } dateValues.year = value; } var monthManipulator = function(dateValues, value) { dateValues.month = parseInt(value, 10) - 1; } var ampmManipulator = function(dateValues, value) { dateValues.ispm = (value == DateFormat.PM_MARKER); } var noZeroHourManipulator = function(dateValues, value) { dateValues.hour = parseInt(value, 10) % 24; } var noZeroAmPmHourManipulator = function(dateValues, value) { dateValues.hour = parseInt(value, 10) % 12; } // Unsupported: w (Week in year), W (Week in month), D (Day in year), // F (Day of week in month), z (time zone) reason: no setter in Date class, // Z (RFC 822 time zone) reason: no setter in Date class DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"yyyy", regex:"(\\d\\d(\\d\\d)?)", groups:2, manipulator:yearManipulator } ); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"yy", regex:"(\\d\\d)", manipulator:yearManipulator } ); // TODO: "MMMM", "MMM" (Month names) DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"MM", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", manipulator:monthManipulator }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"dd", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"day" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"d", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"day" }); // TODO: "EEEE", "EEE", "EE" (Day in week names) DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"a", regex:"(" + DateFormat.AM_MARKER + "|" + DateFormat.PM_MARKER + ")", manipulator:ampmManipulator }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"HH", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"hour" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"H", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"hour" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"kk", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", manipulator:noZeroHourManipulator }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"k", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", manipulator:noZeroHourManipulator }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"KK", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"hour" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"K", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"hour" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"hh", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", manipulator:noZeroAmPmHourManipulator }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"h", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", manipulator:noZeroAmPmHourManipulator }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"mm", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"min" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"m", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"min" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"ss", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"sec" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"s", regex:"(\\d\\d?)", field:"sec" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"SSS", regex:"(\\d\\d?\\d?)", field:"ms" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"SS", regex:"(\\d\\d?\\d?)", field:"ms" }); DateFormat._parseRules.push({ pattern:"S", regex:"(\\d\\d?\\d?)", field:"ms" }); } /** * Returns a DateFomat instance that uses the * {@link #DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT}. * * @return {string} the date/time instance. */ qx.Class.getDateTimeInstance = function() { var DateFormat = qx.util.format.DateFormat; if (DateFormat._dateTimeInstance == null) { DateFormat._dateTimeInstance = new DateFormat(); } return DateFormat._dateTimeInstance; } /** * Returns a DateFomat instance that uses the * {@link #DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT}. * * @return {string} the date instance. */ qx.Class.getDateInstance = function() { var DateFormat = qx.util.format.DateFormat; if (DateFormat._dateInstance == null) { DateFormat._dateInstance = new DateFormat(DateFormat.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); } return DateFormat._dateInstance; } /** * (int) The threshold until when a year should be assumed to belong to the * 21st century (e.g. 12 -> 2012). Years over this threshold but below 100 will be * assumed to belong to the 20th century (e.g. 88 -> 1988). Years over 100 will be * used unchanged (e.g. 1792 -> 1792). */ qx.Class.ASSUME_YEAR_2000_THRESHOLD = 30; /** {string} The short date format. */ qx.Class.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT = "MM/dd/yyyy"; /** {string} The medium date format. */ qx.Class.MEDIUM_DATE_FORMAT = "MMM dd, yyyy"; /** {string} The long date format. */ qx.Class.LONG_DATE_FORMAT = "MMMM dd, yyyy"; /** {string} The full date format. */ qx.Class.FULL_DATE_FORMAT = "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy"; /** {string} The short time format. */ qx.Class.SHORT_TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm"; /** {string} The medium time format. */ qx.Class.MEDIUM_TIME_FORMAT = qx.util.format.DateFormat.SHORT_TIME_FORMAT; /** {string} The long time format. */ qx.Class.LONG_TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss"; /** {string} The full time format. */ qx.Class.FULL_TIME_FORMAT = "HH:mm:ss zz"; /** {string} The short date-time format. */ qx.Class.SHORT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = qx.util.format.DateFormat.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT + " " + qx.util.format.DateFormat.SHORT_TIME_FORMAT; /** {string} The medium date-time format. */ qx.Class.MEDIUM_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = qx.util.format.DateFormat.MEDIUM_DATE_FORMAT + " " + qx.util.format.DateFormat.MEDIUM_TIME_FORMAT; /** {string} The long date-time format. */ qx.Class.LONG_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = qx.util.format.DateFormat.LONG_DATE_FORMAT + " " + qx.util.format.DateFormat.LONG_TIME_FORMAT; /** {string} The full date-time format. */ qx.Class.FULL_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = qx.util.format.DateFormat.FULL_DATE_FORMAT + " " + qx.util.format.DateFormat.FULL_TIME_FORMAT; /** {string} The date format used for logging. */ qx.Class.LOGGING_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; /** {string} The default date/time format. */ qx.Class.DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = qx.util.format.DateFormat.LOGGING_DATE_TIME_FORMAT; /** {string} The default date format. */ qx.Class.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = qx.util.format.DateFormat.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT; /** {string} The am marker. */ qx.Class.AM_MARKER = "am"; /** {string} The pm marker. */ qx.Class.PM_MARKER = "pm"; /** {string[]} The full month names. */ qx.Class.FULL_MONTH_NAMES = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]; /** {string[]} The short month names. */ qx.Class.SHORT_MONTH_NAMES = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; /** {string[]} The short (two letter) day of week names. */ qx.Class.SHORT_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAMES = [ "Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa" ]; /** {string[]} The medium (three letter) day of week names. */ qx.Class.MEDIUM_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAMES = [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ]; /** {string[]} The full day of week names. */ qx.Class.FULL_DAY_OF_WEEK_NAMES = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ]; /** {string[]} The medium (three letter) timezone names. */ qx.Class.MEDIUM_TIMEZONE_NAMES = [ "GMT" // TODO: fill up ]; /** {string[]} The full timezone names. */ qx.Class.FULL_TIMEZONE_NAMES = [ "Greenwich Mean Time" // TODO: fill up ];