/* ************************************************************************ qooxdoo - the new era of web development http://qooxdoo.org Copyright: 2006 STZ-IDA, Germany, http://www.stz-ida.de License: LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html EPL: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php See the LICENSE file in the project's top-level directory for details. Authors: * Til Schneider (til132) ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ #module(core) #module(log) ************************************************************************ */ /** * An appender that writes all messages to a log window. *

* This class does not depend on qooxdoo widgets, so it also works when there * are problems with widgets or when the widgets are not yet initialized. * * @param name {String ? "qx_log"} the name of the log window. */ qx.OO.defineClass("qx.log.WindowAppender", qx.log.Appender, function(name) { qx.log.Appender.call(this); this._id = qx.log.WindowAppender.register(this); this._name = (name == null) ? "qx_log" : name; this._errorsPreventingAutoCloseCount = 0; this._logWindowOpened = false; }); /** * The maximum number of messages to show. If null the number of messages is not * limited. */ qx.OO.addProperty({ name:"maxMessages", type:"number", defaultValue:500 }); /** Whether the window should appear under the main window. */ qx.OO.addProperty({ name:"popUnder", type:"boolean", defaultValue:false, allowNull:false }); /** Whether the window should automatically be closed when its creating page is unloaded and * errors have been logged. Note that errors that have been logged before this property has been * turned off will be ignored. Warning: Turning this off may create a memory hole because the disposer * of this class will auto-close the window, i. e. it may stay open after dispose(), still holding * memory. However, for diagnostics it is often more important to get information about errors * than to save memory. */ qx.OO.addProperty({ name:"autoCloseWithErrors", type:"boolean", defaultValue:true, allowNull:false }); /** * Creates and opens the log window if it doesn't alread exist. */ qx.Proto.openWindow = function() { if (this._logWindowOpened) { // The window is already open -> Nothing to do return; } // Open the logger window var winWidth = 600; var winHeight = 350; var winLeft = window.screen.width - winWidth; var winTop = window.screen.height - winHeight; var params = "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes," + "width=" + winWidth + ",height=" + winHeight + ",left=" + winLeft + ",top=" + winTop; // NOTE: In window.open the browser will process the event queue. // Which means that other log events may arrive during this time. // The log window is then in an inconsistent state, because the // this._logElem is not created yet. These events will be added to the // this._logEventQueue and logged after this._logElem is created. this._logWindow = window.open("", this._name, params); if (!this._logWindow || this._logWindow.closed) { if (!this._popupBlockerWarning) { alert("Couldn't open debug window. Please disable your popup blocker!"); } this._popupBlockerWarning = true; return; } // Seems to be OK now. this._popupBlockerWarning = false; // Store that window is open this._logWindowOpened = true; if (this.getPopUnder()) { this._logWindow.blur(); window.focus(); } var logDocument = this._logWindow.document; // NOTE: We have to use a static onunload handler, because an onunload // that is set later using DOM is ignored completely. // (at least in Firefox, but maybe in IE, too) logDocument.open(); logDocument.write("" + this._name + "" + '' + '


  this._logElem = logDocument.getElementById("log");

  // Log the events from the queue
  if (this._logEventQueue != null) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this._logEventQueue.length; i++) {
    this._logEventQueue = null;

 * Closes the log window.
qx.Proto.closeWindow = function() {
  if (this._logWindow != null) {
    this._logWindow = null;
    this._logElem = null;
    this._logWindowOpened = false;

 * Called when the window should be automatically closed (because the page that opened
 * is is unloaded). Will only close the window if the autoClose***-Properties allow it
qx.Proto._autoCloseWindow = function() {
  if (this.getAutoCloseWithErrors() || this._errorsPreventingAutoCloseCount == 0){
  } else  {
    //Show message why auto-close has failed
    this._showMessageInLog("Log window message: Note: " + this._errorsPreventingAutoCloseCount
                        + " errors have been recorded, keeping log window open.");

 * Appends a line to the log showing the given text
 * @param msg {String} message to show, may be HTML
qx.Proto._showMessageInLog = function(msg) {
  //Create dummy log event and use appendLogEvent()
  //Reason is that it is rather complicated to get something into the log
  //window when it is not already open -> reuse the existing code
  //which does event queuing in such a case
  var dummyEvent = {message: msg, isDummyEventForMessage : true};

// overridden
qx.Proto.appendLogEvent = function(evt) {
  if (!this._logWindowOpened) {
    this._logEventQueue = [];


    // Popup-Blocker was active!
    if (!this._logWindowOpened) {
  } else if (this._logElem == null) {
    // The window is currenlty opening, but not yet finished
    // -> Put the event in the queue
  } else {
    var divElem = this._logWindow.document.createElement("div");
    if (evt.level >= qx.log.Logger.LEVEL_ERROR) {
      divElem.style.backgroundColor = "#FFEEEE";
      if (!this.getAutoCloseWithErrors()){
        this._errorsPreventingAutoCloseCount += 1;
    } else if (evt.level == qx.log.Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG) {
      divElem.style.color = "gray";
    if (evt.isDummyEventForMessage){
      divElem.innerHTML = evt.message;
    } else {
      divElem.innerHTML = qx.html.String.fromText(this.formatLogEvent(evt));

    while (this._logElem.childNodes.length > this.getMaxMessages()) {

      if (this._removedMessageCount == null) {
        this._removedMessageCount = 1;
      } else {

    if (this._removedMessageCount != null) {
      this._logElem.firstChild.innerHTML = "(" + this._removedMessageCount
        + " messages removed)";

    // Scroll to bottom
    this._logWindow.scrollTo(0, this._logElem.offsetHeight);

qx.Proto._modifyAutoCloseWithErrors = function(propValue, propOldValue, propData){
  if (!propValue && propOldValue){
    this._errorsPreventingAutoCloseCount = 0;

    //Show message in log so user can see which errors have been counted
    this._showMessageInLog("Log window message: Starting error recording, any errors below this line will prevent the log window from closing");

  } else if (propValue && !propOldValue){
    //Show message in log so user can see which errors have been counted
    this._showMessageInLog("Log window message: Stopping error recording, discarding " + this._errorsPreventingAutoCloseCount + " errors.");
  return true;

// overridden
qx.Proto.dispose = function() {
  if (this.getDisposed()) {
    return true;


  return qx.log.Appender.prototype.dispose.call(this);

qx.Class._nextId = 1;
qx.Class._registeredAppenders = {};

 * Registers a WindowAppender. This is used by the WindowAppender internally.
 * You don't have to call this.
 * @param appender {WindowAppender} the WindowAppender to register.
 * @return {Integer} the ID.
qx.Class.register = function(appender) {
  var WindowAppender = qx.log.WindowAppender;

  var id = WindowAppender._nextId++;
  WindowAppender._registeredAppenders[id] = appender;

  return id;

 * Returns a prviously registered WindowAppender.
 * @param id {Integer} the ID of the wanted WindowAppender.
 * @return {WindowAppender} the WindowAppender or null if no
 *     WindowAppender with this ID is registered.
qx.Class.getAppender = function(id) {
  return qx.log.WindowAppender._registeredAppenders[id];